Chapter 10

The rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore greeted Amelia as she arrived at Takoba Seaside Bay early in the morning. She took in the sight of the vast expanse of trash that littered the beach, a testament to the daunting task ahead. She spotted Izuku, already hard at work, sweat glistening on his forehead as he heaved a rusted refrigerator onto a pile of debris.

Nearby, All Might, in his skeletal form, observed Izuku with a critical yet approving eye. Amelia's heart swelled with pride for her friend. Over the past few months, Izuku had dedicated himself wholeheartedly to the intense training regimen All Might had set for him, transforming his body into a formidable vessel for the power he would soon inherit.

"All Might!" Amelia called out, jogging up to the two. "Morning, Izuku."

Izuku looked up, his face breaking into a grin despite the exertion. "Morning, Amelia! Ready for another day?"

"All Might, I'm ready for our sparring session," Amelia said with a determined glint in her eyes. "But I'll help Izuku first."

"All right, young Amelia," All Might replied, his tone both encouraging and authoritative. "Just remember, your training is just as important. We need to make sure you're prepared for the challenges ahead."

Amelia nodded, appreciating All Might's concern. She turned to help Izuku with the heavier pieces of trash, using her enhanced strength to lift and carry the debris more efficiently. The physical labour was exhausting, but Amelia found a strange satisfaction in the repetitive motions. It was a tangible way to measure progress, each cleared section of the beach was a testament to their hard work.

For the next few hours, the three of them worked tirelessly. Amelia and Izuku laboured side by side, their camaraderie growing stronger with each passing day. She admired Izuku's unwavering determination, even as he pushed himself to the brink of exhaustion.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, All Might called for a break. He handed out water bottles and they gathered in the shade of a large, weather-beaten umbrella someone had discarded.

"You've done well today, young Midoriya," All Might praised, clapping a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "But remember, it's important not to overextend yourself. We need you in top shape, not broken down."

Izuku nodded, gulping down his water. "I know, All Might. I just... I want to be ready. To be a hero like you."

Amelia smiled at Izuku, touched by his earnestness. She could see the toll the training was taking on him, but also the fire in his eyes that drove him forward.

After their break, Amelia's training session began. Unlike Izuku's physical conditioning, her regimen involved sparring directly with All Might, albeit with him pulling his punches to avoid overwhelming her. The goal was to help her control and refine her immense strength, developing the skills necessary for combat.

"All right, Amelia," All Might said, assuming a fighting stance. "Show me what you've got!"

Amelia took a deep breath and launched herself at All Might, aiming a series of calculated punches. He dodged and parried her attacks with ease, occasionally offering tips and corrections. Despite her formidable powers, Amelia struggled to land a clean hit, her movements still lacking the precision and finesse of a seasoned fighter.

"You need to focus on your footwork, young Amelia," All Might advised, sidestepping one of her swings. "Strength is important, but without control, it's just raw power. You must learn to anticipate your opponent's movements and adjust accordingly."

Amelia nodded, wiping sweat from her brow. "Got it, All Might. I'll keep working on it."

Their sparring continued for the next few hours, each session pushing Amelia's limits further. Though she often found herself on the receiving end of All Might's lessons, she felt herself growing stronger and more capable with each passing day. The challenges were daunting, but the progress she made filled her with a sense of accomplishment.

By the end of the day, the beach was significantly cleaner, a testament to their relentless efforts. All Might clapped his hands together, a proud smile on his face. "Excellent work, both of you. We're making great strides. Keep this up, and you'll be ready for U.A. in no time."

Amelia and Izuku exchanged tired but triumphant smiles. The journey ahead was long and fraught with challenges, but with All Might's guidance and their unwavering determination, they felt ready to face whatever came their way.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Izuku's body transformed, becoming leaner and more muscular. His once frail frame now bore the strength needed to wield the incredible power of One For All. Amelia, too, made significant strides in her training. Her sparring sessions with All Might, while grueling, honed her abilities and taught her the importance of control and strategy.

One evening, four months into their training, the trio stood on the beach, surveying the now-pristine shoreline. Izuku's eyes shone with pride and a hint of disbelief at how far they had come.

"All Might," Izuku said, his voice filled with awe, "I think I'm ready. To inherit One For All."

All Might nodded, a serious expression replacing his usual jovial demeanor. "You've done well, young Midoriya. Your dedication and hard work have prepared you for this moment. Tomorrow, we'll begin the next phase of your journey."

Amelia placed a reassuring hand on Izuku's shoulder. "You've got this, Izuku. You've worked so hard for this moment."

Izuku's eyes met hers, filled with gratitude and determination. "Thanks, Amelia. I couldn't have done it without you and All Might."

As the sun set over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the beach, Amelia felt a profound sense of anticipation. Their journey was far from over, but the bonds they had forged and the progress they had made filled her with hope and excitement for the future.

The next chapter of their lives awaited, and they were ready to face it together.