Chapter 11

In the cool morning air, Izuku and Amelia stood together on Takoba Seaside Bay, ready for what would be a life-changing moment. Izuku's hands fidgeted nervously as All Might, towering and majestic in his muscular form, faced him with a determined look.

"All right, young Midoriya," All Might said, his voice booming with enthusiasm, "today is the day you inherit my Quirk, One For All."

Izuku blinked in confusion. "Inherit... your Quirk? How exactly do I do that?"

Amelia, standing beside him, watched with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. This was a moment she had only seen in the anime, and experiencing it in real life felt surreal.

All Might's grin widened as he pulled a single strand of his golden hair from his head and held it out to Izuku. "By ingesting my DNA, you will inherit my power. So, you'll need to eat this."

Izuku's eyes bulged in disbelief. "E-eat it?!"

Amelia couldn't suppress her laughter. She clutched her stomach, her laughter echoing across the bay. "This is going to be a meme for sure," she giggled, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

All Might, chuckling as well, maintained his heroic pose. "Indeed! Eat this!" he declared, waving the hair in front of Izuku's bewildered face.

With a mix of determination and apprehension, Izuku took the hair and reluctantly placed it in his mouth. He chewed it slowly, his expression a blend of disbelief and resolve. Amelia's laughter continued as she watched him.

"It doesn't matter how you take my DNA," All Might assured him. "But eating it is the fastest way."

Once Izuku had swallowed the hair, All Might clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Good. Now, it'll take some time for the Quirk to settle in. Be patient, and you'll soon feel the power."

The following days saw Izuku and Amelia training together, pushing their limits and honing their abilities. Izuku, with newfound strength slowly emerging from within, sparred with Amelia under All Might's watchful eye. Despite his initial reluctance to fight his friend, Izuku knew the importance of the training. Amelia, with her competitive spirit and encouraging smiles, pushed him to give his best.

"Come on, Izuku!" Amelia urged during one of their intense sparring sessions. "I won't go easy on you just because we're friends. Show me what you've got!"

Izuku gritted his teeth, summoning every ounce of power he had gained from All Might's training. His muscles tensed, and he felt a surge of energy within him—a force unlike anything he had felt before. With a determined shout, he launched himself at Amelia, attempting to harness the full extent of One For All.

Amelia, her eyes gleaming with excitement, dodged his initial attack but was caught off guard by his speed. She countered, her movements fluid and precise, but Izuku's resolve fueled his every action. The battle grew intense, each strike and counterstrike filled with the promise of their futures as heroes.

Suddenly, Izuku's body pulsed with an overwhelming power. A surge of energy coursed through his legs and right arm, propelling him forward with incredible speed. His fist connected with a nearby boulder, shattering it into fragments. But the moment of triumph was short-lived as pain shot through his limbs, and he realized with horror that his legs and arm were broken from the effort.

Amelia gasped, rushing to his side. "Izuku, stop! You're hurting yourself!"

Izuku, panting heavily, tried to stay on his feet but collapsed, his body unable to handle the strain. All Might, alarmed by the sudden development, dashed forward and caught Izuku before he hit the ground.

"We need to get him help immediately!" All Might said urgently, lifting Izuku with ease. "Amelia, follow me quickly!"

Without waiting for a response, All Might shot up into the air, his powerful leap carrying him towards U.A. High School. Amelia, worried but determined, took to the skies and followed closely, her heart pounding with concern for her friend.

They landed at U.A., and All Might hurried into the building, leading them to the school's medical facility. There, they were met by Chiyo Shuzenji, the Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl. The elderly woman, with her gray hair styled into a bun and her large syringe-like cane, quickly assessed the situation.

"What happened here?" Recovery Girl demanded, her sharp eyes narrowing at the sight of Izuku's injuries.

All Might, still in his skeletal form, explained the circumstances. "He overexerted himself during training, trying to use the new Quirk. I fear he pushed too hard."

Recovery Girl sighed, shaking her head. "You should have been more careful, All Might. This kind of recklessness can have severe consequences."

Amelia watched in awe as Recovery Girl began her work, her skilled hands moving with practiced ease. She placed a gentle kiss on Izuku's forehead, using her Quirk to stimulate his body's healing process. Slowly, Izuku's injuries began to mend, though the process left him exhausted and unconscious.

"All Might, you need to be more responsible," Recovery Girl scolded. "These young heroes are in your care. They're not indestructible."

All Might nodded, a look of remorse on his face. "You're right. I should have been more cautious."

Amelia, silent throughout the exchange, felt a surge of admiration for Recovery Girl. Her calm demeanor and expert care were a testament to her years of experience as a hero and healer.

Once Izuku was stabilized, Recovery Girl turned to Amelia. "He'll need time to recover, but he should be fine. Make sure he doesn't push himself too hard in the future."

Amelia nodded, grateful for the older woman's expertise. "Thank you, Recovery Girl. I'll make sure he takes it easy."

Darkness enveloped the room as Izuku slowly regained consciousness. His body felt heavy, and a dull ache throbbed through his limbs. The sterile scent of the medical facility filled his nostrils, a stark reminder of the intense training he had just endured.

As his vision cleared, Izuku saw the dim outline of Amelia sitting by his bedside, her hand gently resting on his. Her face, usually so bright and cheerful, was etched with worry. The soft glow from a nearby monitor cast a gentle light on her features, highlighting the concern in her violet eyes.

"Amelia?" Izuku's voice was weak, but the surprise in it was evident.

Amelia's head snapped up, her expression shifting from worry to relief. "Izuku! You're awake!" She squeezed his hand gently. "I was so worried. How are you feeling?"

Izuku managed a small smile, though his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. The touch of her hand on his was warm and comforting, but it also made him acutely aware of the strange, fluttering sensation in his chest. "I-I'm okay, I think. Just a bit tired."

Amelia's brow furrowed, and she pressed the back of her free hand against his forehead, her touch cool against his skin. "You don't have a fever, do you? Should I call Recovery Girl?"

Izuku's blush deepened. He shook his head hastily, feeling his heart race. "N-no, that's not necessary. Like I said I'm just tired."

Amelia looked at him sceptically, but she didn't argue. Instead, she sat back, still holding his hand. "You really scared me, you know? You pushed yourself too hard. All Might had to rush you here after you collapsed."

Izuku's eyes widened in realization. "I... I remember trying to use One For All... but I don't remember much after that. What happened?"

Amelia sighed, her grip tightening slightly as she recounted the events. "You overdid it, Izuku. You broke your legs and arm while trying to harness the power. All Might brought you here as fast as he could, and Recovery Girl healed you, but she said you need to be more careful. She and All Might are working on a new training schedule so you can recover properly while still getting stronger."

Izuku nodded slowly, absorbing her words. The memory of the pain and the overwhelming power was still fresh in his mind. He glanced at Amelia, who was watching him with a mix of worry and something else he couldn't quite identify. Her presence was soothing, yet it made him feel a little awkward, especially now that they were alone.

"Thanks for being here," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry for making you worry."

Amelia smiled, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly. "Of course, Izuku. We're in this together, right? And don't apologize. I'm just glad you're okay."

Izuku's heart swelled at her words. Despite the lingering pain and the exhaustion that tugged at his consciousness, he felt a renewed sense of determination. With friends like Amelia and the guidance of All Might, he knew he could overcome any obstacle.

As they sat in the quiet of the medical facility, the bond between them seemed to grow stronger, unspoken but undeniable. For Izuku, it was a moment of clarity, a realization that no matter how difficult the path ahead might be, he wasn't alone. Amelia's unwavering support and belief in him were the strength he needed to keep moving forward.

Minutes passed in comfortable silence, and Izuku's eyelids grew heavy once more. Amelia noticed and gently released his hand, pulling the blanket up to his chin.

"Get some rest, Izuku," she whispered, her voice soft and reassuring. "You'll need your strength for tomorrow."

Izuku nodded, his eyes fluttering closed. "Goodnight, Amelia."

"Goodnight, Izuku," she replied, a warm smile touching her lips as she watched him drift back into sleep.