Chapter 13

Amelia's days at school without Izuku were a mix of routine and longing. Each class felt like it lacked a certain energy, a spark that only Izuku's presence seemed to provide. She went through her lessons with focus, but her thoughts often drifted to her friend, hoping he was recovering well.

Each afternoon, she would make her way to the Midoriya household, a sense of purpose driving her steps. Inko welcomed her warmly each time, grateful for the companionship Amelia provided. These visits had become a cherished part of Amelia's day, a chance to check on Izuku's progress and keep him updated on their classes.

Izuku's home was beginning to feel like a second home to Amelia. They spent hours talking about their shared passion for heroism, strategizing for the future, and laughing over small, silly things. Despite the seriousness of Izuku's training, these moments were lighthearted, a reminder that even heroes needed time to be just teenagers.

Three days passed, and finally, Izuku was ready to return to school. His body had recovered sufficiently, and though he still bore the marks of his recent overexertion, he was eager to get back to his routine. Amelia walked with him to school that morning, a sense of anticipation hanging in the air.

At Aldera Junior High, whispers and curious glances followed Izuku as he walked down the hallways. His absence had been noted it seems much to Amelia's assessment, and his return sparked interest. As he entered the classroom, he was met with a range of reactions. Some students merely glanced at him, others whispered among themselves.

Bakugo, however, stood out as he always did. He watched Izuku with his usual scowl, eyes narrowed in suspicion. As Izuku took his seat, Bakugo approached, his voice dripping with his typical roughness.

"Well, look who decided to crawl back," Bakugo sneered, though his eyes held a flicker of something Amelia couldn't quite place. "Hope you didn't get any funny ideas while you were gone, Deku."

Izuku met Bakugo's gaze steadily, his expression calm. "I'm just here to learn, Kacchan."

"Tch," Bakugo huffed, turning away with a dismissive wave. "Don't get in my way."

Amelia watched the exchange with a mixture of concern and understanding. Bakugo's harsh words were nothing new, but there was an underlying tension that she couldn't ignore. Despite his outward hostility, she sensed there was more to his feelings about Izuku's return.

The day progressed smoothly, though Izuku took care to avoid any strenuous activities. He followed the advice given to him, easing back into his schoolwork and routines. Amelia stayed close by, offering support whenever he needed. Not that he minded being fawned over by Amelia.

After school, Izuku made his way to Takoba Seaside Bay, the familiar sight of the trash-filled shore bringing back memories of his early training days. The beach, once a daunting challenge, had become a symbol of his dedication and growth. All Might was waiting for him, a new training regimen in hand, designed with Recovery Girl's input to ensure Izuku's progress without risking further injury.

"All Might!" Izuku greeted him with a mix of enthusiasm and respect.

All Might's broad smile met him. "Young Midoriya! Good to see you back on your feet. Ready for the next phase of your training?"

Izuku nodded determination in his eyes. "Yes, sir! I'm ready."

All Might handed Izuku a new schedule, its contents detailed and precise. "This plan incorporates advice from Recovery Girl. It's designed to strengthen you steadily, without overloading your body. You'll focus on refining your control over One For All, learning to harness it without harming yourself."

Izuku studied the schedule intently, a sense of purpose filling him. "Thank you, All Might. I won't let you down."

All Might clapped a hand on Izuku's shoulder, his grip firm yet encouraging. "I know you won't, Young Midoriya. Just remember, training smart is just as important as training hard. Take it one step at a time."

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the bay, Izuku and All Might discussed the finer points of his new regimen. Amelia arrived shortly after, having finished her own training for the day. She listened intently as All Might explained the adjustments to Izuku's program, her supportive presence adding to Izuku's resolve.

"All set?" Amelia asked as they prepared to leave, a smile on her face.

Izuku nodded a sense of excitement in his heart. "Yeah. I feel ready."