Chapter 14

The Midoriya household was quiet in the soft glow of the evening, the atmosphere cozy and warm. In the living room, the television was tuned to the news, its droning voice filling the background. Izuku sat on the couch, his attention partially focused on the latest hero reports, though his thoughts were elsewhere.

Amelia's head resting comfortably his lap, as she scrolled through her phone. Izuku's fingers played absently with her hair, a gesture so natural it seemed like he had done it forever. His gaze flicked between the screen and the strands of her hair, twisting them gently between his fingers.

They had settled into a comfortable silence, a moment of respite from the whirlwind of training and school. It was in these quiet moments that the bond between them felt most evident—an unspoken understanding that didn't need words.

On the TV, a reporter was discussing a recent hero incident, but Izuku's mind was far from the unfolding story. Instead, he was reflecting on his training, trying to piece together the puzzle of controlling his newly acquired quirk, One For All. Despite the progress he had made, he couldn't shake the feeling that something crucial was still eluding him.

Amelia, immersed in her own thoughts, suddenly recalled something that might help. She turned her head slightly to look up at Izuku, her expression thoughtful. "Hey, Izu?"

"Hmm?" Izuku responded, his fingers pausing momentarily in her hair.

"You know how you've been struggling a bit with controlling One For All?" Amelia began, her voice casual yet laced with concern.

Izuku nodded, a faint frown crossing his face. "Yeah, it's been tough. I feel like I'm missing something."

Amelia shifted slightly, still resting on his lap as she tried to remember the words of advice that Gran Torino had shared with her in the past. "I think you might be approaching it the wrong way."

Izuku's eyes widened slightly, his curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?"

"Well," Amelia continued, choosing her words carefully, "My Father once told me something similar. He said that my admiration for certain heroes was actually holding me back. I was so focused on mimicking them that I forgot to make my quirk my own."

Izuku listened intently, his fingers resuming their gentle movements in her hair. "Go on."

"Maybe it's the same for you," Amelia suggested. "You admire All Might so much, and that's great. But it might be making you too rigid. You're trying to use One For All exactly the way he does, instead of finding your own way to use it."

Izuku's frown deepened as he considered her words. "So, you're saying I need to... treat it like a part of me, not just a tool?"

"Exactly," Amelia said, a small smile forming on her lips. "Think of it as an extension of yourself. It's not just a power you summon; it's something that flows through you, that becomes a part of how you move and think."

Izuku's mind raced with the implications of her advice. He had been so focused on emulating All Might, on trying to replicate the incredible feats he had seen his idol perform. But perhaps that was the wrong approach. One For All was now his quirk, and he needed to understand it in his own way.

"That... actually makes a lot of sense," Izuku admitted, his voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and realization. "I've been so caught up in trying to be like All Might that I didn't think about how I could use the quirk in a way that fits me."

Amelia nodded, her eyes warm as she looked up at him. "You're going to be an amazing hero, Izuku. You need to trust yourself a bit more."

A flush of gratitude and affection washed over Izuku, his heart swelling at her words. "Thanks, Amelia. I really needed to hear that."

They lapsed into silence again, but it was a comfortable one, filled with the quiet hum of the television and the soft rhythm of their breathing. Izuku's mind was buzzing with new possibilities, the gears turning as he considered how to incorporate Amelia's advice into his training.

As they sat together, the moment felt more profound than any words they could exchange. It was a shared understanding, a step forward in both his journey to mastering his quirk and their deepening connection.

Later, as the evening grew darker, Inko appeared in the doorway, a gentle smile on her face. "Would you two like some tea?" she asked, her voice soft.

Amelia sat up, stretching a little before answering. "Thank you, Mrs. Midoriya, but I should probably get going. I don't want to impose too much."

"Nonsense," Inko said, waving her hand dismissively. "You're always welcome here, Amelia. But if you need to go, that's understandable."

Amelia stood, smoothing out her clothes and giving Izuku a reassuring smile. "Get some rest, okay? We can talk more about this tomorrow."

Izuku nodded, his eyes still reflecting the gratitude he felt. "I will. Thanks again, Amelia."

With a final wave, Amelia left the Midoriya home, her thoughts lingering on the conversation they had just shared. She felt a sense of optimism, confident that Izuku would find his way with One For All. 

As she soared through the cool night air, her mind began to wander. The weight of her unique situation pressed gently at the edges of her consciousness. She had always been aware of the world she now inhabited—its people, its challenges, and its inevitable trials. The deity who brought her here had given her a chance to live among the heroes she once only admired from afar. Yet, with that opportunity came uncertainty.

Reflecting on her conversation with Izuku, a realization settled in her heart. Despite knowing how events were supposed to unfold, she couldn't help but intervene, to lend a hand, to offer guidance. She had already altered small aspects of this world, and in doing so, she had seen the positive impact her presence could make.

A thought crystallized in her mind, bringing a sense of peace: she couldn't control everything, and that was okay. If her actions brought about changes, they were perhaps meant to be. The deity had not warned her against such alterations; instead, she had been given the freedom to live and act as she saw fit.

Maybe, just maybe, her purpose here extended beyond merely observing. If she could help, if she could save lives, then those changes were worth the risk.

As she neared her home, Amelia felt a renewed sense of purpose. The deity's silence on her actions could be seen as a tacit approval, a sign that she was meant to make a difference. With a determined glint in her eye, she resolved to continue supporting her friends and shaping her own destiny in this new world, confident that her presence here was not only accepted but needed.