Chapter 15

Early the next morning, before the sun had fully risen, Amelia's thoughts were already racing ahead. She knew today was crucial. She needed to discuss Izuku's progress with One For All, their training regimen, and what lay ahead as they approached a significant milestone.

With determination in her voice, Amelia dialled Izuku's number, her fingers tapping nervously on the back of the phone.

Ring... ring...

Izuku answered after a few rings, his voice groggy and tinged with sleep, suggesting he had just rushed to the phone from a deep slumber. "Amelia? It's really early. Is everything alright?"

"Good morning, Izuku," Amelia greeted, trying to keep her voice steady. "Could you meet me at the beach after school today? There's something important I want to discuss with you."

Izuku's curiosity was piqued instantly. "Of course, Amelia. I'll be there. What's this about?"

"I'll explain everything when we meet," Amelia replied, her mind already racing through the details of what she needed to cover.

The school day passed in a blur for both Izuku and Amelia, each lost in their thoughts about the upcoming discussion. When the final bell rang, signalling the end of classes, they made their way silently to their familiar training spot on the beach.

The sun was still high in the sky, casting a brilliant reflection across the water as they arrived. The crashing waves provided a calming backdrop, the rhythmic sound soothing their nerves.

"Hey, Amelia," Izuku greeted as he approached, his expression a mix of anticipation and curiosity.

"Hey, Izuku," Amelia replied with a smile, though her mind was focused. "Thanks for coming."

"Of course," Izuku replied earnestly. "What did you want to talk about?"

Amelia took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before she began. "I wanted to discuss your progress with One For All. You've been making incredible strides, but there something I wan to try."

Izuku nodded, his eyes momentarily darting towards the ocean waves before returning to her. There was a hint of disappointment in his voice as he spoke, "Oh... Is that why you called me this morning?"

Amelia's heart sank slightly at the tone in Izuku's voice. She hadn't meant to make him feel like his Quirk was the only reason for their meeting. "Izuku, I just want to help. Is that not okay?"

Izuku looked at her, the disappointment in his eyes softening. "No, it's not that, Amelia. I know you're trying to help. It's just... I guess I thought maybe...Nevermind, what did you want to try."

Amelia then proceeded to explain her meditation method, describing how she envisioned it helping Izuku gain better control over One For All. Now, in the quiet moments before dusk fully settled in, they found themselves back at their training spot, a secluded stretch of sand where the crashing waves provided a soothing background rhythm.

Amelia sat cross-legged on the sand, her eyes closed in concentration. Izuku sat opposite her, mirroring her posture, his expression a mix of determination and uncertainty. He knew that mastering One For All was not just about physical strength but also about mental discipline and control.

"Okay, Izuku," Amelia began softly, her voice carrying a gentle cadence that seemed to calm the air around them. "Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Let your mind settle."

Izuku followed her instructions, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, feeling the tension in his muscles ease slightly.

"Now, imagine a small flame within you," Amelia continued her voice like a guiding light through the darkness. "This flame represents One For All. It's a power passed down to you, a mantle you now carry."

Izuku pictured the flame in his mind's eye, a tiny flicker of light in the vastness of his consciousness. It danced and flickered, vulnerable yet filled with potential.

"You are the keeper of this flame, Izuku," Amelia whispered. "You have the ability to control it, to allow it to grow brighter or fade away. It's a part of you now."

Izuku focused on the flame, willing it to grow stronger. He felt a connection, a sense of purpose that resonated deep within him. Amelia's presence beside him felt like an anchor, grounding him in the midst of his swirling thoughts and emotions.

Together, they sat in silence for a while, Izuku embracing the stillness as he continued to visualize the flame. He could feel One For All responding to his intent, the power within him becoming more manageable, less overwhelming.

"You're doing great, Izuku," Amelia encouraged softly. "Feel the power within you, but remember, you're in control."

With each breath, Izuku felt more attuned to the rhythm of One For All. It was no longer a force to be feared but a tool to be wielded with precision and purpose. He imagined himself in combat, using the power to protect others, to stand against villains with unwavering resolve.

Amelia's presence opposite him was a constant reassurance. She had become more than just a training partner; she was his guide.

In the quiet of that moment, as the sun began to dip below the horizon and the waves continued their rhythmic lullaby, Izuku started to realize something else stirring within him. He admired Amelia not just for her strength and guidance but for who she was as a person—her kindness, her unwavering support, and the way she understood him like no one else.

As they opened their eyes, meeting each other's gaze with a shared sense of accomplishment, Izuku felt a warmth spread through him that had nothing to do with One For All. It was a realization dawning on him slowly like the first light of dawn breaking over the ocean.