Chapter 16

Amelia stretched her arms, feeling the early morning sunlight warm her skin as she stood on the beach. Izuku was beside her, his expression a mixture of anticipation and nervous energy. Today marked the beginning of a new training phase for both of them, with tailored regimens meant to harness their respective powers.

All Might approached them, a broad grin stretching across his face. "Morning, Young Heroes! Ready to take your training to the next level?"

Izuku straightened, determination shining in his eyes. "Yes, All Might! I'm ready!"

Amelia mirrored his stance, nodding with equal resolve. "Let's do this!"

As they began their session, a sense of urgency lingered in the air. Their intensive 10-month training program was nearing its end—only half a month remained. This final stretch was crucial to refine their abilities.

1. Strength and Power Training

All Might led them to the training area. For Amelia, the setup included reinforced objects and gravitational plates, while Izuku faced traditional weights and functional strength tools.

"All right, Amelia, let's get you started on controlled heavy lifting," All Might instructed. "Izuku, you'll focus on compound movements today."

Amelia began lifting the heavy weights with controlled precision, her superhuman strength making the task seem almost effortless. Yet, she concentrated on each movement, following All Might's guidance to harness her power safely.

Izuku, meanwhile, performed squats and deadlifts, the strain visible on his face. All Might monitored his form closely, occasionally stepping in to correct his technique.

"Focus on control, Izuku," All Might advised. "Power without control can lead to injury."

Izuku nodded, adjusting his stance and continuing with renewed focus.

2. Speed and Agility Training

The transition to speed and agility training saw Amelia navigating a high-speed sprint course with obstacles, while Izuku practiced sprint drills and lateral bounds.

Amelia's movements were a blur as she sprinted through the course, her agility and quick reflexes allowing her to dodge obstacles with ease.

Izuku sprinted down the track, his breathing heavy but controlled. He shifted to ladder drills, his feet moving swiftly between the rungs, his focus sharp.

"Keep those feet quick, Midoriya!" All Might encouraged. "Agility is just as important as speed."

Amelia glanced over at Izuku, her eyes filled with pride at his progress. "You're doing great, Izuku!"

Izuku smiled at her encouragement, his determination renewed.

3. Quirk Control and Energy Management

After a brief break, they moved on to quirk control and energy management exercises. All Might guided Izuku through visualization and meditation techniques to help him better harness One For All.

"Visualize the power as part of you, not something separate," All Might advised. "Control it from within."

Izuku closed his eyes, focusing on the energy within him. He practiced controlled bursts of power, aiming at targets set up along the beach. Each punch and kick was precise, the energy surging through him in measured amounts.

Amelia watched him, her own exercises involving a similar focus on control. She practiced targeting specific points with her strength, learning to channel her power without causing unintended damage.

4. Endurance and Durability

The endurance training session had them both running long distances along the beach, their footsteps leaving trails in the sand.

Amelia pushed herself to maintain a steady pace, her stamina allowing her to cover significant distances without fatigue. Izuku, despite feeling the strain, kept pace with her, his determination driving him forward.

They transitioned to interval training, sprinting in short bursts with brief recovery periods. The intensity left them both breathless, but they pushed through, knowing it was crucial for building their resilience.

5. Recovery and Injury Prevention

As the sun dipped towards the horizon, All Might emphasized the importance of recovery. Amelia and Izuku went through dynamic stretching routines, followed by static stretches to prevent muscle tightness.

Amelia practised foam rolling, her enhanced senses allowing her to pinpoint areas of tension and address them effectively. Izuku mirrored her, focusing on releasing the strain from his earlier exertions.

"Recovery is key, Young Heroes," All Might reminded them. "Your bodies need time to heal and adapt."

Izuku nodded, feeling the importance of these exercises. Amelia, too, embraced the recovery process, knowing it was essential for maintaining her peak condition.

6. Diet and Nutrition

As they wrapped up the day, All Might discussed their dietary needs. Amelia listened intently, knowing that her superhuman metabolism required specific nutrition to maintain her energy levels.

Izuku took notes on his phone, jotting down recommendations for protein intake, balanced meals, and supplements.

"Remember, a hero's strength comes from within and is fueled by how we take care of ourselves," All Might emphasized.

The evening found Amelia and Izuku at Izuku's house, relaxing after the intense training session. Amelia's head once more on Izuku's lap, scrolling through her phone, while Izuku absentmindedly played with her hair, his eyes on his phone too. They seemed to always come back to these little moments.

"You know, I think you're starting to get a handle on One For All," Amelia said, looking up at him.

Izuku blushed, slightly embarrassed but grateful for her support. "I'm trying. It's a lot to manage, but I think I'm getting there."

"I agree. We both are Izuku, we both are."