Chapter 17

Amelia stood barefoot, her toes digging into the cool, soft sand, her hair rustling in the gentle ocean breeze. The setting sun and the rhythmic sound of waves created an electric yet serene atmosphere, setting the stage for the imminent spar.

Across from her, All Might, the towering symbol of peace and her mentor, stretched his muscles, his iconic smile radiant and unwavering, reflecting the determination in his eyes.

"All right, Amelia," All Might's voice boomed over the surf, strong and encouraging. "Show me how much you've grown!"

Amelia nodded, her expression serious, her heart pounding in her chest. With a deep breath, she propelled herself forward, sand exploding behind her as her feet left the ground. Her first punch, aimed directly at All Might's broad chest, carried the force to shake the earth itself. But All Might, with the grace of a seasoned hero, sidestepped effortlessly, his boots barely skimming the sand.

"Good speed," he remarked, his tone firm yet encouraging. "But not enough."

Undeterred, Amelia pivoted, her bare feet digging into the sand as she launched a swift kick towards his midsection. The wind from her strike whistled sharply, but All Might caught her ankle with ease, his grip firm yet gentle.

"Predictable," he said with a grin, and with a flick of his wrist, he sent her tumbling backwards.

Amelia twisted mid-air, righting herself just above the ground, hovering as her eyes flashed with determination. Thrusting her hands forward, she unleashed twin beams of heat vision, their crimson light cutting through the twilight towards All Might.

All Might's eyes widened briefly, but he clapped his hands together, creating a shockwave that deflected the beams harmlessly into the sea. The impact sent plumes of steam rising from the water, hissing and swirling into the evening air.

Panting slightly, Amelia gritted her teeth. "You're still holding back," she accused, frustration mixing with determination.

"Of course," All Might's tone was even, challenging. "You have more in you, Amelia. Show me!"

With a shout, Amelia surged forward again, her movements a blur. She darted around him, striking from all angles, her fists moving with lightning speed. Each attack was precise, testing his defences, probing for a weakness.

All Might's defence was impeccable, each block and counter executed with practised ease. His smile never wavered as he deflected her strikes, absorbing the impact without losing his stance.

But Amelia wasn't done. She shot upwards, propelled by a burst of energy, high into the sky. The wind whipped through her hair as she hovered above the beach, her eyes scanning the sand below. She dived, her body a missile of determination, aiming straight for All Might.

All Might braced, his feet sinking into the sand, ready to absorb the impact. But at the last second, Amelia twisted, her dive turning into a feint. She landed behind him, her feet skidding on the sand. In one fluid motion, she drove her fist into his side, putting all her remaining strength into the punch.

The force of the blow rippled through All Might, causing him to stagger, his feet dragging through the sand as he tried to regain his balance.

Amelia fell to her knees, breathing hard, a triumphant smile spreading across her face. She had done it. Just barely, but she had done it.

All Might turned, surprise and pride mingling in his eyes. He laughed, a sound that mingled with the crashing waves. "Well done, Amelia! You've bested me… just barely."

He extended a hand, and Amelia took it, her heart pounding with exhaustion and pride.

Meanwhile, just a short distance away, Izuku Midoriya was undergoing his own transformation. He had finally learned to channel 1% of One For All, a milestone he had worked tirelessly to achieve. He stood a bit away from Amelia and All Might, practicing his newfound control, feeling the power coursing through his veins in a steady, manageable flow.

Izuku watched the sparring match unfold, his eyes wide with admiration as Amelia's strength and precision became evident. Despite his own achievements, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and determination watching her go toe-to-toe with All Might.

As the spar came to a close, Izuku felt a surge of inspiration. Amelia's performance was a testament to what relentless training and determination could achieve. He tightened his fists, the energy of One For All buzzing just beneath the surface of his skin.

Amelia, dusting herself off from the sand, caught Izuku's eye and offered him a reassuring smile. Her spar with All Might had been intense, but seeing Izuku's progress filled her with pride and hope. They were both pushing their limits, striving to become the heroes they were meant to be.

All Might, catching his breath from the spar, turned to Izuku, a glint of pride in his eyes. "Young Midoriya, you've done well. 1% is just the beginning. Keep pushing, and you'll find your true potential."

Izuku nodded, his heart swelling with determination. "Thank you, All Might. I won't let you down."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the beach, the trio stood together, their silhouettes framed by the fading light.

Izuku glanced at Amelia, his heart pounding not just from the training but from something deeper. Her strength, her resolve, and her unwavering support had become a beacon in his journey. In that moment, he realized just how much she meant to him, not just as a training partner, but as someone he deeply admired, and perhaps, something more.

As twilight settled over the beach, Amelia finally parted ways with All Might and Izuku, her heart still racing from the intensity of the spar. She made her way home, her body aching but her spirit soaring. Tonight had been a significant step forward in her training, and she couldn't wait to share the experience with her family.

Entering her home, Amelia was greeted by a surprising sight. Her parents, whom she hadn't seen together in what felt like ages, were sitting in the living room. Her father was setting the table for dinner, while her mother arranged a spread of homemade dishes that filled the air with a delicious aroma.

"Mom! Dad!" Amelia's voice rang with joy as she rushed forward, throwing her arms around them both. "You're home!"

Her mother laughed, her eyes twinkling with warmth. "Surprise, sweetheart! We thought it was high time we had a family dinner together."

Her father ruffled her hair affectionately. "We've missed you, Amelia. It's been too long."

Amelia's heart swelled with happiness. It had been so long since she had seen both of her parents together at home. The demands of their work often kept them apart, making moments like these rare and precious.

They sat down to supper, the table laden with her favorite dishes. The conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared stories. Her parents listened intently as Amelia recounted her training and her spar with All Might, their pride evident in their eyes.

After dinner, they settled into the living room, relaxing in front of the TV. Amelia leaned back into the sofa, feeling a deep sense of contentment wash over her. Her parents sat beside her, their presence comforting and reassuring.

As they watched a light-hearted movie, Amelia felt a warmth in her heart that had been missing for a long time. It wasn't just about the training or the progress she had made today. It was about moments like these, where she felt truly connected to the people she loved.

She glanced at her parents, their faces illuminated by the flickering screen, and smiled.