Chapter 18

The morning sun was already high in the sky by the time Amelia woke up, casting a soft glow through the curtains of her room. She groggily opened her eyes, the smell of bacon and eggs wafting from the kitchen stirring her senses awake. A gentle smile spread across her face as she stretched beneath her blanket, savoring the comforting aroma.

Amelia's room was a cozy haven, the walls adorned with posters of her favorite heroes and a few framed photos of her family. She glanced at her alarm clock and noted with a bit of surprise that it was already mid-morning. For once, she had allowed herself to sleep in, a rare luxury amidst her rigorous training schedule.

She sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, and looked down at her pajamas—an oversized shirt that humorously proclaimed "PJs" across the front. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, she felt the soft carpet beneath her feet as she shuffled towards the door.

The sight that greeted her in the kitchen brought a chuckle to her lips. Her father was seated at the table, reading the newspaper and sipping from a steaming cup of coffee, while her mother stood at the stove, expertly flipping bacon and stirring scrambled eggs. They looked every bit the picture of cliché sitcom parents, with her father's reading glasses perched on the tip of his nose and her mother humming a cheerful tune.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" her father greeted, peering over the top of the newspaper with a playful grin.

Her mother turned, a spatula in hand, and added, "We thought we'd let you sleep in for once. Training must be exhausting!"

Amelia smiled, her heart warmed by the sight of her parents together, and the comfortable, familiar scene. "Morning," she replied, padding over to the table and sliding into a chair. "It smells amazing."

Her father chuckled, folding the newspaper and setting it aside. "Your mother's special breakfast. A Saturday tradition we haven't had in a while."

Her mother placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her, along with a side of toast, before joining them at the table. "We thought it'd be nice to have a family breakfast, just like old times."

Amelia dug in eagerly, the taste of crispy bacon and fluffy eggs a delightful start to the day. As they ate, they chatted about everything and nothing, the easy flow of conversation making the morning feel even more special.

After breakfast, Amelia lounged in the living room, watching a bit of TV with her parents. They sat together on the couch, her mother knitting a scarf while her father continued reading the paper. It was a scene straight out of a family sitcom, and Amelia found herself grinning at how comically perfect it felt.

Her father looked up from the newspaper, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "You know, it's a beautiful day outside. Perfect for spending time with friends."

Her mother nodded in agreement, a teasing smile on her lips. "Yes, and you've been training so hard. Maybe you should go out and have some fun. Perhaps with that young man you've been training with?"

Amelia blushed slightly, rolling her eyes at their suggestive tone. "You mean Izuku? I was planning to spend the day with you guys."

"Oh, we'll be fine," her father waved off her concern. "Go on, get out of here. Spend some time with Izuku. We insist."

Amelia laughed, feeling a mixture of amusement and gratitude. "All right, all right. You guys are too much."

She got up and headed back to her room to change, her parents' playful encouragement echoing in her ears. As she picked out her clothes—a comfortable pair of jeans and a casual t-shirt—she couldn't help but smile at their teasing. It was clear they enjoyed seeing her happy, and they had always been supportive of her friendship with Izuku.

Once she was dressed, she grabbed her phone and shot a quick message to Izuku: "Hey, Izuku! I'm coming over. See you in a bit!"

A few minutes later, her phone buzzed with his response: "Sounds great, Amelia! I'll be here. Looking forward to it!"

Feeling a sense of excitement, Amelia finished getting ready, tying her hair back into a simple ponytail and slipping on her sneakers. She headed back to the living room, where her parents were still settled comfortably on the couch.

"Heading out?" her mother asked with a knowing smile.

"Yeah," Amelia replied, leaning down to give each of them a quick hug. "I'll see you guys later. Thanks for breakfast—and the not-so-subtle hint."

Her father laughed, patting her shoulder. "Have fun, sweetheart. And tell Izuku we said hi."

Amelia nodded, grabbing her jacket and heading for the door. "Will do. Bye!"

As she stepped outside, the warmth of the sun greeted her, the clear blue sky promising a beautiful day. She felt a lightness in her step as she made her way towards Izuku's house, her heart filled with the contentment of the morning and the anticipation of spending the day with her friend.

Arriving at Izuku's house, Amelia found herself greeted by Mrs. Midoriya, who welcomed her warmly. "Good morning, Amelia! Izuku's in his room."

"Thanks, Mrs. Midoriya," Amelia replied, making her way through the firmiliar hallway. She reached Izuku's room and knocked gently on the door.

"Come in!" Izuku's voice called from the other side.

Amelia opened the door to find Izuku sitting at his desk, surrounded by notebooks and All Might memorabilia. He turned to face her, a wide grin spreading across his face.

"Amelia! It's great to see you," he said, standing up to greet her.

"Hey, Izuku," Amelia replied, stepping into the room and giving him a friendly hug. "I thought we could hang out today, maybe do something fun."

Izuku's eyes lit up with excitement. "That sounds awesome! What do you have in mind?"

Amelia shrugged, smiling. "I'm open to anything. We could go to the park, or just hang out here. It's your call."

Izuku thought for a moment, tapping his chin playfully. "Hmm… How about we go to the arcade? We could play some games, maybe even challenge each other to a few rounds."

Amelia's grin widened. "That's a great idea! I haven't been to the arcade in ages."

"Perfect!" Izuku exclaimed, feeling his own excitement grow. "Let's go then!"

In the heart of Akihabara, Tokyo's electric district, pulsating with neon lights and the chatter of excited gamers, stood the Arcade Mecca. Entering through its glass doors was like stepping into another dimension where pixelated fantasies collided with the tangible world.

Amelia and Izuku walked side by side, their eyes wide with wonder as they stepped into the bustling arcade. The air hummed with the symphony of countless machines; the clatter of buttons and joysticks formed a rhythmic backdrop to the electronic melodies pouring from the game cabinets. Rows of sleek, high-tech consoles lined the walls, each glowing with vibrant displays that beckoned players to step closer and dive into their realms.

"This place is incredible," Izuku remarked, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of sounds.

Amelia nodded enthusiastically, a grin spreading across her face. "I know, right? There's so much to see and do here."

They wandered deeper into the labyrinthine arcade, exploring each section with wide-eyed curiosity. At one corner, clusters of gamers gathered around the latest fighting game, their movements synchronized with the swift, precise punches and kicks of their on-screen avatars. Nearby, racing simulators vibrated under the control of skilled drivers navigating through meticulously rendered cityscapes and treacherous tracks.

"I've always wanted to try one of these racing games," Izuku said, eyeing the simulator with interest.

Amelia laughed, nudging him playfully. "Come on, let's give it a shot!"

They spent a thrilling hour racing against each other, their competitive spirits soaring as they zipped through virtual landscapes, dodging obstacles and vying for first place. Izuku's laughter filled the air as he narrowly edged past Amelia in the final stretch, his hands still gripping the steering wheel of the simulator.

"Not bad, Izuku," Amelia teased, patting him on the shoulder.

"Thanks," Izuku replied with a grin. "You were pretty good too!"

They moved on to explore the retro section, where vintage arcade cabinets flickered with 8-bit heroes and villains. The nostalgic atmosphere tugged at their memories, evoking a sense of joy as they challenged each other to classic games from their childhood.

After an intense round of competitive gaming, they made their way to the dance game floor illuminated by pulsating lights. Amelia and Izuku joined the lively competition, moving in graceful synchrony with the cascading beats. They laughed as they tried to keep up with the rhythm, their feet tapping in time with the music.

Above it all, a towering screen broadcasted an esports tournament, where teams from around the world clashed in a digital arena. Spectators cheered and gasped as pixelated gladiators battled for supremacy, their skills honed through countless hours of practice and strategy.

As the afternoon sun began to dip towards the horizon, they decided to take a break from gaming. Exiting the Arcade Mecca, they strolled through the bustling streets of Akihabara, eventually finding themselves at a familiar spot—the local Wcdonalds.

They settled into a cozy booth, sipping on milkshakes and devouring burgers with gusto. The warmth of friendship and shared experiences lingered between them, the day at the arcade a memorable chapter in their journey together.

"I had so much fun today, Amelia," Izuku said, his eyes bright with happiness.

"Me too, Izuku," Amelia replied, a content smile on her face. "We should do this again sometime."

As they finished their milkshakes, Izuku couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading through him—a contentment that came from spending such a wonderful day with Amelia. He glanced at her, about to say something when she caught his eye and smiled.

"What is it, Izuku?" she asked, her tone light and teasing.

Izuku's face flushed slightly, his thoughts momentarily racing. "Hmm? Oh, nothing. I was just thinking... this place would be perfect for a date."

Amelia's laughter rang out, a melodic sound in the bustling Wcdonalds. "What did you say?"

Flustered, Izuku stuttered, "N-nothing! I mean, due to the acoustics, you might have misheard..."

Amelia raised an eyebrow, her smile mischievous. "Oh, I thought you said it feels like a date?"

Izuku's cheeks burned even brighter. "N-nope, didn't say a thing like that. Just... uh, that this place would be a perfect place for a date. Not with you! I mean, not that I don't want to go on a date with you, wait—"

Amelia burst into laughter, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Maybe it is one, Izuku."

Izuku's brain felt like it short-circuited for a moment. He blinked, at a loss for words, his embarrassment evident. After a moment, he chuckled nervously, still blushing. "Y-yeah, just a joke, right? Very funny."

Deep down, though, as they sat there together in the cozy booth, Izuku couldn't deny a part of him wished it wasn't just a joke.