Chapter 19

The first light of dawn barely kissed the horizon as Amelia slipped out of her house, the world still wrapped in the soft hues of early morning. She breathed in the crisp air, feeling invigorated and ready for a brisk run. Sundays were meant for relaxation, but she found solace in these quiet morning runs, a time to clear her mind and prepare for the day.

Clad in her running gear, Amelia started her jog, her footsteps a rhythmic beat against the pavement. The neighborhood was peaceful, the streets empty save for the occasional bird chirping from the trees. She relished the solitude, the gentle cadence of her breath, and the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.

As she rounded a corner, she spotted a familiar figure ahead. Katsuki Bakugo, his spiky blonde hair unmistakable even from a distance, was running at a determined pace. His brow was furrowed in concentration, eyes fixed ahead, his muscular frame moving with effortless power.

Amelia's curiosity piqued. She picked up her pace, quickly closing the distance between them. With a playful grin, she fell in step beside him. "Hey, Bakugo! Fancy meeting you here."

Bakugo glanced sideways, his expression a mix of irritation and surprise. "What the hell are you doing, Griffin? Go run somewhere else."

"Come on, it's a big street," she teased, matching his pace effortlessly. "Besides, it's more fun running with company."

Bakugo huffed, clearly displeased. "I don't need company. Especially not yours. Now get."

Amelia chuckled, undeterred by his gruffness. "Well, you're stuck with me for now."

They continued running, Bakugo scowling but keeping silent. His annoyance was palpable, but Amelia persisted, enjoying the challenge of breaking through his tough exterior.

"Tell you what," she said after a while, her tone playful. "Buy me ice cream, and I'll leave you alone."

Bakugo shot her a glare, sweat trickling down his temple. "Why the hell would I do that? Then I'd have to hang around with you even more."

"True, but I promise I won't talk. Much," she added with a smirk.

Bakugo groaned, clearly weighing his options. Finally, with a resigned sigh, he snapped, "Fine. Ice cream. But you better not annoy me."

Amelia grinned triumphantly. "Deal!"

They veered off their route, heading towards a nearby ice cream stand that was just beginning to open for the day. The vendor, a cheerful elderly man, greeted them with a smile.

"What can I get you two young folks?"

Amelia scanned the flavours, her eyes lighting up. "I'll have vanilla, please. With sprinkles."

Bakugo raised an eyebrow as the vendor handed her the cone. "Vanilla? Out of all the flavours?"

"Hey, vanilla's a classic," Amelia retorted, taking a lick. "It's simple on its own but can be extraordinary with the right toppings."

Bakugo shrugged, "Whatever. Doesn't make sense to me."

They walked out of the stand, Amelia savouring her ice cream while Bakugo grudgingly followed. She chatted amiably, filling the silence with stories and observations, while Bakugo responded with the occasional grunt or sarcastic comment.

As they wandered, Amelia couldn't resist bringing up a topic she had been mulling over. "You know, Bakugo, I think you care about Izuku deep down. And he cares about you too."

Bakugo scowled, his grip tightening around his ice cream cone. "Don't start with that crap. I don't care about that nerd."

Amelia just smiled, undeterred. "I think you're tougher on him because you know he can take it. It's your way of pushing him to be better."

Bakugo's face flushed with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. "Shut up. You don't know what you're talking about."

They reached the park, the entrance marked by a large archway and the sounds of children playing in the distance. Amelia spotted Izuku sitting on a bench, his sketchbook open on his lap, lost in his drawings.

"Hey, there's Izuku!" she said brightly, turning to Bakugo. "Let's go say hi."

Bakugo's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing. "No way. I'm not dealing with him today."

Amelia sighed but smiled at him. "Suit yourself. But you know, he looks up to you more than you think."

Bakugo turned on his heel, stalking away, his posture stiff with irritation. For a moment, Amelia thought he might come back, the conflict visible in his eyes, but he continued walking until he was out of sight.

Shaking her head, Amelia made her way over to Izuku, who looked up with a bright smile as she approached.

"Amelia! What are you doing here?"

"Just out for a run," she replied, taking a seat beside him. "Ran into Bakugo, too. We had ice cream."

Izuku's eyebrows shot up. "You had ice cream with Kacchan? Voluntarily?"

Amelia laughed, the memory of their exchange still fresh. "Yeah, can you believe it? He's grumpy as ever, but I think I'm growing on him."

Izuku shook his head, a mix of amusement and bewilderment in his eyes. "You're braver than I am. I'd never try to get Kacchan to buy me ice cream."

Amelia nudged him playfully. "Well, someone has to break through that tough exterior. Might as well be me."

"What are you drawing?" she asked, peering over his shoulder.

"Oh, just... the park," Izuku replied modestly, closing his sketchbook slightly. "I like coming here to think and draw. It's peaceful."

Amelia nodded, taking a seat beside him. "I know what you mean. This place is like a little haven away from everything."

They sat in companionable silence for a while, enjoying the tranquility of the park. Amelia watched as Izuku's pencil moved deftly across the paper, bringing the landscape to life with each stroke. His concentration was intense, yet there was a peacefulness in his demeanor, a quiet joy in the act of creation.

After some time, Amelia broke the silence. "You know, I've been thinking a lot about our training and everything. Sometimes it feels overwhelming, but days like this, just being here... it makes everything seem manageable."

Izuku nodded, his eyes still on his sketch. "Yeah, I get that. Training is tough, but I think these moments of calm help us stay grounded. They remind us of what we're fighting for."

Amelia smiled, feeling a deep sense of camaraderie with him. "You're right. It's the little things that keep us going."

They spent the rest of the morning wandering the park, stopping occasionally to admire the flowers or watch children play on the swings. Their conversation flowed easily, touching on topics from their favorite games to their dreams for the future.

As noon approached, they found a cosy café near the park entrance. Over cups of iced tea and light snacks, they continued their conversation, their bond growing stronger with each shared word and laughter.

"Izuku," Amelia said thoughtfully, stirring her tea, "do you ever wonder what life would be like if we weren't training to be heroes? If we were just... normal?"

Izuku considered her question, a thoughtful look in his eyes. "Sometimes, yeah. But I think even if we weren't training, we'd still want to help people somehow. It's just who we are."

Amelia nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Being a hero isn't just about the powers or the training. It's about wanting to make a difference."

Their conversation drifted into the afternoon, a gentle ebb and flow that felt as natural as the breeze. Amelia felt warm as they finally parted ways, each heading back home.