Chapter 24

"We'll continue with the 50-meter dash," Aizawa instructed. "Iida Tenya, Asui Tsuyu, you two go first."

Iida's engines roared as he took his position, while Tsuyu crouched low, ready to leap forward. At the signal, Iida surged ahead, finishing in an impressive 3.04 seconds, while Tsuyu followed at 5.58 seconds.

"Uraraka and Ojiro, you're next," Aizawa called.

Uraraka used her Zero Gravity Quirk to lighten herself, managing a respectable time of 7.15 seconds. Ojiro, utilizing his tail for balance, completed the dash in 5.49 seconds.

"Aoyama, Ashido, take your positions."

Aoyama tried to use his Navel Laser to propel himself but struggled with the recoil, leading to a slower time. Ashido, on the other hand, skillfully used her Acid Quirk to glide across the track, finishing first in her heat.

"Midoriya, Bakugo, get ready," Aizawa instructed.

Izuku stepped forward, his heart pounding. He could control 1% of One For All without injuring himself now, and he was determined to show his progress. Bakugo, glaring intensely, was ready to prove himself again.

At the signal, Izuku sprinted forward, carefully balancing his enhanced speed. Bakugo exploded ahead, using bursts of his Quirk to propel himself. Izuku finished in 4.98 seconds, while Bakugo clocked in at 4.23 seconds, barely ahead. Iida watched, feeling a renewed determination to push his own limits.

After the sprints, the ball throw continued with the rest of the class.

"Uraraka, you're next," Aizawa announced, handing her the softball.

Uraraka concentrated, using her Quirk to make the ball weightless. With a gentle toss, the ball floated up and drifted away, eventually gone from the atmosphere.

"Todoroki, you're up," Aizawa called.

Todoroki stepped forward, his expression focused. He tossed the ball while using his ice to slide it along a frosty path, and then, with a burst of fire, he propelled it further. The ball landed 520 meters away.

"Midoriya, your turn," Aizawa said.

Izuku, nervous but determined, used a controlled flick of his finger with One For All, sending the ball flying. It landed at an impressive 789,65 meters, but he knew he could do better with more control over his power.

Katsuki was visibly enraged. The confusion about Izuku's new abilities only fueled his anger, as he wrestled with the idea that Izuku might have been lying to him all their lives. His frustration boiled over, and he lashed out at Izuku.

"You damn nerd, you've been hiding this from me?!"

Before Katsuki could reach Izuku, Aizawa swiftly intervened, his capture weapon coiling around Katsuki and restraining him. Katsuki struggled against the bindings, his eyes blazing with fury.

Shota Aizawa, with a weary sigh, adjusted his capture weapon, making sure Katsuki was firmly held. "Don't make me use my Quirk too much," he warned, his eyes red from the exertion of using his Erasure Quirk. "It causes dry eyes, and I'd rather not have to explain to the nurse why I'm out of eyedrops again."

He gave Katsuki a firm look before releasing him. "Save the outbursts for the villains you'll be fighting. We're here to train, not to settle personal grudges."

The sequence continued with each student showcasing their Quirk's unique applications, impressing and surprising their peers.

Finally, it was Amelia's turn. Aizawa turned to her, his gaze more scrutinizing this time. "Amelia, show us what you can really do."

Amelia stepped forward, heart racing. She had held back during the initial tests, aware of the overwhelming power she possessed, but Aizawa's expectant gaze urged her to demonstrate her true capabilities. Taking a deep breath, she positioned herself inside the circle, winding up with the softball in her hand.

Alright, let's see what I can really do, she thought.

With a powerful swing of her arm, she threw the ball with all her might, using her full super strength. The ball blurred from view almost instantaneously, rocketing into the sky at an astonishing speed. A collective gasp rose from the students as they watched it disappear.

Aizawa glanced at his device, then showed the results to the class. The screen read "OUT OF RANGE," indicating that Amelia's throw had exceeded the device's capability to measure.

The rest of the class followed, using their respective Quirks to throw the ball as far as possible. The results varied, but Amelia's throw remained the most spectacular, leaving her classmates in awe.

Izuku scanned the list, his heart pounding. His eyes widened as he found his name in third place. Amelia had secured the top spot with her extraordinary performances, while Shoto Todoroki was close behind. The rest of the class examined the rankings, their emotions a mix of relief, pride, and determination.

"You all did well," Aizawa said, nodding slightly. "For today, class is dismissed. But remember, if you give me a reason to expel you, I will."

As Aizawa walked away, his ominous words hung in the air. The students, though relieved, felt the weight of his expectations as they made their way back, the first day of their hero training etched into their minds.

Amelia found herself in the girls' locker room, changing back into her uniform. The adrenaline from the test still buzzed in her veins. Ochaco approached her, eyes wide with admiration.

"You were amazing out there, Amelia!" Ochaco said, clearly impressed. "That speed and strength—I've never seen anything like it!"

Amelia smiled, a warm feeling spreading through her chest at the compliment. "Thanks, Ochaco. You did great too! Your Quirk is really versatile."

Ochaco beamed. "Thanks! I guess we both have a lot to learn, huh?"

"Yeah," Amelia agreed, adjusting her tie in the mirror. "But we'll get there. Together."

Meanwhile, in the boys' locker room, Izuku was still marvelling at his performance. Tenya approached him, clapping a hand on his shoulder.

"Midoriya, that was an impressive display," Tenya said, his tone respectful. "You've certainly proven yourself today."

Izuku smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie building between them. "Thanks, Iida. I think we all did pretty well."

Tenya nodded, adjusting his glasses. "Indeed. This is just the beginning. We must continue to push ourselves to become true heroes."

As they exited the locker rooms, Amelia and Izuku caught up with each other in the hallway. Their conversation flowed easily, filled with excitement and nervous anticipation for what lay ahead.

"That was intense," Izuku said, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. "I still can't believe we made it through."

"Yeah, me too," Amelia agreed. "But we did, and now we're really here."

Amelia and Izuku continued to chat animatedly as they left the building, their footsteps echoing on the pavement of U.A. High's sprawling campus. The day's events had left them buzzing with excitement, a mix of adrenaline and accomplishment coursing through their veins.

As they reached the main gates, the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the city. They exchanged goodbyes, promising to catch up on their training progress later. Izuku's bright smile lingered in Amelia's mind as she turned and started her journey home.

The cool evening air felt refreshing against her skin as Amelia walked through the familiar streets of her neighborhood. She hummed softly to herself, her thoughts drifting back to the exhilaration of the day's tests and the camaraderie she had felt with her classmates. The memory of Ochaco's praise and Tenya's respectful acknowledgment played over in her mind, making her smile.

But as she approached her house, the mood shifted. Her steps slowed, and her humming faded away. Something felt different—there was a tension in the air, an unease she couldn't quite place.

The front door of her home was slightly ajar, and through the small gap, Amelia could hear her parents' voices, raised and urgent. She paused just outside, her heart beginning to race for reasons she couldn't yet understand.

"I just don't know how much longer we can keep this from her," her father's voice, usually calm and composed, was edged with anxiety. "It's getting dangerous. He'll come for her, and she needs to be ready."

Her mother's voice followed, softer but equally strained. "I know, but how do we even begin to explain? She's still so young, and this... this will change everything. We've kept this secret her whole life."

Amelia's breath caught in her throat. Her parents were talking about her. The 'he' they mentioned—who was he? And what secret were they hiding? Her mind raced, trying to piece together fragments of overheard conversations and half-remembered moments from her childhood.

"She deserves to know," her father insisted, his tone firm but sorrowful. "We can't protect her if she doesn't understand what's at stake. She has to know who she really is, and who might be coming for her."

Amelia's heart pounded louder in her ears. She felt a surge of confusion and fear. Her identity, her safety—everything she thought she knew about her life seemed to be unravelling before her. Who was she really? And who was this mysterious 'He' her father spoke of?

"Alright," her mother conceded, her voice trembling. "We'll tell her. Tomorrow. No more secrets."

Amelia stepped back from the door, her mind swirling with questions. She didn't understand the full weight of what she had overheard, but she knew one thing for certain: her life was about to change in ways she couldn't yet fathom.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open, trying to appear as though she hadn't been eavesdropping. Her parents looked up sharply as she entered, their faces a mix of surprise and concern.

"Amelia, you're home," her mother said, her voice unnaturally bright. "How was your day?"

Amelia forced a smile, trying to keep her own voice steady. "It was... good. A lot happened. I'm pretty tired, though."

Her father gave a tight-lipped nod, his eyes searching hers for any sign that she had overheard their conversation. "Why don't you go get some rest? We can talk more in the morning."

"Sure," Amelia replied, her heart still pounding. "Goodnight."

She climbed the stairs to her room, her mind racing. What did her parents mean? What secret were they hiding? And who was coming for her? As she lay down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling, she felt a mix of fear and anticipation.

Tomorrow, she would demand answers. Tomorrow, she would learn the truth about herself and whatever threats lay on the horizon. Until then, all she could do was try to prepare herself for whatever revelations awaited.

The night passed slowly, and as the first light of dawn crept through her window, Amelia knew that nothing would ever be the same again.


Here's the ranking list:

Amelia Griffin - 1st

Shoto Todoroki - 2nd

Izuku Midoriya - 3rd

Katsuki Bakugo - 4th

Tenya Iida - 5th

Momo Yaoyorozu - 6th

Mezo Shoji - 7th

Eijiro Kirishima - 8th

Fumikage Tokoyami - 9th

Ochaco Uraraka - 10th

Mina Ashido - 11th

Mashirao Ojiro - 12th

Yuga Aoyama - 13th

Hanta Sero - 14th

Denki Kaminari - 15th

Koji Koda - 16th

Rikido Sato - 17th

Kyoka Jiro - 18th

Toru Hagakure - 19th

Minoru Mineta - 20th