Chapter 25

The morning sun cast a warm glow over U.A. High as Amelia walked through the gates, her mind still reeling from the events of the previous day. The tension in her household lingered in her thoughts—the overheard conversation between her parents about secrets and dangers, and the impending revelation that awaited her.

Her steps were purposeful yet hesitant as she navigated the bustling corridors filled with students chatting and preparing for the day's lessons. The upcoming battle trials loomed ahead, a test of her abilities as a hero-in-training. But beyond the physical challenges, a deeper uncertainty gnawed at her.

As she approached her locker, she spotted Izuku and Ochaco chatting nearby. Their smiles were infectious, momentarily easing the knot of worry in her stomach. Izuku noticed her approach and waved enthusiastically.

"Hey, Amelia! Ready for the day?" he asked, his voice eager despite the early hour.

Amelia managed a smile, though her mind was elsewhere. "Yeah, I think so. It's just... a lot going on right now."

Ochaco tilted her head, concern flickering in her eyes. "Is everything okay?"

Before Amelia could respond, the morning bell rang, signalling the start of classes. The trio hurried to their classroom, the chatter of students giving way to the hushed anticipation of the day's challenges.

In the bustling classroom of Class 1-A, anticipation crackled in the air like static electricity. The students chattered excitedly about the upcoming hero training, their voices blending into a lively hum. Suddenly, the door burst open with a dramatic flair, and All Might rushed in, skidding to a halt with exaggerated grandeur.

"I'm entering like a normal person!" he proclaimed, striking a heroic pose that seemed anything but ordinary.

Amelia, seated near the back, couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at All Might's theatrics. Her eyes twinkled with amusement as she muttered under her breath, "Subtle as always."

Moments later, the students assembled at Grounds B, now adorned in their hero costumes. All Might, surveying them with paternal pride, couldn't contain his admiration. "You all look splendid!" he declared with a broad smile. "Now, let's get started with the indoor Battle Trial." Amelia glanced at those closest to her. Her eyes marvelled at the sight before her, honestly, it looked like comic con. 

Izuku Midoriya sported his green jumpsuit with a mask that left his unruly green hair free. He wore knee pads, red sneakers, and white gloves, topped off with a red utility belt. Amelia laughed at his All Might inspired hero costume.

Ochako Uraraka, in her skin-tight pink and black suit with rounded headgear and small pads on her wrists and ankles, exuded sleek efficiency. Her classmates admired her costume's design as fitting for her gravity-altering quirk, Mineta at the back salivated, how disgusting.

Shoto Todoroki, with his blue uniform divided between ice and fire themes, wore a white belt with an ice motif. The simplicity and functionality of his outfit impressed his peers.

Mezo Shoji's dark bodysuit exposed his multiple arms, with bandages wrapped around his upper torso. His intimidating appearance earned a shiver down Amelia's spine.

Momo Yaoyorozu donned a red leotard with a utility belt and a book-like design that facilitated her creation quirk. Her revealing outfit made Minta almost fall to his knees, Amelia really wanted to punch that pervert.

Katsuki Bakugo's costume featured a black sleeveless top adorned with orange grenades and a mask that resembled an explosion. His fierce appearance garnered both approval and cautious wariness from his classmates.

Amelia stepped forward, revealing her costume—a modern adaptation of Supergirl's classic attire. Her blue bodysuit was complemented by a short red skirt and a vibrant red cape flowing from her shoulders. The iconic "S" emblem shone proudly on her chest, while knee-high red boots and a golden belt completed her heroic ensemble. A sleek mask covered her eyes and upper face, preserving her Identity.

The students reacted with awe and curiosity as they took in Amelia's superheroic appearance. "Wow, that's so cool, so manly!" Kirishima exclaimed, his eyes wide with admiration. "She looks just like Supergirl!" Izuku added, nodding in approval. "Does the 'S' stand for hope as well?" 

Amelia nodded towards Izuku before responding, "Yes, I want to inspire hope to those who need it. Just like Superman did in the comics."

Back at Grounds B, All Might clapped his hands to gather everyone's attention. "Teams are set, and the rules are clear," he announced solemnly. "Heroes, your goal is to capture the villains or secure the weapon. Villains, you must defend the weapon or capture the heroes. Let the trial begin!"

Amelia wondered why she was not included, I mean they had to see what she could do. All Might beckoned Amelia to him, " Young Amelia, you shall be a vigilante in the trials. I will call on you when I think you should intervene. Remember you are not helping the heroes or villains, you will work alone." Amelia wondered how she should plan going forward, she knew only five of the trails so how was she going to do this.

Team A, consisting of Midoriya and Uraraka, faced off against Team D, Bakugo and Iida. Midoriya analyzed the surroundings cautiously while Uraraka prepared her gravity-altering quirk. Bakugo, charged with explosive energy, dashed forward, ready to attack. Meanwhile, Iida positioned himself defensively near the core, ready to react to any threat. Amelia wondered as she watched from above if it would play out the same. 

It did. Well sort of, Bakugo did go for Izuku and he did use his ultimate move. But this time Izuku incapacitated him before he could use his deadly move. Knocking out Bakugo Izuku ran to Uraraka to help her. He reached the floor they were on and rushed to block Iida's kick that was meant for Ochaku, allowing her to rush to the bomb. Earning them a win. Good for Izuku thought Amelia, she felt bad for Bakugo though. From her vantage point, Amelia watched the intense exchanges, her mind wandering to the conversation awaiting her at home. 

Team B, comprising Todoroki and Shoji, confronted Team I, Ojiro and Hagakure. Todoroki wasted no time, freezing the immediate area with his ice quirk to gain a tactical advantage. Shoji's multiple arms allowed him to sense their opponents' movements as Ojiro and Hagakure attempted to manoeuvre stealthily through the frozen terrain.

From the control room, All Might discreetly signaled Amelia to intervene. "Now's your time, Amelia," he whispered through the communicator.

Amelia moved with swift determination. Amelia, observing from above with her enhanced senses, spotted the bomb's location. Using her heat vision, she swiftly entered the building, melting through the ice barriers. she needn't fight much considering both the villains and heroes where still at the bottom. How easy was that.

As the Battle Trial continued to unfold, the students realized that their journey at U.A. would demand not only strength and skill but also strategic thinking and adaptability. The echoes of All Might's voice resonated in their minds, reminding them of the challenges yet to come in their quest to become true heroes.

As the afternoon sun began its descent, signaling the end of the trials, Aizawa gathered the class once more. "Well done, everyone," he said, his gaze lingering on each student. "You've shown progress and determination today. Rest up—you'll need it for what's to come."

Amelia nodded along with her classmates, her thoughts now consumed by the impending conversation with her parents. She bid farewell to Izuku and Ochaco, promising to catch up with them later, and made her way home, the familiar route feeling longer and more daunting than usual.

Upon reaching her house, she hesitated before entering. The memory of her parents' voices, fraught with worry and urgency, replayed in her mind. With a deep breath, she pushed open the door and stepped inside.

The atmosphere inside was tense yet oddly quiet. Her parents were waiting in the living room, their expressions a mix of apprehension and determination. Without preamble, her father spoke.

"Amelia, we need to talk."

She nodded silently, steeling herself for whatever was about to come. Her mother joined her father on the couch, her hand reaching out to grasp Amelia's.

"What did you wanna talk about?" Amelia kept her voice steady. She dreaded what was to come.

"We..." Her father started, "we're not your biological parents," her mother finished, her voice trembling with emotion. "You were left on our doorstep when you were just a baby." Amelia's breath caught in her throat. She had suspected something was amiss, but hearing the words aloud sent a shock through her system.

Her father continued, his voice steady despite the gravity of their revelation. "We called the police, hoping someone would come looking for you, but no one ever did. So we adopted you, and you became a part of our family."

"After a few years, a man started showing up," he said, his brows furrowing with remembered frustration. "He claimed to be a family friend, but when we refused to give you up, he became" He paused "highly aggressive."

Her mother squeezed her hand tighter. "His name is Henry Hudson. The police later told us he's a fugitive, wanted for terrible crimes in the name of science. He... he wanted you, Amelia. "

"After our call to the police they apprehended him, locking him up for his crimes. but he hasn't stopped trying to get to you ever since. He sent his people to get you. So we went under whitness protection, moving from place to place, never staying in one area. Then we got a call from Nezu, you principal, he said he could keep you safe at the school. Allowing us to stop the moving around."

Amelia's mind raced, processing the magnitude of what she had just learned. Henry Hudson—a dangerous fugitive, linked to her past in ways she couldn't comprehend. The pieces of her identity, once so certain, now felt like shards of a shattered mirror, reflecting a reality she hadn't dared to imagine.

"We've done everything we can to protect you," her father continued, his voice wavering with a mix of regret and determination. "he might be in jail but he's still out there, and we need you to be aware. To be ready."

Silence hung heavily in the room as Amelia absorbed their words. The truth was a weight on her shoulders, but amidst the fear and uncertainty, a resolve began to take shape within her. She looked into her parents' eyes, seeing love and fear mirrored back at her.

"I... I understand," she finally managed to say, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "Thank you for telling me."

Her parents enveloped her in a tight embrace, the three of them holding onto each other as if clinging to the fragile threads of their shared history. At that moment, despite the uncertainties that lay ahead, Amelia knew she wasn't alone.

Later that evening, as dusk settled over the city, Amelia sat by her window, her thoughts drifting to the upcoming USJ incident—the ominous cloud on the horizon that threatened to test their newfound knowledge.

But amidst the shadows of uncertainty, a spark of determination flickered within her. She would face whatever challenges came her way, armed with the truth of her past and the strength of her resolve.