Chapter 26

The house was cold, almost eerily bare when Amelia rose from her bed. The absence of her parents was palpable, their usual warmth replaced by a silence broken only by the faint hum of the refrigerator. A plate of food, now cold, awaited her in the kitchen—a stark reminder of their absence and the unsettled atmosphere that had permeated their home since the revelation last night.

As she prepared to head to U.A. High, the news buzzed with the announcement that All Might had joined the faculty. Reporters swarmed the campus, eager for interviews and seeking any scoop that would feed the public's insatiable curiosity about the Symbol of Peace's transition to teaching.

Eraser Head, ever vigilant in protecting his students' privacy, tried to shoo away the reporters. But their persistence led them to follow him, attempting to breach the U.A. defensive barrier—an action that triggered the school's automated security protocols, swiftly isolating the campus from unwanted intruders.

During Class 1-A's homeroom, Shota Aizawa addressed the students, his voice cutting through the commotion. "We need to elect a class representative," he declared, his gaze sweeping over the eager faces before him. The title held extra recognition, a chance for someone to step forward as a leader among their peers.

Amelia listened attentively as Tenya Iida suggested putting it to a vote, despite his own reservations about the outcome. The room buzzed with excitement and ambition as nearly every student campaigned for themselves. In the end, the votes were cast, and Amelia emerged as the class representative, with Momo Yaoyorozu elected as deputy representative.

Later, during lunch in the bustling mess hall, Amelia, Izuku, Ochaco, and Tenya gathered together. Excitement brimmed in Amelia's voice as she discussed her new role. Tenya, surprisingly supportive, admitted that he had voted for her based on her performance during the battle trials. Izuku blushed as he confessed he had also cast his vote for Amelia, while Ochaco revealed she had voted for Izuku. Amelia chuckled, mentioning she had voted for Tenya—an admission that caught him off guard.

Curious about Tenya's formal demeanor, Ochaco gently probed about his family and their wealth. Tentatively, Tenya revealed his prestigious background as a member of the Iida Hero Family, known for producing heroes of great renown. His brother, Turbo Hero Ingenium, stood as a beacon of their family's legacy in the hero world.

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by blaring school alarms, signalling a breach in U.A.'s defences. Panic rippled through the mess hall as students scrambled to evacuate, causing chaos in the narrow hallways.

Amelia swiftly climbed onto a nearby table. With a commanding voice, she called for calm, her words echoing with reassurance amidst the rising hysteria. "It's just the press!" she declared firmly, her authoritative tone cutting through the panic. "There's no real danger."

Her words acted like a balm, quelling the frantic rush of students. Slowly, order was restored as they realized the intrusion was merely media personnel crossing boundaries.

Once the chaos subsided, the students returned to their classes, though tension hung in the air. Meanwhile, in the faculty meeting, concern brewed among the staff as they discussed the breach in the U.A. Barrier. The realization that someone had managed to infiltrate the academy raised alarms, prompting speculation about the intruder's intentions. Principal Nezu dismissed the possibility of a mere journalist causing such a security breach, hinting at darker motives and a potential declaration of war against U.A.

Amelia knew she needed to speak with Principal Nezu urgently. Rushing through the halls, she found him just outside his office, where he playfully chided her for running in the hallways—a small gesture that betrayed his underlying concern for the students' well-being.

"I know why there was an intrusion," Amelia stated firmly, her voice tinged with determination. "Someone took something from the school, and I know what it is."

Principal Nezu regarded her with keen interest, his gaze piercing. "Why don't you come in for a cup of tea, Amelia?" he suggested, his demeanour shifting from playful to serious. They entered his office, where the aroma of freshly brewed tea wafted through the air.

As Principal Nezu prepared the tea, he pondered aloud, "Your parents often mention you during our updates on your progress at U.A. They care deeply about you."

Amelia nodded, acknowledging the support and concern her parents had shown since her enrollment at U.A.

"Now," Principal Nezu continued, pouring tea into delicate cups, "tell me everything you know. How do you know about the intrusion, and what did they take?"

Amelia paused before continuing, sensing the weight of her words as she spoke to Principal Nezu. "It was papers, sir," she began, choosing her words carefully. "Papers that could be very confidential. He came into the school through a purplish portal and left the same way."

Nezu nodded thoughtfully, his whiskers twitching in contemplation. "I see," he acknowledged, his gaze focused on Amelia.

"My quirk allows me to see through walls, like x-ray vision," Amelia explained further, her voice steady despite the gravity of her revelation.

Nezu's expression remained attentive, showing no surprise at Amelia's description of her quirk. "Go on," he urged gently.

"He took documents from Mr. Aizawa's desk and another teacher's as well," Amelia continued, recalling the snippets of conversation she overheard. "I heard him mention something about All Might and the need to 'get rid of the Symbol of Peace.'"

The room fell into a moment of tense silence as Principal Nezu absorbed the information. His mind, as always, calculating and strategic, considered the implications of this breach.

Nezu nodded thoughtfully, his whiskers twitching in contemplation. "I see," he acknowledged, his gaze focused on Amelia.

"So you're sure the papers are serious?" questioned Nezu, peering at her intently.

Amelia shook her head slightly. "I'm not sure, but I think it's better to check," she replied honestly, feeling the weight of the responsibility on her shoulders.

Nezu pressed a button on his intercom device. "Aizawa, could you come to my office? We need to check if you have the schedule I gave you this morning," he requested calmly.

There was a brief silence before Aizawa's voice crackled through the intercom. "Understood. I'll be there shortly."

Nezu gestured to a chair beside his desk. "Here's the tea, Amelia. Drink up," he said kindly, pouring a steaming cup for her. "So, how's the school been so far? Do you like it here? Has anyone asked why you're here, or have you encountered anyone strange since your stay in Japan?"

Amelia took a sip of her tea, its warmth soothing her nerves. "I've been enjoying U.A., and I've made good friends, especially with Izuku," she replied, grateful for the opportunity to divert the conversation to more familiar ground. "I spend a lot of time at his house when there's no one at home at mine."

Nezu nodded knowingly, making a mental note to keep an eye on the situation. Before he could inquire further, Aizawa entered the office, his expression curious and guarded.

Nezu spoke before Aizawa could ask. "First, let's confirm if you have the papers," he said pointedly, his tone betraying a hint of urgency.

Aizawa shook his head solemnly. "No, they're gone," he admitted, his voice tinged with concern. 

Nezu sighed softly, sipping his tea thoughtfully. "Thank you, Amelia," he said sincerely, acknowledging her efforts. "You may head back to class now."

Amelia nodded gratefully and exited the office, leaving Nezu and Aizawa to discuss the unsettling implications of the intrusion.

Aizawa turned to Nezu, his expression grave. "Why was Amelia in your office?" he asked, his voice low and controlled.

Nezu relayed Amelia's account of the intruder's words about All Might and their intent to undermine the Symbol of Peace. "Where's All Might now?" Nezu inquired calmly. 

Aizawa glanced at the clock. "He's not here yet," he replied tersely. He needed a nap and an oversized coffee right now.

Amelia left Principal Nezu's office with a heavy heart. She knew that her actions were changing the course of events, but she didn't care. The lives of those she cared about were at stake, and she wouldn't let them get hurt. She felt as if she had taken hold of the original story and thrown it away, but it was a necessary sacrifice.

Returning to the classroom, Amelia took a deep breath, feeling a sense of calm wash over her in the familiar environment. Aizawa entered shortly after, glancing at her before addressing the class. He announced that their Basic Hero Training class would involve a rescue exercise. The class was instructed to suit up and board a bus for an off-campus location.