Chapter 2

"THIS place is amazing!" Natasha said. "I can't believe we haven't been here sooner."

The sun had set, casting a purple glow over the city as the rooftop bar began to fill up. Sending Mark to get drinks, Natasha and Sophia had secured a prime spot near the edge, where they could enjoy the panoramic view of the skyline.

"I know, right?" said Sophia, with a playful grin. "I mean, what kind of journalists would you be if you missed out reviewing a spot like this?"

"Umm, the serious, hard-hitting ones?" Mark said as he returned with three glasses, visibly struggling.

"Here, let me help," Natasha reached out and took two glasses out of Mark's hands. "Wow, these look interesting! Which one's mine?"

"That's the Spicy Paloma for Sophia," Mark handed her a blush pink drink. Turning to Natasha, he said, "That's your Strawberry Blonde and my Mezcal Negroni. Cheers, guys!" 

"Cheers!!" The three friends clinked their glasses. Natasha took a sip of her cocktail, savoring the blend of gin and strawberries. She sat glancing lazily around the bar, soaking in the energy of the evening. It felt nice to unwind and enjoy the moment.

"Does Liam always have to be so unfashionably late? What time did he say he'll get here, Tash?" Sophia asked Natasha, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"You seem pretty eager to see him, Soph," Mark teased.

"Yeah I'm eager alright, eager to get him a watch that actually works," Sophia replied. "Maybe then he can show up on time for once. Honestly, I've never known anyone enjoying attention so much!"

"That's not all that I enjoy," said a husky voice just behind Sophia, making her jump. 

"Liam!" Natasha and Mark exclaimed.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late," said Liam, taking off his coat. "Traffic in Boston is a nightmare at this hour. Congratulations on your new article, Tash!" he said, hugging Natasha. "You too, Mark!"

"Thanks so much, Liam!" Natasha smiled warmly at him. 

"Nice of you to finally join us," Sophia said with a smirk, turning to face him. "Do you always have to make such a dramatic entrance?"

"Only when it means getting to see that look on your face," Liam shot back, grinning. "Besides, I had to make sure the party was in full swing before I showed up."

"Oh, the party started long before you arrived," Sophia replied, raising an eyebrow. "We were just wondering if you'd decided to ditch us for something more exciting."

"Now, why would I do that?" Liam said, leaning in slightly. "I mean, I did have a few other invites, but I chose you."

Sophia rolled her eyes. "How wonderful, we feel so honored."

"Alright, alright," Natasha interrupted. "Save the sparring for later, you two."

"Agreed," Mark added. "Liam, grab a drink and join us. The celebration's just begun!"

"Yep," Liam said, giving Sophia a mock salute before heading to the bar. "Be right back!"

As he walked away, Natasha turned to Sophia with an irritated expression. "Did you have to start badgering him the moment he arrived? He's only been here for one minute."

Sophia shrugged. "Hey, it's not my fault. He just knows how to push my buttons."

Natasha and Mark smiled at each other, exchanging knowing glances.


The party was now going strong as the rooftop bar buzzed with lively conversations, laughter, and the clinking of glasses. The city skyline stretched out in the distance, a breathtaking backdrop of twinkling lights against the deep blue of the night sky. Music played softly in the background, just loud enough to keep the energy up without drowning out the chatter. The scent of fresh cocktails and gourmet appetizers wafted through the air, mingling with the occasional breeze that provided a refreshing break from the summer heat. Natasha, Sophia, Mark, and Liam were enjoying their evening, sharing one hilarious story after another.

"I'm telling you, Tash, you should have seen the look on your face when you realized you had spinach in your teeth during that interview!" Sophia said, laughing loudly.

"Thanks for reminding me, Soph," Natasha grinned. "I'm pretty sure that's what made it so memorable."

Suddenly, Mark leaned forward. "Hey, isn't that Jeremy Walton? CEO of Sentinel Systems Corporation?"

Everyone looked in the direction Mark nodded. Among a couple of suit-clad men stood a sharply dressed, handsome individual. Natasha was immediately drawn to his eyes, which exuded a magnetic intensity, accentuated by their striking shade of deep blue.

Sophia raised an eyebrow. "The Jeremy Walton? Talk about running into the elite."

"I've heard he's quite the enigma," said Mark. "Doesn't say much, but when he does, people listen."

"Maybe you should go introduce yourself, Tash," Liam teased.

"Yeah, I don't think so," Natasha replied.

"Why not?" said Liam. "After all, you're the Editor-in-Chief of Boston's most popular news blog."

"Whose latest piece on cybersecurity has garnered half a million views and counting," Sophia added.

"All very true, guys, but I'll leave out mixing business with pleasure for tonight," Natasha replied in good humor. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll just go freshen up." She got up and went towards the washroom.

Natasha looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. Dressed in a champagne gold satin shirt and black skirt that hugged her curves, she adjusted a stray lock of hair that had been bothering her all evening. She remembered Jeremy Walton's eyes and felt herself go red. She had to admit, he was a very good-looking man, with a body language that radiated authority. Plus, she couldn't help but feel hopeful that he might've read her article on CUB's issues. Perhaps Liam's idea of going and introducing herself wasn't a bad one.

"Get outta my head, Liam," Natasha muttered to herself, shaking her head at even contemplating the silly thought. "Anyways, he seems like he would be getting approached by pretty women all the time. I wouldn't want to stroke his ego further."

Checking her reflection one last time, Natasha stepped out of the washroom. She decided to get a drink from the bar before heading towards her friends. Approaching, she waited for one of the bartenders to come to her, but they all seemed too busy.

"Excuse me," she started, "Hi! Can I get a ..." The young guy who came near where she stood just handed another customer their drink and went away. "Great," she rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me, can the lady get her drink?" a deep, commanding voice prompted Natasha to turn in its direction. She couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as she saw Jeremy Walton standing beside her, looking right into her eyes. 

"Uh, yes sir, sorry sir…." the bartender flustered. "What would you like, miss?" he asked Natasha.

Still keeping his eyes on Natasha, Jeremy nodded his head towards the guy as if to say go ahead. "Umm right," Natasha cleared her throat and turned towards the young bartender. "I'd like a glass of Le Macchiole merlot, please."

"And I'd like a Glenfiddich, on the rocks."

The bartender nodded and quickly went to get the drinks.

"Thank you," Natasha said to Jeremy, feeling gratitude and kicking herself slightly for being caught off guard.

"My pleasure," Jeremy replied smoothly, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer than necessary. "I'm Jeremy, by the way." He extended a hand towards Natasha which she graciously took. "Hi Jeremy, I'm Natasha."

"Very pleased to meet you, Natasha. So tell me, how is it that a stunning woman like yourself is here alone?"

The bartender returned with the drinks. "I'm flattered at your compliment," she replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "I'm actually here with my friends, over there." She pointed to where their table was.

Jeremy glanced over and smiled. "Ah, I see. Well, they're lucky to have your company tonight."

"Thanks. We're celebrating a bit of a milestone, actually," Natasha said, taking a sip of her wine.

"Congratulations! What's the milestone?" Jeremy asked.

"Our latest article hit half a million views. It's a big deal for us."

"Article?" Jeremy asked. "Are you a blogger?"

"Journalist actually, I'm the Editor-in-Chief at The Boston Inquiry."

Jeremy raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "The Boston Inquiry, well, I suppose I haven't had the pleasure of acquainting myself with it yet. What was the article about?"

Natasha felt a flicker of indignation at Jeremy's response. "It covered the reports of recent cybersecurity breaches at Commonwealth University. I would've thought you of all people would have been aware of it," she said, her tone subtly challenging.

Jeremy's lips curved into a half-smile, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "And why do you think that, Natasha?" he asked, his voice laced with a teasing undertone that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Well, Mr. Walton, because I remember you making an entire speech on being passionate about cybersecurity, and how you want everyone to take it seriously, and that cyber crime is here to stay and might even get worse," Natasha quipped back, her tone daring yet playful. 

Jeremy looked momentarily taken aback as she mentioned his last name, but he quickly composed himself. "You've done your research on me, it seems." This woman was alluring him with every reply. "I said that 7 years ago, when I was just starting with SSC," he admitted, his tone carrying a hint of admiration for Natasha's sharp-wittedness.

"I do my homework," Natasha replied with a sly smile. "It's kind of my job."

"Well, I'm impressed. Not many people remember that speech," Jeremy acknowledged.

"Maybe you should take that pleasure of acquainting yourself with the most popular news blog in Boston. You might find our article interesting," Natasha said with a playful smile. She was surprised at her sass. Maybe it was the wine talking, or her response to Jeremy's obvious sexiness, or a culmination of both. But the way Jeremy was staring at her right now made her unable to think of anything else.

Jeremy leaned in. "Perhaps I will. The writer herself definitely has me intrigued."

Natasha felt a flutter in her stomach, her cheeks flushing slightly. She couldn't deny the thrill of their conversation, the electric energy that seemed to crackle between them. She tucked that unruly lock of her hair behind her ear again, noticing Jeremy's eyes following her movements. The pull between them was getting a little too intense to handle. It was time to leave. "I should get back to my friends," she said, picking her glass up and turning to go. "It was nice meeting you, Jeremy."

"Likewise, Natasha. Enjoy your evening." Jeremy tipped his glass towards her, his gaze following her as she walked away.

As she approached the table, she could see Sophia, Mark, and Liam watching her with raised eyebrows and curious expressions.

"What was that all about?" Sophia asked, unable to contain her curiosity.

Natasha shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Oh, just a little assistance at the bar from Jeremy Walton," she said casually, taking a sip of her wine.

Sophia grinned mischievously. "Assistance, huh? Looked more like sparks were flying from where I was sitting."

Mark chimed in, eyebrows raised. "Yeah, Natasha, I don't think I've ever seen you blush like that before. What did you two talk about?"

Natasha tried to brush it off, her heart still racing from the encounter. "It was nothing, you guys, just some small talk. I mentioned The Boston Inquiry to him, and he seemed interested."

Liam leaned in, a teasing glint in his eye. "Interested in the blog, or you?"

Natasha rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, come on, Liam. And you two," she pointed her finger towards Mark and Sophia, "Let's not make a big deal out of this. It was just a cordial chat."

Sophia smirked. "Sure, Tash. Just a cordial chat. We believe you."

They all laughed, but Natasha couldn't shake the lingering feeling of excitement and uncertainty that Jeremy Walton had ignited within her. As they continued their celebration, she couldn't help but wonder what might have been if they had carried their conversation on.