Chapter 3

JEREMY was in his office, immersed in the data on his screen. He was analyzing global market analytics, identifying potential big players in other countries for Sentinel Systems Corporation to partner with as part of their planned global expansion. Jeremy's office was sleek and modern, furnished with minimalist elegance. A large mahogany desk dominated the space, its polished surface reflecting the soft ambient lighting. To one side, a leather sofa and a pair of armchairs created a comfortable seating area, while a low coffee table bore an assortment of industry magazines and business journals. A tea trolley stood near the window, stocked with an array of beverages and snacks for those long working hours Jeremy spent in his office. With its floor-to-ceiling windows, this room offered a scenic view of the city, the skyline a sprawling panorama of gleaming skyscrapers and bustling streets, bathed in the bright midday sun. However, right now, Jeremy's focus was entirely on the numbers and graphs in front of him.

He zeroed in on something he noticed and pressed a button on his intercom. "Mrs. B, can you connect me to Tom, please?"

"Sure, Mr. Walton," a soft voice from the other end answered. A moment later, Tom, the CFO, was on the line. "Hey Jeremy, what do you need?"

"Tom, can you quickly tell me the projected revenue increase from the potential German partnership if we integrate their AI technologies with our existing infrastructure?"

Tom didn't miss a beat. "We're looking at a 15% increase in the first year alone, with potential for more as we expand into other markets in Europe."

"Got it. Thanks, Tom." Jeremy hung up and returned to his analysis.

The decision to expand internationally was not one that Jeremy took lightly. It required thorough research and strategic alliances with companies that shared Sentinel Systems Corporation's commitment to cutting-edge cybersecurity. He knew that every detail had to be meticulously planned to ensure a successful foundation of their global presence.

Despite the gravity of the task at hand, Jeremy's thoughts kept drifting back to the previous evening's encounter with Natasha. Her confident demeanor, sharp intellect, and the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her article had left a lasting impression on him.

Among the many tabs open on his MacBook, one of them had The Boston Inquiry's website, displaying Natasha's article. He had read it first thing in the morning, after spending the night unable to shake off thoughts of Natasha. He was impressed. The confidence and intellect that Jeremy witnessed for himself last night were confirmed further as he read how Natasha held the authorities responsible and demanded swift action.

The image of the stray lock of Natasha's hair, lightly teasing her cheek came into view again. Jeremy was unable to understand how he was letting this one woman invade his thoughts so unabashedly. It was not like him at all.

Just then, Ethan Carter, Head of Cybersecurity Operations and Jeremy's best friend, walked in, breaking his reverie.

"Hey, Jeremy, got a minute?" Ethan asked, his tone indicating it was something important.

Jeremy looked up, forcing himself to focus. "Sure, Ethan. What's up?"

Ethan closed the door behind him and walked over to the middle of the large room where Jeremy's desk was. The carpet muffled his footsteps, but the air was charged with the importance of his news. Ethan had a commanding presence, his tall frame and confident stride reflecting his position in Jeremy's organization. 

He took a seat across from Jeremy. "I wanted to give you an update on the renewed security design we've been working on."

Jeremy leaned forward, immediately back in CEO mode. "Go on."

"Well," Ethan began, "the design seems to be pretty effective overall, but there's a tiny flaw. The repercussions of overlooking that can be as bad as making our entire security infrastructure vulnerable to hackers and intruders, so I don't want to give the go-ahead until the flaw is fixed."

Jeremy frowned. "How exactly can it be fixed?"

"The flaw stems from a vulnerability in encryption," Ethan explained. "Essentially, the new design indicates the possibility of a flaw in the strength of the encryption algorithm, which could potentially expose sensitive data to unauthorized access. To fix it, we'll need to conduct a detailed analysis of the system, identify the specific weakness, and then implement an updated patch."

Jeremy nodded, already thinking about the implications. "How long do you think it will take?"

"I'd need a week." Ethan, being primarily responsible for the security of the company's information systems, knew the gravity of the situation. "Given our expansion plans, securing our systems and data is my priority. We can't afford to have any security gaps, especially as we move into international markets."

Alright," Jeremy said. "Make sure you allocate all the necessary resources. No delays at this stage."

"Absolutely," Ethan assured. Done with the pressing part of his visit, Ethan got up and walked over to the tea trolley. He opened a small container and took a handful of salted almonds out. "So, are we still on for the playoffs this weekend?"

"Of course, wouldn't want to miss the courtside action," Jeremy replied, his serious demeanor melting away.

"Did you catch the highlights of last night's game? That last-minute goal was insane." Ethan continued, as he walked from the tea trolley to Jeremy's side of the desk, offering him the almonds.

"Not really, I was a bit preoccupied," Jeremy answered, keeping his tone casual. 

 "Really?" Ethan leaned against the desk, sensing something was off. "What had you so tied up?"

Jeremy shifted slightly in his chair, trying to maintain his composed exterior. "Just went out for a drink. Nothing much."

Ethan glanced at Jeremy, noticing a faint smile playing on his lips. There was a certain lightness in Jeremy's demeanor, a subtle shift from his usual composed self. His eyes then caught the MacBook's screen, where Natasha's article was open. "What's that you're reading?" he asked Jeremy.

"It's a news article on the cyber attacks reported at CUB," Jeremy replied. "Unfortunately, the authorities weren't really paying attention to the students' suspicions and complaints. I plan to have a word with the university's trustees about that."

Ethan came closer to the screen to read better. "The Boston Inquiry? Since when are you into reading news blogs? This isn't your usual source of news."

Jeremy glanced at the screen, then back at Ethan, his face unreadable. "A fascinating woman I met at Elevate last night told me about it."

Ethan leaned back, his curiosity piqued. "Fascinating, huh? Who is she?"

"Natasha. We had a brief conversation at the bar, and....." Jeremy saw Ethan looking at him curiously. He decided to open up. "I've met loads of women, you know that. But she's...…different."

Ethan crossed his arms. "I don't think I've ever seen you like this over someone you just met. She must've made quite an impression."

"She did," Jeremy admitted. "It's strange. I usually keep my distance, but there's something about her."

"Well, maybe it's a sign you should let yourself get to know her better," Ethan suggested.

"Oh, I intend to," Jeremy said, a determined smile spreading across his face.


It was 9:30 pm, and winding down for the night, Natasha lay in bed, lazily scrolling through her social media feed. The day had been long, and she welcomed the familiar comfort of her bed, about to doze off soon.

Just as she was about to put her phone away, a notification popped up on her screen: an email from Jeremy Walton. She sat up. Her eyes were wide open now. "Oh my god," she said to herself. Her heart skipped a beat, and she willed it to be calm. She took a deep breath, her fingers hovering over the screen for a moment before she finally tapped the notification, anticipation rushing through her veins.

Subject: Intrigued To Know You More

Dear Ms. Brooks,

I finally had the pleasure of diving into your article. Your dedication to your craft is admirable, and I find myself captivated by your passion for journalism.

Coming straight to my reason to write to you is that our brief encounter the other night has left me drawn towards you, and now, I can't seem to get you out of my mind. I'd love the chance to know more about the woman behind the words, perhaps over a quiet dinner. I'll await your reply.

Warm regards,


P.S.: Your article compelled me to reach out to the trustees and authorities to offer my assistance in fortifying their security systems. I thank you for bringing this important issue to my attention.

Natasha felt all kinds of flutterings inside. After their encounter at the bar, Natasha was restless about how she felt about Jeremy. On one hand, she didn't want to be another accessory to his list of romantic dalliances, which she felt sure were many, and on the other, she couldn't resist the temptation of looking into his blue eyes again.

She had kept herself engrossed in work that day, forcing herself to not think of the chance meeting as anything more, but she couldn't help feeling hopeful that she had left Jeremy in as much of unease as her. This email answered her doubts.

She closed her eyes, took a moment, and then clicked on Reply.

Subject: Re: Intrigued To Know You More

Dear Mr. Walton,

Thank you for your kind words regarding my article. I'm glad to know that it resonated with you and sparked a desire for action. Your willingness to offer assistance in addressing the cybersecurity issues at CUB is truly commendable and greatly appreciated. That's the impact I aim for The Boston Inquiry to have on its readers.


Regarding your invitation, I must say, I like your straight approach. I'd be happy to meet for dinner, as long as your company is as charming as your words. I'll leave the choice of the restaurant up to you.

Warm regards,


P.S.: (+1) 4567329380. That's me being straight as well. 

As she hit Send, Natasha felt a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. She lay back on her pillow, staring at the ceiling, a small, hopeful smile on her lips. "Sophia would LOVE knowing about this!" Natasha grinned wide. The next few days promised to be interesting, indeed.