Extracting Fine Salt

Simon, seething with jealousy over Chance's newfound favor with the Emperor, devised a plan to humiliate his younger brother. He ordered the officials in charge of salt distribution to replace all the fine salt at Chance's estate with coarse, unrefined salt.

When Chance returned to his mansion and sat down for dinner, he was immediately confronted with the gritty reality of Simon's machinations. The food was nearly inedible, tainted with large grains of coarse salt. His frustration boiled over.

"Why is there coarse salt in my food? Who arranged this?" Chance demanded, his voice echoing through the hall.

The maid knelt, her voice trembling, "Fourth Prince, we have been out of favor for a long time. The officials in charge of salt distribution give us the leftover coarse salt."

Realizing that Simon was behind this, Chance's anger turned into determination. "Follow me," he ordered his two remaining servants. "We're going to the kitchen."

"First, we need to dissolve this coarse salt in water," Chance instructed. He filled a large pot with clean water and added the coarse salt, stirring continuously with a wooden stick until all the salt was completely dissolved.

"Next, we need to filter out the insoluble impurities," Chance continued. He fashioned a simple filter using a clean cloth and carefully poured the saltwater into another container, leaving the impurities behind in the cloth.

"Now, we need to heat the saltwater to evaporate the water," Chance explained. He lit the stove and placed the filtered saltwater in a pot over the fire. He patiently waited for the water to evaporate, allowing the salt crystals to reform.

As most of the water evaporated, Chance removed the pot and began collecting the fine salt crystals. He used a clean cloth to dry the crystals, ensuring there was no excess moisture.

"The final step is to further purify these fine salt crystals," Chance said. He placed the dried salt crystals into a smaller pot and heated them again, allowing the last of the water to evaporate and the crystals to become even more pure and fine.

After several hours of meticulous work, Chance finally produced a batch of pure, fine salt. He gazed at the sparkling crystals in his hand, feeling a deep sense of accomplishment. This was not only a practical application of his physics knowledge but also a successful endeavor in his new life in ancient times.

The news that the Fourth Prince had refined fine salt soon spread throughout the capital city.

After leaving the kitchen, Chance returned to his quarters, Chance felt a mix of satisfaction and boredom.

"No phone, no internet, no entertainment... This is so boring," he muttered.

One of his servants, noticing his restlessness, suggested, "Your Highness, if you are feeling bored, you could visit the Baihua Pavilion."

Chance's curiosity was piqued. "Baihua Pavilion?"

"Yes," the servant replied. "It is said that there is a stunning beauty there who dances gracefully."

Baihua Pavilion was a sight to behold, a place of opulence and grandeur. The building was adorned with intricately designed glass cups and the freshest seasonal fruits. The decorations were immaculate, with every corner draped in luxurious roses. Fresh flowers were arranged everywhere, adding to the enchanting ambiance. Chance was mesmerized by the beauty of the scene, feeling as though he had stepped into a heavenly realm.

On the second floor, a woman with her face veiled by a silk scarf stood gracefully. Her slender hands gently brushed her hair, the delicate fingers moving with an effortless elegance. As the breeze passed, it lifted the edge of her veil, offering a tantalizing glimpse of her exquisite features. The interplay of light and shadow across her face hinted at an ethereal beauty, leaving those who caught a glimpse longing for more. She was the Baihua Fairy, and tonight, all eyes were on her.

The combination of her graceful movements and the mysterious allure of her veiled face captivated everyone present. Her presence alone was enough to elevate the atmosphere of the evening, making the already magnificent pavilion feel like a dream.

Tonight was particularly special, for the pavilion was hosting a grand poetry competition. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation as guests gathered, eager to witness the talents of the poets and enjoy the enchanting performances.

Chance, suddenly interested, instructed his servant to prepare a carriage. As the horse-drawn carriage clattered towards the Baihua Pavilion, Chance eagerly anticipated meeting this stunning beauty.

Entering the Baihua Pavilion with great enthusiasm, Chance was greeted by beautiful women, each more enchanting than the last. Some were demure and gentle, others seductive and charming, showcasing a variety of talents. Some sang, others played instruments, and still others danced, leaving Chance completely mesmerized.

However, his excitement was interrupted when his despised second brother, Simon, descended from the second floor.

"Why is it always you?" Chance muttered under his breath.

Simon, with a smug grin, replied, "We seem to be destined to cross paths. Do you know what today is? Today is the poetry competition. Everyone here must compose a poem. You, who barely know a few characters, dare to come here? Aren't you afraid of embarrassing yourself?"

Chance raised an eyebrow. "Compose a poem?"

The servant whispered, "Today is a poetry competition. The winner gets to spend the night with the Baihua Fairy."

Chance thought to himself, Composing poetry is my strong suit. I grew up reciting ancient poems, and you think you can beat me?

Chance looked at Simon and declared confidently, "Let's compete then. The loser has to crawl like a dog and bark."