The Poetry Duel

Word quickly spread that the princes would compete in poetry at Baihua Pavilion. The crowd grew larger as more people arrived to watch the contest. First up was the Second Prince, Simon. He composed a beautiful poem, "The Ode to a Beauty," within seven steps, earning much admiration from the audience.

The crowd applauded enthusiastically.

Next, it was Chance's turn.

Simon mocked, "Do you even know how to compose a poem? Stop pretending."

Chance picked up the brush, and the countless poems he had memorized over the years came flooding back. He began to write with ease.

Simon taunted again, "Stop pretending. Even if I gave you three days, you wouldn't be able to come up with a decent poem. Just admit defeat."

Unfazed, Chance calmly replied, "I'm already done. Everyone, come and see."

The crowd gathered around, marveling at the beautiful calligraphy. "The handwriting is excellent, but what about the poem?" they wondered.

Simon also stepped forward, surprised by Chance's skill. "How can his handwriting be this good?" he thought.

Chance smiled inwardly, recalling the calligraphy competition he won during his PhD studies in 2024.

A spectator read Chance's poem aloud, "Her robes flutter like clouds, her beauty blooms like flowers. Spring breezes brush the railings, dew shines brightly. If we had not met atop Jade Mountain, we might have met under the moon of Yaotai."

The audience erupted in applause, captivated by the elegance of the poem. Even the courtesan queen was impressed and looked down with admiration at Chance.

Simon's arrogance vanished instantly. "How could he compose such a timeless masterpiece?" he thought, his face flushing with embarrassment.

Chance declared, "A bet is a bet. Since you lost, crawl out of here like a dog."

Simon was flustered. At that moment, a young man known as Sedewen, famous for his poetic talent, entered the room.

"I am Sedewen. I am willing to compose a poem for the Second Prince, Simon. But let's raise the stakes. The loser must not only crawl and bark like a dog but also cut off an arm. Do you dare to accept the challenge?"

Chance replied without hesitation, "Of course. Let's bet."

The courtesan queen, intrigued by the competition, descended with her face covered by a veil. The slight breeze revealed her exquisite beauty, particularly her slender, alabaster hands, making her seem like a figure from a painting.

In a soft, melodious voice, the courtesan queen said, "Since you want to gamble, why not compose a poem about wine?"

Sedewen immediately responded, "In front of Baihua Pavilion, I drink and laugh with joy. Beauties surround me like clouds, as if in a dream."

The courtesan queen praised him, "Indeed, a fine poem."

"Now let's hear the Fourth Prince's poem," she said.

Simon interjected, "You must have bought that last poem. How can you possibly win against Sedewen, the top poet?"

Ignoring him, Chance recited with deep emotion, "Long I listened to the sunset, drunk and unaware of the way home. Happy crossing the late return boat, accidentally entering the lotus flower deep place. Struggling, struggling, startling a flock of egrets."

The crowd was astonished. "A masterpiece! This poem deserves to be recorded in history," they exclaimed.

The courtesan queen was deeply impressed by Chance's talent, while Simon, trembling with rage, stormed out.

The courtesan queen calmly said, "Chance, come with me."

He was thoughtful and anxious." Tonight is my first time making love in this world," he thought to himself." I haven't practiced yet, how do I start?" He sighed inwardly, wishing he had spent time dating back in the modern world." He muttered, "If only I had a girlfriend before all this happened, maybe I would have been more prepared for a moment like this.

She led Chance into a private room, where the ambiance was intimate and dimly lit by soft lantern light. The courtesan queen moved with a practiced grace, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint as she poured wine into their cups. She handed Chance his drink with a coy smile, her fingers lingering just a moment too

Chance, ever vigilant, took the cup with a charming smile, but his instincts screamed at him to be cautious. He observed her closely, noting the slight tremor in her hands and the way her eyes flicked towards the door. He raised his cup in a toast, taking a small sip before theatrically swaying in his seat as if the wine had already begun to take its toll.

Feigning drunkenness, Chance allowed his eyelids to droop and his head to loll to one side. He saw the courtesan queen's lips curl into a barely perceptible smirk. She believed she had him under her spell. As she subtly slipped out of the room, he kept his gaze unfocused and his breathing steady, listening intently to the sound of her footsteps fading away.

Quietly, he tilted his cup, letting the wine trickle to the floor beside his chair. He crept to the door and pressed his ear against the wooden panel, hearing her hushed voice conversing urgently with someone in the hallway.

"Send someone to search him for money"

Chance's eyes narrowed. So, this was a setup. He needed to act quickly. He slipped back to his chair and resumed his drunken posture just as she reentered the room. The courtesan queen's smile widened, convinced of her success.

Unbeknownst to her, Chance was fully alert. After she left, he discovered that the courtesan queen was actually a thief, using her charms to deceive men and steal their wealth. Chance swiftly escaped through a window.

As he left Baihua Pavilion, his servant asked, "Fourth Prince, why did you leave so quickly? Are you... having medieval impotence?"

Chance retorted, "Nonsense. Let's get out of here immediately."