The Beautiful Princess

"You were incredible today, Chance," Rossy began, her voice warm with admiration. "Your bravery and strategy saved the entire kingdom. I have never seen anyone fight with such passion and determination."

Chance met her gaze, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions. He felt a deep connection to her, one that he had not felt since YoYo and Keiko. Yet, the weight of his past and the curse he believed followed him loomed large.

Rossy moved closer, her hand reaching out to touch his. "Chance, I want you to know something," she said softly. "I have feelings for you. Your strength, your intelligence, your heart—I've come to care for you deeply."

Chance's heart pounded, both from the proximity of her and the fear that gripped him. He pulled away suddenly, his eyes wide with panic. "No, Rossy! You can't!"

Rossy was taken aback, her eyes searching his face. "Chance, what's wrong? Why are you pushing me away?"

Chance stood up, his voice breaking with emotion. "Every woman who gets close to me meets a tragic end. First, there was Keiko, then YoYo. They both died because of me, because of this journey through time. The universe seems to punish anyone who loves me."

Rossy stood up as well, her eyes filled with compassion. "I don't believe that, Chance. You can't blame yourself for their deaths. It was fate, not your doing."

Chance shook his head, his face contorted with grief and fear. "You don't understand, Rossy. I can't bear to lose anyone else. I can't bear to lose you."

Tears glistened in Rossy's eyes as she stepped closer, refusing to back down. "I'm not afraid, Chance. I choose to be with you, no matter the risks."

But Chance's fear was overwhelming. He took a step back, his voice rising. "But I am afraid! I am terrified! Every time I let someone in, they die. I can't let that happen to you. I can't live with that guilt again."

Rossy reached out, her hand gently touching his cheek. "Chance, life is full of risks. Love is a risk. But it's a risk worth taking. You can't let fear control your life. We can face whatever comes together."

Chance's eyes filled with tears, and he covered her hand with his own, his heart torn. "Rossy, I can't lose you. I can't watch another person I love die because of me."

Rossy stepped even closer, her voice a soothing whisper. "Then don't let go. Stay with me, and let's face the future together. We can make it, Chance. We can break this cycle."

The intensity of the moment enveloped them, the night air thick with emotion. Chance felt the walls he had built around his heart begin to crack, but the fear was still there, gnawing at his resolve.

"Rossy, I…" he started, but his voice trailed off, unable to find the right words.

Rossy smiled softly, her eyes filled with unwavering belief. "You don't have to say anything, Chance. Just know that I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere."

Chance looked into her eyes, seeing the strength and love there. Slowly, he nodded, his heart still heavy with fear but also filled with a flicker of hope. "Okay, Rossy. We'll face it together."

Rossy smiled, a tear slipping down her cheek. "Together," she echoed, wrapping her arms around him in a tender embrace.

As they stood there, holding each other under the moonlight, Chance felt a sense of peace he hadn't known in a long time. Maybe, just maybe, with Rossy by his side, he could find a way to break the cycle of loss and pain. The future was uncertain, but for the first time, it felt like a future he could face with hope.

The embrace under the moonlight lasted longer than either of them anticipated. The cool night air, once a silent witness to their turmoil, now seemed to wrap them in a comforting blanket. Rossy's touch was a balm to Chance's weary soul, and her unwavering belief in him began to chip away at the fortress of guilt and fear that had encased his heart.

As they finally pulled apart, Chance looked into Rossy's eyes, finding strength he didn't know he possessed. "Thank you, Rossy. For believing in me, for being here. I don't deserve you."

Rossy smiled, shaking her head gently. "You deserve more than you know, Chance. And we'll face whatever comes, together."

The moon had reached its zenith, casting a silvery glow over the garden. They decided to walk back towards the palace, hand in hand, the silence between them now a comfortable one. Chance's mind raced with thoughts of the past, the present, and the uncertain future. But for the first time, he felt a glimmer of hope.