Celebration of a masterpiece

Princess Rossy of the Western Realm was summoned by the Emperor. To express his gratitude for the assistance provided by the Western Kingdom and Princess Rossy's heroic act of saving him, the Emperor decided to host a grand banquet in her honor.

Princess Rossy, adorned in an elegant traditional Western gown and wearing a dazzling tiara, walked gracefully into the grand hall, guided by palace maidens. Her steps were light and poised, each one like a blooming flower on the luxurious carpet of the palace. Officials and nobles rose to their feet, bowing in respect to the beautiful princess.

The Emperor, seated on his throne, looked at Rossy with admiration and gratitude. He slowly stood up, smiling warmly as he welcomed her. "Princess Rossy, your kingdom's timely assistance and your bravery in saving me are deeply appreciated," he said, his voice resonating with authority and gratitude.

Princess Rossy smiled graciously and curtsied elegantly. "Your Majesty, it was our duty and honor to assist."

The Emperor nodded, signaling to the eunuch by his side, who presented a golden tray encrusted with jewels. The Emperor took the tray, filled with gold, and handed it to Rossy. "As a token of my gratitude, I bestow upon you a thousand taels of gold."

Princess Rossy accepted the generous gift, her heart filled with gratitude. She understood that this gesture was not just a reward for her, but a recognition of her entire kingdom.

"In addition," the Emperor continued, "I wish to summon General Hachi, your esteemed father, to express my thanks for his valor."

General Hachi was known throughout the Western Desert as a warrior of unmatched bravery, beloved by his people. His presence at this celebration would honor the alliance between their nations.

Soon, General Hachi arrived at the palace with his impressive entourage. Clad in golden armor, he exuded an aura of power and dignity. As he entered the hall, all eyes were on him. The Emperor personally greeted him and invited him to a place of honor at the banquet.

"General, it is an honor to have you here," the Emperor said warmly.

General Hachi smiled and bowed deeply. "The honor is mine, Your Majesty. We merely fulfilled our duty."

As the evening wore on, the palace buzzed with music, laughter, and the clinking of glasses. The courtyard was filled with the melodies of court musicians and the graceful movements of dancers. Princess Rossy and General Hachi sat in places of honor, engaging in lively conversation with the Emperor and high-ranking officials.

"Princess, General, I hope you can stay a few days and enjoy the peace and prosperity of our kingdom," the Emperor said, raising his glass in a toast.

Princess Rossy and General Hachi lifted their glasses in response, their smiles reflecting their pride and joy. Princess Rossy thought to herself how proud she was of her kingdom and how grateful she was to have fought alongside Chance to protect this land.

The banquet continued late into the night, the palace aglow with brilliant lights, making the night sky seem almost like day. Princess Rossy and General Hachi felt a profound sense of honor and satisfaction as they celebrated amidst the grandeur and opulence of the royal court. They knew that, regardless of what the future held, the bond of friendship and cooperation forged on this day would be remembered for generations.

Meanwhile, in a quiet corner of the palace, Chance observed the festivities with a heart full of mixed emotions

Chance, he remembered what the emperor had said when he had summoned him not long ago, and sensing his father's coldness, he was worried, in stark contrast to the bustling scene in the palace.