Chapter 2

I blacked out it seems, and it seems im not in that white void any longer, where am I? Suddenly all the memories came rushing back to me and along with it came the pain.

"AHHHHHH F-FUCK these fucking chains." I shouted. I was in the damn dimension that white fucker made, I don't think im getting out of here anytime soon.

The dimension was pitch black I could hardly see anything, the only thing I could see were the damn chains that wrapped around my entire body and the ones that pierced my body along with black flames that were on the chains.

In fact, as far as I could see there were black flames everywhere and also chains hanging off the ceiling or what I assume is the ceiling because I cant actually see the ceiling, im only able to see the chains hanging and everything else is just darkness. The pain was also getting more tolerable as more time passed for some reason, don't know why.

Heh, I think the fucker forgot to take into consideration how fucking awesome I am. But don't get me wrong the chains still hurt like hell, still the worst pain I have ever felt, but it seems I have adapted to it to the point where im not screaming every time now. Also, what's up with my body? I can clearly see that the chains are piercing me yet im not bleeding, in fact I don't think I have any organs at all.

Well I'll figure it out eventually, in the meantime lets try and do something productive. Ever since I have slightly adapted to this pain that the chains brought to me I realised something. I could very very very slightly control the flames in this dimension, the chains wouldn't move an inch whenever I tried to control them but the flames very slightly listened to me whenever I tried to control it, I don't know why the heck that idiot would chain me in a dimension I could control even though I barely control anything right now, who knows maybe I'ill be able to control this entire dimension soon.

I decided to just engross myself in trying to control these flames as its literally the only thing I could right now.

*100 years later*

I don't know how long I've been in this place but I've made massive progress, I can control about half of this dimension excluding the chains, the fucking chains still would not move an inch no matter what I did. However I could now effortlessly control half of the flames in this dimension, I know that they are flames and they burn but I don't know how powerful they are or how much they burn because the flames cant do any damage to me no matter what.

I did manage to create something though, a creature.....whatever it was. It was about two meters tall and had two black goat like horns, its body was made entirely of the black flames of the dimension and its were just pure black, if you didn't look properly you wouldn't even be able to see its eyes.....and it didn't seem to have any gender.

"Father, please grant me a name." said the demonic entity

oooooh it talked, this is the first time since I created it did it talk, usually it just stays in a kneeling position not even looking up at me. Now, it seems it wants a name though its still not looking at me. What should I name it though? It looks demonic enough so maybe just a classic demonic name.

"From now on your name will be Azazel." I said

"Thank you, father."

Suddenly it started glowing in a eerie black light, wings sprouted from its back and a tail appeared, it grew two more heads with both heads having the exact same face though the eyes of the two heads were closed.

"Father, please give me something to do." Azazel said

There was nothing here to do, what was I supposed to say? Hmmmmm, wait, he could create an army. I mean Azazel Isn't trapped here maybe he could find a way to free me or something.

"Azazel, this is your first order, using whatever is at your disposal create a great and powerful army."

"Yes Father!" Azazel said excitedly

And me? I'll be taking over this entire dimension

* 500 years later *

I can finally control this entire dimension but the chains... no matter what I do I cant move it. I've already accepted that the current me cant hope to be able to remove these chains. But im not worried about that, because I have found a way to separate a tiny piece of my soul from myself. With this if I ever find a compatible vessel I'll be able to incarnate in that world.


Unfortunately there are some downsides, my true being will still be stuck in this dimension and if my incarnated form were to ever die the tiny piece of my soul that is in the vessel will be destroyed. Though this is only possible if the world that I incarnate into has beings that can damage the soul if they cant then that tiny piece of my soul is virtually immortal.

But depending on the world I go into and the laws of that world it can complicate my incarnation. Now you might be wondering how do I know so much stuff about laws and the soul and whatnot. Well after I completely took over this dimension I learned a lot, like the fact that when this dimension was created the idiot didn't leave his imprint on it allowing me to be able to slowly gain ownership of the dimension.

I also learned a great deal about laws due to studying this entire dimension after fully gaining ownership of it. And right now my true form is strong, like really strong. Im pretty sure that if I were in any other dimension, I could probably destroy it with relative ease.

Now about worlds, with the power of the dimension I can search for different universes and latch on to them with this im able to locate the universe and go there. I basically form a connection between my dimension and the universe

And, I have found one. After entering the universe the first thing I saw was a small planet that looked similar to the earth I was from. I could also see a blue glow surrounding the entire planet, I could tell it was some form of energy I just dont know which energy as im new to this universe.

I didn't want to waste any time so I got right to it and cut off a piece of my soul, I took off about 1% and sent it into the planet

When I arrived on the planet, the first thing I did was look for an object to posses. No matter what world it's never smart to just roam around in your soul form so I did the smart thing and possessed the closest thing to me which was a sword.