Chapter 3

There was no resistance at all when I entered the sword, which was to be expected because it didn't have a will nor a soul. As soon as I entered it I started to assess my surroundings, I couldn't sense anything at all with my soul sense, which meant there were no living things in a radius of 1km away from me.

What I could see though was a massive forest with lots of trees, the trees were really big, much bigger than the trees back on earth at least. I could sense a potent form of energy in the atmosphere of the planet but I didn't know what effects it would have on my soul if I were to absorb it. 

Right as I was about to wonder on my next thought on what to do I sensed a soul entering the radius of my soul sense, if I had any doubts about whether this world was supernatural or not then those doubts were gone now, obliterated.

Because the person or whatever it was that entered my soul field was moving really fast, at least three times faster than a car. It was about 500m away from me now and rapidly approaching this direction, I could tell it wasn't actually coming for me because I could sense stress and fatigue from his soul.

* BOOM *

Suddenly it crashed into one of the trees near me.

"Dammit, im out of chakra now and If I don't move soon those guys will catch up."

"What should I do?"

In a rush he started looking around, turning his head from side to side, desperately looking for something or anything at all that might salvage his current situation.

Suddenly his eyes landed on me, or well, the sword that I am currently inhabiting.

* sigh *

"Well it isn't much but I'll take what I can get ." Said the man as he slowly crawled towards me. As he was crawling towards me I wondered if he would be a compatible vessel. If I forcefully tried to incarnate in a vessel that is not compatible with me I'll either be ejected from the body or If I actually possessed the body the vessel would slowly be destroyed.

I decided to attempt to tempt him to see if he would fall easily.

"Hello Mortal." I said ominously into his mind, instantly he went on guard, I could tell from the fluctuations of his soul. It was pretty amazing to instantly become on guard by hearing a voice in your head even when he was injured and tired.

"Who's there!?" He shouted.

"Show yourself!"

"I am right here, mortal. Im the sword infront of you." I said calmly . He immediately started to back up from me looking at me with a shocked gaze.

"Since when could swords talk!?"

"I am not a mere sword, I am a higher being, a god if you will. This sword is just my temporary vessel."

'How is this possible, did his consciousness get sealed into the sword or something?' he thought

'Only the greatest of fuinjutsu grandmasters could ever hope to seal a person's consciousness inside an object. How dangerous was this entity why they couldn't just kill him?'

"Why don't you become my vessel?" I asked, suddenly and abrubtly

"Why would I d-"

"You would not only gain power beyond your wildest dreams but be able to take revenge on those you hate."

"I have already analysed your body and if I were to make you my vessel you would be able to call forth my power ten times every twenty-four hours, if you were to try and draw out more of my power an eleventh time before the twenty-four hour mark was up your body would start to breakdown and you would eventually die."

"So, do you accept?"

"How do I know your not just trying to take over my body?" He asked suspiciously.

"If I wanted to take over your body, I would have done so." I chuckled as he suddenly found that he couldn't move his body at all, he couldn't even move his eyes around, he could only think.

"Do you see now? I could just do this." I said as I floated off the ground and slowly approached his neck.

I stopped right before I could reach his neck as I reckoned I had already proven my point now and I released my hold on his body.

" I-I accept your offer, but what what should I call you?" he asked

"Master is fine"

"o-ok master."

Suddenly I sensed three souls entering the range of my soul sense, I assumed these people were the reason my new vessel was so tired and stressed, but what was surprising was how he even got away from them in the first place because they were moving way faster than him.

"It seems your chasers finally decided to end your life, they are heading this way by the way."

"w-wait wh-"

Before he could finish his sentence I flew out of the sword and plunged into his chest. Instinctually he started resisting this foreign entity inside his body. "Dont resist." I said to him

Slowly, his body started to accept my soul and eventually his body formed a connection with my soul, officially making him my new vessel.

"Wow I feel so much stronger."

"Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all."

'Focus, I don't want to have to find a new vessel this fast. Your chasers are here.' I said to him in his mind.

'What's your name by the way?' I asked

'Its Sayota' He replied


Suddenly three people with identical headbands appeared above Sayota, each of them swinging their sword at his head aiming to decapitate him. But before they could he easily parried all of them, causing all three of them to back away as they were too shocked to continue.

'He should be low on chakra and he wasn't this strong when we fought him before what's going on'

"Hawk, attack from his flank, turtle with me." One of them said

'Im so much more powerful than before now, I didn't feel a thing just now when I parried them.' thought Sayota

'Heh, lets test the power of my jutsus then'

Before any of the three ninjas could react, Sayota acted.

"[Fire Style:Fire ball Jutsu]"

Instantly Sayota blew out three giant black fireballs, catching the three ninjas off guard.

"Black flames?!"

"What jutsu is this?!!"

"Why are there three of them?! The fireball jutsu isn't this strong what's happening?"

Unlike the normal fireball jutsu which would come out as bright orange flames, Sayota was now Adrian's vessel and as such he has access to some passive abilities that he will always have without calling on the power of Adrian.

One of these abilities were [Corruption], this corrupts all Sayota's abilities into a more dark and powerful version of them

This corruption extends not only to his abilities but to his soul and body.

* BOOM *

The corrupted fireballs hit all three ninjas dead on as [Corruption] not only boosted the power of the attack but the speed.




But none of his teammates could pay any attention to him right now because they were experiencing the same thing he was experiencing. Soul pain.

Anything that is corrupted by [Corruption] will harm the targets essence, in this case their soul.

'Nicely done Sayota, now, go and torture them and then collect their souls.' I said excitedly

I had read Sayota's memories and boy was I happy, he wasn't as bad as me but he wasn't good either. The man didn't have any problems killing innocents he drew the line at killing children but that will eventually change the longer he stays as my vessel, my [Corruption] will make sure of it.

'You dont gotta tell me twice.' Sayota laughed

"Now then, Leaf ninja scum, who sent you?" he asked almost looking as if he desperately wanted them to refuse to tell him so that he could torture them more.


'Uh master how do I make the flames go away?' Sayota asked

'You just have to will it to go away and it will listen to you.' I replied

* snap *

As soon as Sayota snapped his fingers the flames instantly disappeared leaving no trace of their remains, well, except for the burnt people lying on the ground.

"T-Thank y-you w-we will tell you EVERYTHING" he said, desperately forcing out that last word due to the lingering effects of the soul pain.

"W-We were sent by Lord Hokage, our scouting team had spotted you near the village and since you were a rogue ninja, Lord Hokage ordered us to eliminate you ." The leader of the two replied fearfully.


"So it was just that"

"Ok now I feel very dumb, why did I go to Leaf's border's and not expect to get caught…."

"c-can we go now, p-please we told you what you wanted." The Leader asked

'Hmmm what if I use water style jutsus, what would happen?'

'I dont know what jutsus are as I am not from this world but if it's water it should turn into acid or a very corrosive dark liquid.' I replied

'Wait what your not from this world? Then how.....well nevermind it makes sense now, I dont feel any chakra added to me so I was wondering how my attacks got so much more powerful and why it was black. But it seems it was a different energy, more powerful than chakra.'


"Well then, time for a little experiment." Said Sayota maliciously

'This time let's use handsigns'

[Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu]



* BOOM *


The water was melting them alive with some of it even entering their mouths, eyes and ears, destroying their organs until finally they stopped screaming as even their bones were melted.

'heh,hehehehHAHAHAHAHAHA, we are gonna have a wonderful time together Sayota.' I said