Chapter 4

'Y-Yeah, we are.' Sayota said to me in his mind

'I think master is a little crazy, maybe even more than me.'

'Sayota.' I said suddenly

'Y-Yes master?'

'There are some things I didn't mention to you about you becoming my vessel.'

'Like what?' He asked

'The power you gained and used just now against those ninjas as you call them were merely passive abilities that are always active.'

'You haven't actually called upon my power as yet, but when you do, know that my soul will temporarily take over your body and I will be able to use one hundred percent of my power for thirty minutes before you take over back again.'

'Well one hundred percent of this tiny piece of my true being that is.' I thought

'Remember when I said your body would allow you to call upon my power ten times every twenty-four hours?'

'Yeah, I remember, what of it?' he asked

'Well there is a limit to how many times you can actually call upon my power even if you wait until the twenty-four hour time limit is up.'

'How many times could I use your power then?'

'Thirty times.'

'I have no problems with that master.' He said calmly

'Oh, why is that? I thought for sure you would feel displeasure at the fact you cant use my power as you like.'

'Master, you have already saved me, without you I would have surely died. And this power that I already have, is already more than enough.' he said happily

'With that said I think we should get out of here.'

* Sayota POV *

I now had to decide where to go, I cant go near any of the major villages even with this extra power unless I call on the power of my master, but that would just be a waste. First we need a base of operations and people who can help spread master's influence.

But other than to spread master's influence what would be the goal of this….organisation? I'll just ask master.

'Master, I have taken it upon myself to help spread your influence by creating an organisation or a cult, but I just dont know what the ultimate goal for this cult would be.'

'I-Im sorry If I stepped out of line master I jus-.'

'There is no need to apologise, this is perfect actually. Ever since I've made you my vessel I've sensed that if I were to try and leave your body the laws of this world would attempt to destroy my soul.' Master said

'As for the goal of the cult, it should be the creation of a body by any means possible that is able to permanently become my vessel meaning I'll be able to freely use my power.'

"Yes master!" I said with determination

I decided to make the base of operations underground, away from the Land of Fire or any of the major villages. I had dug deep underground using earth style and even though my earth style wasn't good at all it became much better due to me being master's vessel the, even the colour of my earth style was black and gave off an ominus aura.

'Alright this seems deep enough.' I thought

"[Earth style:Earth Wall]"

Suddenly a giant black wall appeared infront of me, it then multiplied as I poured more chakra in the jutsu, spreading in all directions effectively making a room with walls, a ceiling and a floor, all pitch black.

I started to add other things to the room, like a large table, with ten seats which will represent the ten strongest beings of the cult other than me, who is master's vessel and master himself.

Above the table was a throne, dark and malicious with skulls on each side of it. It was placed above the table to show the superiority of master to us and the rest of the cult.

Right above the throne was an hour glass, however this wasn't an ordinary hour glass. The sand inside was crimson and the hour glass itself was pitch black, master said it represented his impending return with a perfect vessel. This was to be used as the cult's symbol, anything with this mark would be considered a member of the cult.

The mark had already formed on my right hand after master had told me this was going to be used as the cult's symbol. According to master, because of this mark, I was now exempt from this world's reincarnation cyle.

If I were to die and by die I mean if my body were to be destroyed,Instead of going to the pure land, I would instead be reborn in master's dimension. Though this is only possible if my soul is not destroyed, if my soul is destroyed then it's just oblivion not even death.

* Sayota POV end *

Sayota was an only child and his parents were dead, as such he didn't have any siblings or anything that could be recruited. Hmmm I think [Corruption] has corrupted his mind enough he should be ok with capturing children and raising them in the cult. Allowing anyone else in the cult right now is dumb and would only hinder the cult's growth.

I told Sayota what I was thinking about capturing children to raise them as the cult's members and he wasn't the least bit bothered, all the praise goes to [Corruption] heh.

Sayota immediately decided to head out in search for any poor hungry children. The mark that would appear on future cult members would be filled with some of the energy from my dimension at the lowest possible potency, a higher potency and they would explode from overload.

More and more energy would be in the mark the higher their rank is, the energy in the mark would boost their physical capabilities and boost the power of the jutsus they use. They would not gain access to [Corruption] though no matter how high a rank they are at as only my vessel would gain access to that ability.

* 2 hours later *

Sayota had spotted a child captured by one of the many bandits that this world seems to have, the child had blue hair and yellow eyes, his entire body was basically skin and bones and it looked like he was abused as well as there were multiple black and blue spots all over his body.

I ordered Sayota to deal with the bandits and bring the child back to our hideout.

'Yes master.' he replied

Instantly Sayota jumped into action, deciding to only use physical force so as to not accidentally kill the child.

Swiftly he ran to the first bandit surprising the bandit as he didn't expect anyone to be here

"H-Hey guys someone is he-."


He was cut off as Sayota's hand pierced through his head causing blood and brain matter to fly everywhere, terrifying the other bandits.

"Attack him together!" One of the bandits shouted

As soon as she said that the other three bandits instantly started running towards Sayota, gaining confidence in killing him due to their higher numbers.

As the first bandit approached holding a kunai he slashed at Sayota but Sayota effortlessly dodges the kunai and punches him in the face twisting his neck in the process causing his head to face behind him looking at his teammates.

The female bandit who told them to run had already started to run away the moment she saw that.

'Should I let her go master?' Sayota asked

'Doesn't matter.' I replied

Hearing that Sayota shot a fireball at the female bandit, causing her to scream in pain when it hit.


Sayota decided to just let her have fun with the flames and turned his attention to the other two bandits who were trembling in fear.

"w-we do dont want any trouble man, w-we have families and children PLEASE." said one of the three bandits as he started to shout when he realised Sayota was still coming towards him.

In a flash Sayota appeared infront of them all and with only physical strength, beheaded all of them.

The child that Sayota was supposed to rescue/capture, but in this rescue was watching all this with calm eyes, which was better for me because the more his mind was already broken or the more willingness he had to partake in diabolical acts the easier the mark will slowly convert his mind to serve me.

Sayota approached the child with blood on his face and bloodstained hands, smiling peacefully as if this was an occasion where you should smile.

When he approached him, he asked the child, "Do you want to live." The boy didn't answer but kept staring back at Sayota with soulless eyes.

Right when Sayota was about to ask the child the question again, the boy responded.

"Will I be hungry again?"

Hearing that question Sayota smiled eerily and replied, "No, you wont ever feel hungry again. In fact if you decide to serve this higher power the concept of hunger will not apply to you anymore, diseases that may have bothered you before wont be able to affect you."


"Most importantly."

"You will never embrace death, if your physical vessel were to be destroyed you would then be transported at our lord's side."

The boy's eyes that seemed to had lost all light suddenly shined the moment he heard that he wouldn't ever feel hunger again as a smile slowly started to form on his face.

"By the way what's your name kid?" Sayota asked

"Rai." The boy replied

"My name is Rai, benefactor."

"Alright Rai, why dont we fix your problem."

"Really! Right now?! Please do." Rai replied excitedly

Such excitement was normal as he wasn't promised food, no he was promised the ability to never feel hunger again

Slowly, Sayota raised his hands and a black pentagram manifested on his right palm, he then placed his palm on Rai's left arm.

"[Mark Of Adrian]" Sayota whispered. As soon as those words left his mouth a black hourglass with crimson sand manifested on Rai's arm. Instantly some noticeable changes could be seen on Rai's body. His body slowly started to gain weight, until it stopped at a point where he wasn't overweight but not underweight.

"T-The pain its gone….I dont feel any pain anymore." Rai muttered in shock

"Benefactor, are you a god?"

"No, I am not, but our lord is."

"It is him who gave you this power not me, everything we have is because of him."

"Never forget this Rai."

"Yes, benefactor." Rai said with determination

"Where is our god, benefactor?"

"You can stop calling me benefactor now by the way, my name is Sayota. And to answer your question, he is inside me."

"W-what? Benefactor…..did you eat our god?" Rai asked in shock

"What!? No, I meant he is sealed inside my body, our ultimate goal is to revive him."


"Sayota…..please tell god, that I am grateful for what he has done for me." Rai said as he smiled peacefully