Chapter 5

"Heh, dont worry master hears you." Sayota said.

"Lets get back to base."

* 2 hours later *

Arriving at the base Rai was stunned, everything was black and had an eerie aura around it giving him goosebumps. It didn't even look bad, everything had a regal and a royal aura around it.

It felt wrong just being here as if his existence was lesser than even the ground beneath his feet, it terrified him.

"Dont worry Rai, this place is your home now."

"Accept it."

"Accept master himself."

"Only in this way can you continue receiving his blessing."

"Y-Yes, I will do my utmost best to live up to master's expectations." Rai said

While Rai was beginning to realise how terrifying Adrian really was, Hiruzen was sitting in the Hokage's mansion wondering why his anbus werent back yet. He had sent them to deal with a single rogue ninja they had sensed and according to the bounty book the rogue ninja who was called Sayota was strong but not strong enough to defeat three of his anbu.

"Hmmm, Shikaku what do you think happened?" Hiruzen asked.

"Haaaaa, well there are multiple reasons why the anbu could have suddenly disappeared." Shikaku replied

"Maybe Sayota was hiding his abilities to lure out some of leaf's forces to deal a heavy blow to the leaf village."

"However thats unlikely since even if he did manage to kill the three anbus, while he would be dealing a blow to leaf's manpower it would be negligible, almost non-existent." Shikaku continued

"Another reason is that he has multiple people that saved him, im more so leaning towards this option."

"Have all jonins and higher on alert in case Sayota is spotted anywhere near our borders." Hiruzen said

* sigh *

"I'm too old for this, I wish Jiraiya would take my seat already."

* sigh *

Back with Rai and Sayota, Sayota was conversing with me while Rai was practicing chakra manipulation by trying to walk on water.

'Sayota dont focus too much on increasing your regular attributes like speed, strength and the durability of your body.' I said

'While those are important, the creation and growth of an ability unique to you and you alone is better.'

'Through its growth you can eventually turn it into a hack'

'A hack?' Sayota replied in confusion

'What are hacks, Master?'

'A hack is an unfair ability that will usually always work on an opponent no matter how strong they are.' I replied

' This is what you should strive for, not mere improvement in the strength of your body.'

' And dont forget you are now my vessel, do not limit yourself.' I continued

' I wont disappoint you, master.' Sayota replied with determination

' While your doing that I'll see if my main soul can split off some more soul pieces and descend into more worlds.' I thought to myself

' Sayota, you wont be hearing from me alot from now on but dont worry you will still be able to call upon my power.'

'I will try and recruit more people to help spread your influence, master.' Sayota replied

Deactivating my connection with the small piece of my soul in this universe, I returned back to my dimension where my main soul was.

I realised with the tiny piece of soul I had in that universe that taking over that world is going to take some time, mostly due to the fact that the amount of power I had in that soul wasnt even enough to cover the entire planet and also because of how incompetent my vessel in that universe is.

Hopefully he takes my advice to heart and creates a powerful ability unique to him.

"Now lets see." I muttered

"I cant keep sending out small portions of my soul into universes and expect fast results."

"If I want to break out of this dimension by accumulating enough power I need to send larger portions of my soul."

"And if I want more power the world im descending into must be powerful enough."

After saying that I used the power of my dimension to locate powerful worlds that I could descend into.

After meticulously weaving through and past different universes searching for a sufficiently strong one that isn't too much for the current me I finally found one.

This time I didn't just send a portion of my soul without testing the danger of the world, the first time I was lucky I wont always be that lucky.

I directly split off 10% of soul and brought it to the connection my dimension had with this universe.

But before it could go any further I started to feel intense danger, it felt like if I dared to send only 10% of my soul in this universe it would get instantly eradicated.

Which was surprising because at full power I could erupt with enough power to destroy an entire galaxy, so 10% of my power was still very powerful enough to destroy an entire planet. So if 10% of my power was facing instant eradication I can only imagine how powerful the beings of this universe were.

"You know what."

"This time there wont be any vessels." I said with a crazed look

After saying that I directly increased the amount of my soul that was going to enter the universe from 10% to 45%, after doing this I still felt the danger but this time the danger was low.

The fact that I still felt danger with almost half my power was baffling but it excited me even more. It meant that the amount of power I could get by devouring the inhabitants of this universe was crazy high.

Deciding to not try and find a vessel I sent 45% of my soul through the connection with the intent to rampage across this world.

As I went through the connection, space itself cracked like glass as I tried to pull myself through the connection, with the amount of power I sent through the connection it's not surprising this is happening.

With one final pull I managed to enter this universe and as soon as I could sense my surroundings I realised I was surrounded by three people.

"Listen man, I dunno where you came from but your gonna have to go back. I could be doing better things with my time like talking to my little sister." Metal bat said in annoyance

"Can you idiots stop being useless!? Go protect the citizens or something I'll take care of this….thing." Terrible Tornado said in disgust

The only person who wasn't saying anything was a muscular old man with white spiky hair. He stared at me seriously with his arms up, ready to move at any moment.

Seeing all these people here...I started trembling, not out of fear but out of excitement!

"....I just want to thank you all for existing." I said to the three heroes


Just from my mere shout space trembled, the glass in all the buildings shattered.

My form started to fully materialize, black sclera with crimson red eyes with my entire body being made out of black flames, pitch black chains were also wrapped around both my arms.

"Lets begin." I said with delight

"[Concept Corruption:Soul]" I muttered

Before any of the three could do anything, metal bat and bang directly fainted.

Not from fear but because my ability just one shotted their souls by sending pure corruption damage directly to their souls.

They were both dead.

Only Terrible Tornado was still standing with her ears, nose and eyes all bleeding. Her eyes were wide from pure shock and silent fear.

'What the fuck just happened!?' She thought in rage

'....if it wasn't for my mental shield…..I would have died!? Just like that!?'

"FUCK NO." She shouted

Right after saying that she looked at me and I felt a force trying to compress me from all sides.

It didn't do much, without even moving I effortlessly broke her hold, appeared in front of her and grabbed her face.

With a snap of my fingers all her clothes vanished, she squirmed in my hand desperately trying to break free. Her powers seemed to go overdrive, her eyes went blank and right above us a black sphere manifested sucking everything in.

"Did you just….create a black hole?" I asked in amazement

The person in question was naked and unconscious after forcefully performing such a feat

"Unfortunately for you." I said with maniacal smile

"You reached a bad end." 

Using my powers I jolted her awake, it wouldn't be fun if she was knocked out now.

With some effort on my part I shaped my body to form an organ, an organ perfect for this situation.

A dick!

When she realised what I formed fear finally settled in. Without her powers she couldnt do anything and so she tried to crawl away.

She and the other two had rushed here when the heroes association had sent a message that something was destroying the majority of the city just from trying to get into our world.

Backup wouldn't arrive in another thirty minutes.

Without letting her crawl another step I hoisted her up full nelson, she didn't try and beg and I could feel her still desperately trying to urge her powers to work. But it meant nothing even if it did work.

What it would it do?


My hands roamed around her body, feeling up her perky breasts and her supple thighs and ass. Finally my hands came where her crotch was, at this point she was crying….begging after she realised her powers wouldn't do anything to me, I rubbed my hand over her labia, lifted her up some more and without any foreplay I pushed her down on my dick.


"IM SORRY IM SORRY." she continued with tears dripping from her eyes

Her crotch dripped with blood due to the dry penetration, her eyes slowly losing their light as she started to lose her resistance.

* PLAP *

Flesh slapping against each other echoed out into the now barren and destroyed city with only her screams being alongside them.

With one final thrust, I finally came and dropped her on her face. Her ass pointing up with blood and semen leaking from her crotch.

Her Tongue sticked out of her mouth and her eyes were dead without light, I could sense she was still alive but her mind....was basically dead.

"An amazing piece of art I must say." I laughed as I looked at her cum filled body