Chapter 8

Creating this new ability made Sayota feel a slight sense of invincibility, he knew he wasn't invincible however as there were still beings that could kill him.

"My entire body is now steam, which means I can reform from any physical attack as long as I have leftover steam." Sayota said.

"I've no idea what will happen if im struck by a jutsu, that will need some testing."

"I'll do that right now, I can't leave Rai here in case someone finds this place… i'm gonna have to bring him."

Sayota left the headquarters and went out into the clearing.There he found Rai now trying to climb a tree without using his hands, doing so quite effortlessly.

Noticing Sayota coming out of the headquarters, Rai had a slip in concentration and fell off the tree.

* THUD *

"Ugh….benefactor, you scared me." Rai said in slight pain as he rubbed his head.

"You're progressing fast Rai, really fast. By the end of the day you should master tree walking and we can start with some jutsus you should strive to be able to use without handsigns." Sayota said

"Ok benefactor, but why do you look so much more creepy now?" Rai asked.

"Oh this, dont worry about that, I've just finally been able to create something unique to me." Sayota replied as he smiled.

"By the way Rai we'll be heading out soon, you can think of it as combat practice"

"Really!?" Rai replied in excitement

"Yup." Sayota replied

Both Sayota and Rai headed out, none of them needed to bring food with them since hunger did not affect either of them. Being a part of Adrian's cult meant being more than just a mere human.


The air flashed as both Sayota and Rai rapidly moved, Sayota had to slow down to make sure he did not overtake Rai but even then they were moving fast.

"This is one the jutsus that I mentioned about earlier, its called body flicker jutsu." Sayota explained.

"Using this jutsu with hand signs makes it extremely inefficient if you don't either have extra arms or a sharingan."

"What's a sharingan benefactor?" Rai asked.

"It is one of the core abilities of one of the most powerful and feared clan in the entire world."

"Oooooo, can I get a sharingan benefactor?" Rai asked with shining eyes

"Well you can, just steal it from them." Sayota replied mischievously

"How do I do that Benefactor?" Rai asked

"Its simple." Sayota replied

"Just rip their eyes out of their eye sockets."

"Aaaaa, w-what, isn't that disgusting?" Rai replied with a disgusted face

Sayota laughed as he watched Rai seemingly imagining ripping someone's eyes out. And surprisingly he merely found it disgusting, it seems Master's mark changed his mindset a little.

"Alright here is a decently powerful animal, I'll let you go first Rai." Sayota said to Rai.

The animal that Rai was meant to fight was a two meter tall gray wolf with yellow eyes, he stared at Sayota, looking away in fear before his eyes landed on Rai.

The wolf looked at Sayota again then at Rai wondering if it should attempt what it's slightly developed and naive mind was thinking.

Rai charged at the wolf, rearing his fist back for a punch.

When the wolf saw this it momentarily forgot about the danger it felt when looking at Sayota and also charged at Rai opening it's mouth, revealing it's sharp teeth as it went in for the kill.


Rai pulled back his fist at the last moment and gave a powerful kick to the wolf's chin, causing it to spin and land on it's belly.

* whimper *

The wolf whimpered due to the pain from it's shattered jaw as it realised that the small human was also dangerous.

"Do I have to kill it Benefactor?" Rai asked Sayota

"Only if you want to, it looks feisty, I dont know if it will yield so easily." Sayota replied

"I've decided."

"Im going to make this wolf my pet!" Rai declared


"Benefactor, can you put the mark that you placed on me on my pet as well?" Rai asked in excitement.

"Sure." Sayota replied

As Sayota started to slowly approach the wolf, the wolf looked on in fear as in it's mind, the big human was now coming to end it's life after it tried to kill the little human.

The wolf desperately tried to get up as it tried to save it's life. After finally getting up it tried to run away as in it's mind there was no point in trying to fight the big human if the little one gave it such an injury in one hit.


Sayota swiftly moved as it appeared infront of the wolf looking deep into it's eyes, seeing fear and shock, mostly fear.

Sayota put his hand out hovering it above the wolf's head as in the wolf's mind, today was it's last day. After placing his hand on the wolf's head, Sayota uttered the words,

"[Mark Of Adrian]"

The wolf's body grew as it increased from it's two meter size to three meters, now it's fur had a gray colour with some of it being black, it's eyes became a brighter yellow and on it's head was the mark of Adrian.

"AWOOOOOOO!" The wolf howled in happiness as it never felt so powerful before.

The wolf looked down on Sayota staring into his eyes as in the next moment,

It bowed to Sayota.

"I'm not the one you should be bowing to, little wolf." Sayota said as he pointed at Rai.

The wolf turned towards Rai and bowed to him showing it's respect.

"From now on Rai is your master, if you want to repay me then become Rai's protector and servant." Sayota said

"I thank you big human and Rai." The wolf said to Sayota and Rai

"Oooo, you could talk!?" Rai asked in surprise.

"It seems this wolf is a little similar to the sage animals." Sayota

"Perhaps another two hundred or three hundred years from now on, this wolf might have created his own Sage technique."

"Big human, have home?" The wolf asked.

"My name is Sayota, please call me that from now on and yes we have a base of operations."

"Why no hungry? Why wolf always full?" The wolf asked in confusion.

" The mark you now carry is the mark of our god, it is what is causing you to not feel any hunger."

"You will always be at your best." Sayota continued.

"Well we should probably get bac-"

"Someone's here." Sayota whispered to Rai and the wolf

'Who is this that I'm sensing!?' Sayota thought in slight panic

'How am I just realising they were below us the entire time!!?' Sayota shouted in his mind as he readied himself.

Without giving the unknown enemy any time to realise that it had been spotted, Sayota quickly formed his new hand sign and with every ounce of his willpower, he manipulated the steam coming out of his body to harden and drill holes underground to catch whatever it was that was spying on them.

Rapidly moving through the earth, the steam created from Sayota just barely grazed the person underground, shocking the person greatly as they didn't expect anyone to be able to sense them.

The unknown enemy weaved through all of Sayota's attacks underground with relative ease as after reaching a certain distance from Sayota's attacks the person just.....disappeared.

'Dammit, who the fuck was that!?' Sayota thought in anger.

'I'm not used to this technique enough, it's too slow right now.'

'If it was just slightly faster.'

"Ok new plan we're heading back to base, we are weak right now and not fortified enough." Sayota said

'What just happened?' Rai thought .

'I couldn't even react, everything happened too fast.' Rai thought in frustration

While Rai realised how weak he really was, Black zetsu was still reeling from the shock of someone being able to sense him.

"That wasn't chakra." Black zetsu muttered.

"These…..people have some sort of unique energy mixing with mother's energy."

"I've got to keep an eye on them somehow, those black tendrils were dangerous, very dangerous." Black zetsu continued.

"Its similar to mother's truth seeking orbs, just a scratch from that damaged my soul."


"I'll leave them for now, if those tendrils actually managed to grab me I most likely would have died."

" I can't risk that."

Back with Sayota, he was now teaching Rai about affinities.

"There are five basic elemental chakra natures." Sayota said.

"Water, fire, earth, wind and lighting."

"Anybody can use all five chakra natures,however even if they can use it, it doesnt mean they actually have an affinity for it."

"Benefactor?" Rai said in a questioning tone

"Yes? " Sayota replied

"Aren't you forgetting darkness? The one you used against the person who sneaked up on us?" Rai asked

Hearing this Sayota chuckled as he explained, "While there are five basic elemental natures, certain elements can be combined to form what is known as a kekkei genkai."

"Achieving such a feat is very difficult, the only reason I could is because of master and the unique powers he granted me."

"For example, combining fire and wind will result in a powerful kekkei genkai called Scorch release."

"Doing what I did and combining water and fire will create steam, it all depends on how you use your abilities and what fits you."

"Some people however are born with kekkei genkais, remember when I told you about the sharingan?" Sayota asked.

"Yes, I remember." Rai replied

"The Uchiha clan is the clan that produces beings that are born with the sharingan." Rai said once more

"Correct, when their sharingan is activated their eyes turn blood red with either one, two or three tomoes in their eyes." Sayota replied.

"The more tomoes in their eyes the higher their mastery in the sharingan with 3 tomoes being the final stage."

"According to sources all across the world, the sharingan grants the user the ability to copy any jutsu that is seen, predict enemy movements and place people under powerful genjutsus."

"Now let's see what your affinity is, Rai." Sayota said