Chapter 9

After saying that Sayota moved closer to Rai, intending on using his uniqueness as Adrian's vessel to test something he had thought about.

"Unfortunately we don't have any chakra induction paper so I'll be trying something new instead." Sayota said to Rai who looked on in confusion.

"Something new? What do you mean benefactor?"Rai replied

"Dont worry about it, but inform me if you even feel the slightest amount of pain."Sayota said.

"Ok benefactor." Rai said not worrying in the slightest as he smiled.

Using the connection Sayota had with the abilities he gained from being Adrian's vessel, he placed his hand on Rai's head as he tried to interact with Rai's soul without damaging him.

Using the slightest amount of force his hand and mind moved through Rai's soul as he searched. His hand moved past Rai's memories, his fears and his thoughts, finally his mind came to what he was looking for.

Rai's elemental nature affinity.

What Sayota saw in Rai's soul was a mark that looked similar to how lighting looks, beside that he also saw a spinning vortex which Sayota assumed was water. But it didn't end there as Sayota also saw fire ,earth, and wind.

'Holy shit, this kid has affinities for all five nature affinities.' Sayota thought in shock

'This…..random child that I found, has so much potential.' Sayota thought to himself as he still couldn't believe it.

For a moment Sayota felt slight envy but that was quickly extinguished.

'He is still a part of Master's cult, his talent and his growth will benefit it.' Sayota thought

Deciding to end this now Sayota removed his hand from Rai's head.

"Rai, what is your last name?' Sayota asked seriously

"Dont got one." Rai replied while still smiling

"I don't know who my parents are benefactor."


"You have affinities for all five elemental natures." Sayota said

"Really!?" Rai replied in happiness

"I'm that awesome?"

"It seems so Rai."

"It seems so." Sayota continued

'I just barely managed to create a kekkei genkai by combining my two strongest nature affinities.' Sayota thought

'But what about him?'

'What if he manages to merge and combine all the five nature affinities into one? What exactly will be the result of that?' Sayota thought in slight expectation

'It would really be a waste if he merely focuses on one nature affinity when he has an affinity for every single element.'

As Sayota was experiencing what true a genius was, Adrian was once again attempting to enter a new universe he had found using the power of his dimension.

"This is...odd, the first universe where I can't seem to enter at all, I've even tried to send 99% of my soul through the connection yet….nothing is happening." Adrian said

The amount of danger Adrian felt when first trying to enter this universe was so high that he nearly gave up at the first try. However while the danger was incredibly high, he didn't give up as for him to feel that much danger means there must be someone or something that is in that universe that is incredibly strong.

However, there still lay the problem of him not being able to enter this universe at all, and with the amount of danger he felt when trying to enter this universe with literally 99% of his power...he didn't want or dared to try and enter with a smaller percentage.

Adrian feared that even if he were to send even 1% of his soul, not only would it be completely obliterated but whatever it is that obliterated it would somehow find a way to trace the connection he had with that tiny piece of soul and find him.

So what did he need? A test dummy or test dummies.

Adrian's mind momentarily thought about using Azazel, but it had potential and using it as a test dummy would only be stupid.

The amount of power it took to create Azazel was not necessarily small either.

Adrian could sense that if he were to send in 1% or even a decimal percentage of his soul he would be able to enter the universe, but he didn't dare try.

"What I need right now is an army, I could create an army myself but the power I use to create life is permanently lost." Adrian said

"Hmmm I could tr-"

"Wait." Adrian said in realisation

"Azazel...I ordered him to create an army before, lets see how much progress he has made so far." Adrian said

Adrian connected his senses to his dimension, after this connection Adrian's soul sense now covered the entire dimension. Using his connection with his dimension along with his passive ability ,soul sense, Adrian had already sensed Azazel.

What Adrian also sensed though, which was beside Azazel were neatly organised rows of unfamiliar beings.

Looking at these entities, Adrian could sense that they were from this dimension, he could feel the distinct nether energy coursing through their veins.

What greatly shocked and confused Adrian was the sheer amount of beings Azazel had managed to create, Azazel wasn't nearly this powerful.

Azazel would die before he created half as much of what Adrian was seeing right now. Of Course he probably could if he continued increasing his power and if he had a lot more time.

"How did Azazel manage to create one hundred billion entities in the short time that I was gone?" Adrian replied in confusion

Seeking some answers Adrian sent 20% of his soul to where Azazel was.

When I was finally there Azazel greeted me,

"Greetings Father!" Azazel said in surprise and happiness.

"Greetings, Azazel." Adrian said.

"How exactly did you manage to create such an army?"

"Father you have been gone for 400 years during that time I've managed to amass this amount of soldiers."

'What!?' Adrian thought.

'400 years!? Since when?"

'I have been in Sayota's universe for barely a day, I came back to my dimension and went to the punch man universe and was there for an even shorter time, how exactly have I been away for 400 years!?' Adrian thought in shock

'Is the time ratio that bad?'

'You know what, leave it, I'll figure it out eventually.'

"You've done a wonderful job Azazel." Adrian said

"Thank you Father." Azazel replied with the same happy tone.

"I've come across a place where you can finally unleash your powers to the fullest, however something or someone seems to be preventing even me from entering that universe." Adrian said

"So most likely you wont be able to enter either, however this is where this army that you've created comes in."

"I will send in one hundred at a time, any more than that and the connection will destabilize."

"Due to their birthplace being my dimension they won't die as long as their soul isn't erased or destroyed."

Saying that Adrian raised his hands as he manipulated nether energy to create something. Orbs of black swirled around Adrian as he created something that would allow him to talk with Azazel's troops and see around him when It's eventually given to one of the generals of the army.

A black staff manifested, atop the staff was the image of an eyeball staring at everything, the staff had golden carvings that ran all the way from the bottom to the top. Giving it an ancient look.

"I've created a basic artifact for one of your generals, this should at least help them survive just a little bit better, it will also act as a medium for me to sense my surroundings." Adrian said.

"I understand." Azazel nodded in understanding

Adrian gave the staff to the kneeling general who was slightly stronger than the rest of his peers. After taking the staff it replied.

"For supreme mastaa!!" It roared and the entire army followed.

Adrian smiled as he prepared to see the slaughter this army would indulge in...or if they were the ones who were going to get slaughtered.

Pulling on his connection Adrian tore a hole in space that would lead to the universe.

As soon as the army saw the portal, they charged. The general I gave the staff to stayed in the back as he seemed to be playing it smart while the rest ran in front of him acting as if their lives depended on it.

This first batch that was going in now would only be one hundred, more will be sent once the first batch is dead or a certain amount of time has passed and the connection has stabilized.

Each Nether Life form swiftly moved towards the portal, the weakest one was many times stronger than even Sayota after he became Adrian's vessel. Each one had red skin and golden eyes with their being some differences among them.

The generals were stronger than the common footsoldier and had black marks all over it's skin and a single horn pointing up in the center of its forehead. The ones who were eagerly running towards the portal were the foot soldiers who had no horn, no marks and were weaker than generals.

The foot soldiers all rushed in as the general waited in the back. It not rushing in like the others was a good thing, while Adrian can very easily recreate the staff and even recreate a different general, he liked seeing potential.

'Hmm I wonder what Sayota is doing now, I hope he has improved if even slightly.' Adrian thought.

'His vessel is weak, pitifully so. One of these foot soldiers could easily kill him.'

'That child…Rai, would have been a better vessel than him, there were some interesting markings on his soul, unfortunately though his body is young and weak. In that aspect he would be worse than Sayota.

While waiting for the connection to stabilize, Adrian turned to the energy he still didn't fully explore yet, the energy that helped him create something that literally just…..destroys.

Psychic energy.

Right before he could though, the connection to the unknown universe stabilized, signifying that another batch should now enter. This time the general walked with the charging crowd, making sure to match their pace so as to not get left behind.

"Now then."

"Lets see whats on the other side." Adrian said