Chapter 10

New York City, Manhattan

* sigh *

A man sighed in frustration

'The world is evolving yet it seems like I'm the only one who is devolving.' The man thought

'I've never made more than fifty thousand dollars a year before… colleagues seem to be constantly elevating themselves, rising rapidly in the economic food chain.'

'But here I am, doing the same thing I've done for the past thirty years.'

'I mean there are people with superpowers for christ sake!' The man thought in frustration

'Why am I wasti-'

The man's thoughts were stuck in his mind as he realised something odd.

'Am I hallucinating? Why does it look like the sky has a tear in it?' The man thought in confusion

'Is the government testing some new weapon or somethin-'


The sound of glass cracking echoed loudly, many people now started to realise the anomaly that was the tear in the sky. As if in in a movie, the tear started to stretch as if something was trying to force itself through.

' caused by the government right!?' The man thought in fear

"Mom look, somebody cut the sky." A child said in wonder and amazement

The mother couldn't reply to her child as she was just as confused as everybody looking up at the sky right now.


Suddenly the tear in the sky was spreaded even further, nothing could be seen on the other side of the tear except darkness. At this point everyone who saw the tear in the sky looked on in fear.

Just as many people were wondering if the tear was going to stretch even further, something happened.

Out of the tear in the sky, the hole that everyone stared at ,a hand emerged. With red skin and powerful looking muscles the hand grasped the portal like tear, trying to stretch it even further.

"C-Can someone call the fucking police or SOMETHING!?" A random guy shouted in panic

"What can the police even do!?" Someone shouted in fear

"Call the Avengers!"


The tear in the sky expanded and stretched itself even further as another hand emerged, pulling from both sides, trying to pull itself through.

The earth trembled as the world started to experience earthquakes, buildings started to shake and tremble. The ground split itself open as the earthquake got worst and worst.

Eventually the tear in space was now stretched open enough where people were now seeing the head of the creature. A bald scaly head with red skin along with yellow eyes was staring down at the civilians, terrifying them greatly.

Buildings started to crumble and fall apart due to the stretching of the tear being progressed further. Earthquakes intensified as people started dying before whatever it was that was trying to get in even got in.

Finally, the nether life form fully tore open the tear in the sky as it jumped out in happiness. Following closely behind were the 99 other nether lifeforms who also jumped out of the tear in space.

* BOOM *

Landing with a great thud, the nether lifeform looked around in delight at the terrified meat bags its master had sent it to massacre.

Panic ensued as chaos erupted in the streets of Manhattan. People turned and ran in every direction, desperate to escape the nightmare that had just invaded their reality. The man who had been lost in his thoughts stood frozen, his heart racing in his chest as the surreal horror unfolded before him

Sirens blared throughout the city, but they seemed muted against the cacophony of screams and destruction. Cars were abandoned as their drivers fled, leaving the roadways littered with vehicles. The distinct sound of shattering glass and the anguished cries of citizens echoed off the tall buildings, a haunting symphony of despair.

In a matter of seconds, the once bustling city morphed into a battleground. The nether lifeforms, each one more grotesque than the last, spread out across the streets, their red skin glistening under the dim light, each one poured through the tear in the sky rushing to the closest human they could find. They seemed to relish the chaos, thriving off the terror they inspired.

"H-HELP....SOMEBODY HELP ME." a woman shouted as one of the nether lifeforms had grabbed her by the face. She desperately punched and kicked at the creature, trying to free herself but nothing worked.



Her head was crushed. Brain matter splashed everywhere as the citizens who didn't die from the earthquake looked at the woman's crushed head in horror.

Just when everyone thought the avenger's wouldn't come to rescue them they heard something.

"ROAAAAAAAAAR" a loud roar echoed in the destroyed city.

The many nether lifeforms looked among themselves in confusion to see if it was anyone of them who had done that. They all looked up in the sky to see a green giant hulkish creature charging straight towards them.

"Kill big green guy!" One of the nether lifeforms shouted

"He look strong!"

One of the nether lifeforms jumped up rearing it's fist back to kill what it deemed as strong

"AAARH!" Hulk shouted, punching at the nether lifeform.

* BOOM *

Hulk punched right through the charging nether lifeform, going straight for the ones on the ground.

"Gahhh!" One of the many nether lifeforms shouted in panic

"Big green guy too strong! All attack!" One of them shouted

* BOOM *

The hulk landed in the cluster of nether lifeforms crushing many of them in the process. One of the surviving nether lifeforms charged at the hulk, its claws turning a deeper shade of red as it jumped into the air and swung its claws at the hulk.

With better speed and strength, the hulk grabbed it's hands and threw it into one of the destroyed buildings. Akin to a wild beast, the hulk smashed the ground as if to hype himself up then charged at the remaining nether lifeforms.

At this point in time only 38 nether lifeforms were alive after the hulk's recent squashing.

"PUNY LITTLE WEAK RED MEN!" Hulk shouted as he charged at the nether lifeforms.

The remaining nether lifeforms also charged at hulk, many of them pounced on him biting and tearing at his flesh.

The hulk roared as he pulled the ones who were biting him off of his body and used them as a weapon. Swinging madly and killing any nearby nether lifeform who unfortunately collided with their now weaponised comrade.

The grotesque creatures collided with each other, their shrieks of surprise mixing with the violent sounds of chaos surrounding the city. Each swing struck a horrific impact, and with every nether lifeform that fell, the crowd around him felt an inkling of hope return amidst the dread.

The Hulk swung wildly, crushing one creature after another in a storm of fury. His veins bulged as his body became greener and greener.

"ROAAAR!" Hulk roared as he punched and kicked at the nearest nether lifeform. Now there were only 5 nether lifeforms left and a still angry hulk.

The five nether lifeforms looked at each other and then charged at the hulk, knowing they wouldn't be able to kill him so they hoped to at least do some damage to the hulk before they died.

The first nether lifeform's fists clashed with the hulk's fist.

There was no sound of impact except for the crushing of flesh and the sound of broken bones.

"GAAAAH!" The now one armed nether lifeform shouted in agony, it's comrades watched on in anger as they shouted curses at the hulk.

"Stupid dumb green man!" One of them shouted

"When general or master comes… DEAD!" It shouted

The hulk looked at the nether lifeform that had called it stupid in anger.

"Hulk NOT stupid, hulk only SMASH!" Hulk shouted.

Hulk's voice echoed through the air, he stood tall and imposing, his muscles rippling with raw power.

"SMART HULK, UNDERSTAND THINGS!" he continued, his fists clenching.

"NO, NOT SMART, BIG GREEN GUY DUMB!" another one of the nether lifeforms shouted at 


"ROOOOOAR!" Hulk roared as he once again charged at the remaining 5 nether lifeforms, he threw a punch that the injured nether lifeform couldn't evade in time and…


Hulk's fist crushed the already injured nether lifeform, without stopping his momentum hulk grabbed the nearest nether lifeform by his head and crushed it's head.

Continuing his rampage, hulk punched at the other two nether lifeforms flinging them away then grabbed the last one and started smashing him on the ground repeatedly.

* BOOM *

* BOOM *

* BOOM *

By the time hulk stopped smashing him on the ground, his face was now unrecognisable and caved in. Making it look more grotesque than it already was, blood dripped from the nether lifeform's shattered features, pooling beneath him like ink on parchment.

The two nether lifeform's who had been punched away earlier slowly got up with great difficulty. They got up to the sight of yet another one of their comrades dead.

The sight was demoralizing. The two remaining nether lifeforms exchanged glances, their fiery red skin now ignited by anger.

Suddenly, the ground trembled again from the hulk's fast footsteps as he approached them in a sprint. His chest heaved with exertion and his eyes gleamed a seemingly never ending rage.

Being less intelligent than the higher ranks of their race, the two remaining nether lifeforms didn't try to think and find a way to at least do some damage the charging hulk. Repeating the same thing they had been doing from the start the two nether lifeforms charged at the hulk.

* BOOM *

The hulk rammed himself into one of them sending it flying and impaling it on one of the metals from the destroyed buildings killing it in the process.

Reacting quickly, the last nether lifeform, in a moment of inspiration started to consciously manipulate the nether energy within in its body, trying to create something to destroy the hulk.

All this time while the nether lifeforms gave the hulk some trouble it barely caused him to get stronger , the hulk would get stronger the angrier he became and the more powerful the enemy who he was fighting is.

While it was not as unfair and overpowered as Saitama's adaptability, it was still very powerful. Even now the hulk was already slightly stronger than before he had fought and killed the many nether lifeforms.