Chapter 11

A black orb started to appear around the last nether lifeform, looking at it closely it looked like a black rasengan.

Gaining the ability to consciously manipulate nether energy something that only the higher ranks of its race could usually do, the last nether lifeform swung its arm that contained the swirling orb of black energy at the hulk.

The hulk, reacting quickly, punched at the last nether lifeform

* BOOM *

This time however the nether lifeform wasn't the one who got pushed back.

The hulk was thrown back into one of the destroyed buildings, the arm he had used to punch at the nether lifeform was now bleeding profusely and limp showing it was now broken.

"W-Wa…?" The nether lifeform muttered to itself in confusion. It didn't expect the tiny black orb it had now managed to barely control would be so strong that it greatly injured it's greatest foe in one hit.

The air around them crackled with tension as the Hulk groaned in agony, his massive frame shaking slightly from the pain radiating through his arm. Blood oozed from the jagged wound, dark against the green of his skin, and he struggled to push himself up from the rubble that surrounded him.

As the hulk tried to get up, his height started to slightly increase and his muscles started to get denser and denser. His pants started to tear because of his sudden increase in height and his face turned more ferocious than it already was.

Miraculously, his once broken and bleeding arm now had stopped bleeding and he was now able to move it again. Without a second thought he launched himself at the nether lifeform moving with even greater speed this time.

The nether lifeform, unsure of what to do decided to use the only thing that had managed to leave a good injury on the charging force of nature.

"ROOOOAR." the hulk roared appearing in front of the nether lifeform in even less time than before.

The hulk once again punched at the nether lifeform, this time the nether lifeform couldn't even get to his raise his arms to try and counter the hulk's fist.

The result of that was….


Complete annihilation.

Beneath the hulk's fist lay the destroyed remains of the nether lifeform. Flesh mixed with the blood from the nether lifeform's corpse with even it's organs being crushed into flesh. The grotesque display was a testament to the sheer force of nature that the Hulk had unleashed.

The small amount of people that had survived the earthquake and the hulk's fight with the many nether lifeforms looked at the crushed nether lifeform in happiness, glad that whatever creature it was that invaded this world was now dealt with.

But then they remembered...the hulk had once gone on a rampage too, destroying everything in it's path. Remembering this the small crowd started to slowly back away from the hulk, fearing he might suddenly lash out.

People exchanged wary glances, instinctively inching away from the massive green figure. Whispers filled the air, doubts creeping back into their minds: Would he stay calm? Would he lash out again in wrath, indiscriminate like before?

Just as the tension began to mount, a familiar, confident voice cut through the air.

"Hey everyone! Everything's fine here."

"We've got this all under control."

Iron Man descended from the skies, his iconic red and gold suit gleaming under the bruised sky. He landed smoothly beside the Hulk, the whir of his repulsors barely disturbing the debris scattered around them. The presence of Tony Stark was like a beacon, illuminating a path through the unease that gripped the crowd.

The crowd hesitated, some still eyeing the Hulk with trepidation, but others were drawn in by Iron Man's reassuring demeanor. Tony continued, his tone light and playful, "I know Hulk can be a bit… overzealous at times, but trust me, he's on our side. Right, big guy?"

Hulk shifted his weight, glancing sideways at Iron Man. There was a glimmer of awareness in his eyes, though the anger within him still simmered just beneath the surface. He let out a soft grunt in acknowledgment, a subtle sign that he was not a mindless force of destruction.

"See?" Tony persisted, turning back to the crowd, his smile genuine. "No need to worry. We're all friends here."

As Iron Man stepped closer to the Hulk, his posture relaxed and his hands raised in a gesture of peace, the crowd began to follow suit. They took a collective breath and stood a little taller, reassured by the charismatic presence of their electronic hero.

"Now, I know this whole situation is intense," Tony added, glancing at the destroyed remains of the nether lifeform. "But the Hulk is a crucial part of keeping our world safe from threats we can't even begin to comprehend. So let's not forget, he fights for us, even when he gets a little... well, passionate."

As the hulk was finally getting the recognition he deserved something shocking happened.

Out of the tear in the sky , the tear that still hadn't closed up multiple nether lifeforms rushed out once again, each of their landing caused a great thud, causing even more damage to the already greatly damaged environment.

'Now….how exactly are we supposed to close this…..tear in the sky.' Tony thought.

'Are they just gonna keep comin-'

"ROOOOAR." The hulk shouted at the incoming nether lifeforms as he interrupted tony's train of thought.

"Everyone! Run as far away from here as possible!" Tony shouted to the crowd who looked at the many nether lifeform's in fear. Many of them started to hyperventilate due to fear as only some of them listened to tony's warning and started to run.

The ones who were hyperventilating however, Tony had to pick up and fly them to safety. Before he did he shouted to the hulk, "Banner! Stall them for a bit, I'll be right back."

"No Banner only HULK!" Hulk shouted back at Tony in dissatisfaction and anger.

The hulk charged at the new set of nether lifeforms pouring out of the tear in the sky, with his greatly increased strength and speed that came from him fighting the previous set of nether lifeforms he had an even easier time killing these new ones.

With ease, the hulk ran through the many nether lifeforms killing them even faster now due to his increased strength, blood splattered all over the place as the hulk charged at and killed.

Even though Tony could clearly see that the hulk was winning, his mind still wasn't settled. Because after all these aliens are killed…... .wouldn't more just come through the tear in the sky?

Tony's genius mind raced as he tried to figure out a way to close the tear in the sky, all while he urged the remaining crowd, lifting another terrified person with an iron grip and launching into the air. His jet boots flared to life, and he zoomed away from the battleground, scooping up those unable to flee on their own.

"Just keep moving! Stay close to the buildings ,it's safer!" Tony shouted back down as he flew, his voice carrying despite the chaos below.

* BOOM *

While Tony was trying to rally all the remaining survivors, the hulk was just about to finish killing the last nether lifeform when one more nether lifeform stepped out of the portal.

At the sight of this nether lifeform, both tony and hulk knew it was different.

Standing at a height of 1.5 meters was the general ranked nether lifeform that Adrian had given the newly created staff to. Not only were general ranked nether lifeforms smarter than the lesser nether lifeforms but they were also much stronger and knew how to consciously manipulate the energy they were born with, which was nether energy.

* BOOM *

Landing with an even greater thud, the general ranked nether lifeform looked at the many corpses of its comrades with no emotion whatsoever as it casually walked towards the hulk as if it was on a stroll.


Without any mercy the hulk crushed the last remaining nether lifeform, leaving only the general ranked one who stared at the hulk coldly.

Tony hovered in the air, staring at the new general ranked lifeform, "Hey big guy, this one looks different, be careful."

The hulk responded with his usual grunt, as he stared at the staff wielding general ranked lifeform.


In a flash of speed unlike anything seen before, the general ranked nether lifeform lunged at the hulk swinging his staff at the hulk.

Barely reacting in time, the hulk put his hands up to block the attack.

* BOOM *

The impact sent shockwaves down hulk's body, making him stagger. The sound of bones breaking could also be heard along with hulk's growls of pain.

"Huh?" The general ranked lifeform muttered as he felt a slight pain in his back, turning around it could see that tony was hovering in the sky shooting energy blasts at it. Deciding to take care of the flying one first the nether lifeform kicked hulk away and pointed its staff at Tony.

Almost instantly, orbs of black energy manifested at the tip of the staff and was instantly fired at Tony, breaking the sound barrier on its way towards Tony.

Barely managing to move out of the way in time, Tony went into full acceleration mode, knowing that if he stopped to try and shoot at the general ranked lifeform he would be hit.

The now knocked down hulk quickly managed to get to his feet as he charged again. The hulk threw a fist of pure rage at the nether lifeform which without even looking at the general ranked lifeform easily dodged and countered with a quick punch to the gut.

The hulk reeled over in pain barely managing to stabilize himself. A smile worked its way up the general ranked lifeform's face as he looked at the hulk struggling to get up due to the pain.

Seeing this it said,"Master wont need to come here to deal with this puny place, I alone am enough."

"You're all weak." it said as it spat on the hulk's face in disdain