Wishes and Rebirth

James stood in the vast white realm, his mind swirling with possibilities. The ethereal figure before him waited patiently, her serene smile encouraging him to consider his wishes carefully.

"James," she said gently, "you have been granted three wishes to reshape your destiny. What do you desire?"

He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision. "First," he began, "I want to be exceptionally skilled in Transmutation. I want it to be a natural talent, something I excel at beyond anyone else."

The figure nodded, a soft light shimmering around her as she recorded his wish. "Transmutation, a profound choice. And your second wish?"

James hesitated for a moment, thinking about his new appearance. He had always admired the description of Lily Evans from the Harry Potter books. Her fiery red hair and bright green eyes had left a lasting impression on him. "For my second wish, I want my new appearance to resemble Lily Evans. Red hair, green eyes, and the same features."

Another nod from the figure, and the light shimmered again. "Your new appearance will be that of Lily Evans. Now, your final wish?"

This was the most crucial wish, the one that would define his new life's circumstances. He wanted a connection to the wizarding world, something that would allow him to be near Harry Potter yet remain unnoticed. "For my background, I choose to be a member of House Rosier. However, I want to have been left in an orphanage in Little Whinging. That way, Harry and I would have seen each other around and at school, but we never interacted before."

The figure's smile widened, and the light around her grew brighter. "A well-thought-out choice, James. Your wishes have been granted. You will excel in Transmutation, take on the appearance of Lily Evans, and be reborn as a member of House Rosier, left in an orphanage at Little Whinging. Your new life begins now."

Before he could respond, the light enveloped him, and everything went dark. He felt a strange sensation, as if he were being pulled through a tunnel, his very essence reshaped and molded into his new form. Memories of his old life faded into the background, replaced by the new reality taking shape around him.


James awoke in a small, dimly lit room. The first thing he noticed was the cold, hard floor beneath him. He blinked, trying to orient himself. The walls were bare, the furniture sparse. He was in an orphanage, just as he had wished.

He looked down at his hands, now small and delicate, the skin pale and smooth. His fingers brushed against his hair, feeling the soft, fiery strands. He caught sight of his reflection in a cracked mirror across the room. Green eyes stared back at him, wide with curiosity and a hint of excitement. He had truly transformed into the likeness of Lily Evans.

A soft knock on the door startled him. He turned to see a matronly woman peeking in. "Ah, you're awake, dear. Welcome to St. Hedwig's Orphanage. My name is Matron Morgan. You must be feeling a bit disoriented. Come, let's get you settled."

He followed her, taking in the surroundings of his new home. The orphanage was modest, but the children seemed well cared for. As they walked through the halls, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. His old life as James Walker was a distant memory. Now, he was Lily Rose, a new life intertwined with the wizarding world and a mission that lay ahead.

The days at the orphanage passed quickly. Lily adapted to her new identity with ease, her natural talent for Transmutation manifesting early on. She kept a low profile, observing Harry Potter from a distance. They attended the same primary school, and though their paths rarely crossed, she felt a strange connection to him. Harry was quiet and often kept to himself, much like her.

Years went by, and the time came for her to receive her Hogwarts letter. The excitement was palpable as she prepared for her journey to the wizarding school. She was expecting someone from the magical world to guide her, but the knock on the orphanage door still startled her.

Matron Morgan opened the door, revealing a tall, sallow-skinned man with greasy black hair and a hooked nose. His dark eyes scanned the room before settling on Lily. For a moment, he seemed to freeze, his expression one of shock and disbelief.

"Good afternoon," he said, his voice a low drawl. "I am Professor Severus Snape. I have come to escort Lily Rose to Diagon Alley to gather her school supplies."

Matron Morgan nodded, turning to Lily. "Lily, this gentleman is from your new school. He'll take you to get everything you need."

Lily stepped forward, her heart pounding. She had read about Snape, and now here he was, right in front of her. His eyes narrowed slightly as he took in her appearance, and she could see the surprise still lingering in his gaze.

"Thank you, Matron," Lily said politely, then turned to Snape. "I'm ready, Professor."

They left the orphanage and walked in silence for a while. Lily could feel Snape's eyes on her, studying her intently. Finally, he spoke.

"You resemble someone I once knew," he said, his tone guarded.

Lily looked up at him, her green eyes meeting his dark ones. "I don't know much about my family," she admitted softly. "I was left at the orphanage as a baby."

Snape's expression softened slightly, but he remained aloof. "I see," he replied. "We have much to do. Stay close and follow my instructions."

They reached a quiet alleyway, and Snape led her through the magical entrance to Diagon Alley. The bustling street was filled with witches and wizards, shops lining both sides with vibrant displays of magical items. Lily's excitement grew as she took it all in.

Snape guided her efficiently through the various shops, purchasing robes, books, a wand, and other essentials. As they walked, Lily couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and anticipation. This was her new world, her new life, and the beginning of her mission.