The Wand Chooses the Witch

The entrance to Diagon Alley was a simple brick wall behind the Leaky Cauldron, an unassuming pub that masked the magical world from Muggles. Lily watched in awe as Snape tapped the bricks in a specific pattern with his wand. The wall shifted and rearranged itself, revealing a bustling street filled with witches and wizards.

Lily's eyes widened at the sight before her. Diagon Alley was a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds. Witches in brightly colored robes bustled about, chatting animatedly as they perused the shops. Children darted from store to store, their eyes wide with excitement. The air was filled with the scent of freshly baked goods from nearby bakeries and the faint, acrid smell of potion ingredients.

Their first stop was Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Snape led her into the shop, where a plump witch with a kind smile greeted them. "Hogwarts, dear?" she asked, eyeing Lily's small frame.

"Yes, ma'am," Lily replied.

Madam Malkin measured her quickly, her tape measure whizzing around Lily's body. She selected a set of plain black robes from a rack and adjusted them to fit perfectly. Lily admired her reflection in the mirror, feeling a sense of pride in her new attire.

Next, they visited Flourish and Blotts, the bookshop. The shelves were packed with volumes of all sizes, from ancient, leather-bound tomes to slim, colorful textbooks. Lily's heart raced as she selected her required books: "The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1," "A History of Magic," "Magical Theory," and more. Each book held the promise of knowledge and the potential for greatness.

Their third stop was the Apothecary, a dimly lit shop filled with the scent of herbs and potions. Jars of strange ingredients lined the walls, from unicorn horn powder to bezoars. Snape guided her through the list of supplies, ensuring she had everything she needed for her potion-making classes. He seemed to know the shopkeeper well, their conversation curt and business-like.

As they left the Apothecary, Lily's bag was significantly heavier. She glanced up at Snape, who seemed lost in thought. "Professor," she ventured, "thank you for helping me today."

Snape's gaze softened slightly as he looked down at her. "It is my duty," he replied simply. "And... you are welcome."

Their final stop for the day was the Magical Menagerie, a noisy shop filled with the sounds of chirping birds, meowing cats, and the rustling of various magical creatures. Lily wandered through the aisles, marveling at the array of animals. She settled on a small, sleek black cat with bright green eyes that reminded her of her own. Snape purchased the cat for her without a word, his expression inscrutable.

Lily's heart pounded with excitement and nerves as she and Snape approached Ollivanders, the legendary wand shop of Diagon Alley. The shop was narrow and shabby, with a single wand displayed on a faded purple cushion in the dusty window. The sign above the door creaked gently in the breeze: "Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C."

"Remember," Snape said, his tone a bit softer than usual, "the wand chooses the wizard."

Lily nodded, feeling a thrill of anticipation. As they stepped inside, a bell tinkled softly, announcing their arrival. The shop was small and cramped, with towering shelves packed with narrow boxes. The air was thick with the scent of aged wood and a hint of magic.

An old man with pale eyes and a shock of white hair appeared from behind one of the towering shelves. "Good afternoon," he said, his voice soft but carrying an air of authority. "I am Garrick Ollivander. Ah, and you must be here for your first wand."

"Yes, sir," Lily replied, her voice trembling slightly.

Ollivander's piercing gaze settled on her, and for a moment, it felt as though he was looking into her very soul. "Let's see what we have for you," he murmured, moving with surprising speed for his age. He began pulling boxes from the shelves, muttering to himself.

"Try this one," he said, handing her a wand of dark wood. "Yew, eleven inches, with a phoenix feather core. Quite powerful for dueling."

Lily took the wand, feeling a slight warmth in her fingers. She gave it a tentative wave, but nothing happened. Ollivander snatched it back, already reaching for another.

"Hmm, perhaps not. How about this? Vine wood, nine and a half inches, dragon heartstring."

Again, Lily felt a warmth as she took the wand, but this time, when she waved it, a few sparks flew out. Ollivander shook his head. "Closer, but not quite."

He continued to hand her wands, each more beautiful and unique than the last. Some produced sparks, others emitted a faint glow, but none felt quite right. Lily began to worry, but Ollivander remained calm and focused.

"Patience, my dear," he said, his eyes twinkling. "The right wand is here somewhere. Ah, let's try this one."

He pulled a long, slender box from the highest shelf and opened it to reveal a wand of rich, reddish wood. "Redwood, twelve inches, with a dragon heartstring core. Excellent for Transfiguration and powerful attack magic."

Lily took the wand in her hand, and the moment her fingers wrapped around the smooth wood, she felt a surge of energy. It was as though the wand had been made just for her. She gave it a gentle wave, and golden sparks erupted from the tip, filling the room with a warm, radiant light.

"Ah, yes," Ollivander said, his face breaking into a rare smile. "Redwood and dragon heartstring. A perfect match for you, my dear. Strong, adaptable, and very capable in both Transfiguration and combat. This wand will serve you well."

Lily beamed, feeling the connection between her and the wand. "Thank you, Mr. Ollivander."

Snape watched the exchange with an inscrutable expression, his dark eyes flickering with an emotion Lily couldn't quite place. "Are you satisfied with your wand, Lily?" he asked.

"Yes, Professor," Lily replied, still marveling at the wand in her hand.

"Good," Snape said, his tone brisk once more. "We should return to the orphanage. You have much to prepare for."

As they left Ollivanders and made their way back through Diagon Alley, Lily felt a new sense of purpose and confidence. With her new wand and the supplies she had gathered, she was ready to begin her journey at Hogwarts. The mission ahead was daunting, but she was determined to succeed. She had been given a second chance at life, and she would not squander it.

The bustling streets of Diagon Alley began to fade as they exited through the Leaky Cauldron, the entrance to the Muggle world just ahead. As they walked back to the orphanage, Lily's mind raced with thoughts of the magical world she was about to fully enter. She had a powerful wand, a new identity, and a mission to help Voldemort. But she also had a chance to learn, grow, and perhaps shape her own destiny.

Back at the orphanage, Snape handed her the ticket for the Hogwarts Express once more. "September 1st," he reminded her. "Do not be late."

"I won't, Professor," Lily promised.

As Snape turned to leave, he paused, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer. "Good luck, Lily Rose," he said quietly, before disappearing into the shadows.