Darkness Consumes

Bellatrix Lestrange watched with a twisted sense of pride as Lilith Rosier donned her new Death Eater robes. The young witch had proven herself in the battle against the Aurors, and Bellatrix could see the potential for greatness within her. But Bellatrix knew that potential was not enough; Lilith needed to be shaped, broken, and reforged into something even more powerful.

After their return to Malfoy Manor, Bellatrix decided it was time for another session to ensure Lilith's loyalty and strength remained unwavering. She led Lilith to a dimly lit chamber deep within the manor, a place she had used many times before to test and train those she deemed worthy.

"Lilith," Bellatrix said, her voice soft but laced with menace, "you performed admirably tonight. The Dark Lord will be pleased. But there is always room for improvement, always more to learn."

Lilith nodded, her eyes gleaming with a mix of anticipation and fear. "I'm ready, Bellatrix."

Bellatrix smiled, a cruel twist of her lips. "Good. Now, let's begin."

With a flick of her wand, Bellatrix cast the Cruciatus Curse. "Crucio!"

Lilith's screams filled the chamber, echoing off the stone walls. Bellatrix watched her writhing on the floor, her body convulsing in agony. The sight brought a dark satisfaction to Bellatrix's heart. She knew the pain was necessary, a tool to break Lilith further, to strip away any lingering remnants of weakness.

As she continued to hold the curse, Bellatrix's mind wandered, reflecting on Lilith's performance during the mission. The young witch had shown remarkable skill and power, moving through the battle with a grace and ferocity that mirrored Bellatrix's own.

"Yes, she has potential," Bellatrix thought, her eyes narrowing as she studied Lilith's contorted form. "But potential is useless unless it is shaped, refined. Pain is the forge, and I am the blacksmith."

She lifted the curse momentarily, allowing Lilith a brief respite. "You did well tonight, Lilith," Bellatrix said, her voice almost tender. "But remember, pain is your ally. Embrace it, and you will become invincible."

Lilith gasped for breath, her body trembling. "I understand, Bellatrix. Thank you."

Bellatrix's smile widened, and she raised her wand again. "Good. Now, let's continue."


The screams resumed, a symphony of agony that filled the chamber. Bellatrix's thoughts drifted once more, contemplating the future. She saw Lilith as a reflection of herself, a younger version with the same hunger for power and the same willingness to embrace the darkness.

"She will be great," Bellatrix mused, her eyes glittering with dark excitement. "But first, she must be broken. Only then can she be truly strong."

As the session continued, Bellatrix varied the intensity of the curse, pushing Lilith to her limits but never beyond. She knew precisely how far to go, how much pain to inflict to break Lilith further without destroying her completely.

Lilith's screams grew weaker, her body nearing the edge of collapse. Bellatrix finally released the curse, watching as Lilith lay on the floor, panting and shivering.

"You are strong, Lilith," Bellatrix said, kneeling beside her. "But you can be stronger. Embrace the pain, let it mold you."

Lilith looked up at her, eyes filled with a mixture of fear and gratitude. "I will, Bellatrix. I promise."

Bellatrix nodded, satisfied. "Good. Rest now. Tomorrow, we begin again."

She left Lilith in the chamber, her mind already planning the next steps in the young witch's training. Bellatrix felt a twisted sense of love for Lilith, a maternal pride in the dark potential she saw in her. Lilith was like the daughter she could never have, a protégé she could shape in her image.

As Bellatrix walked through the corridors of Malfoy Manor, Lilith's screams still echoed in her ears, a background symphony to her thoughts. She knew that with enough pain and training, Lilith would become one of the Dark Lord's most powerful followers.

"She will be unstoppable," Bellatrix thought, a cruel smile playing on her lips. "And she will be mine."


Draco Malfoy sat in the dimly lit drawing room of Malfoy Manor, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. The house was eerily silent, but he could still faintly hear the muffled screams echoing from deep within the manor. Lilith—once his friend, now a source of fear and confusion—was enduring yet another session with Bellatrix Lestrange.

Draco clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms. How had it come to this? He remembered the girl he had met at Hogwarts, ambitious and eager to prove herself. They had formed an alliance, a friendship based on mutual goals and shared ambitions. But somewhere along the way, things had taken a dark turn.

He had heard about the mission the previous night, how Lilith had gone out with Bellatrix and slaughtered Aurors with a sickening glee. The news had spread quickly among the Death Eaters, and Draco had listened in stunned silence as they recounted the details. Lilith had laughed through the battle, treating it as a game, reveling in the chaos and bloodshed.

Draco's stomach churned at the memory. He had always known that the path they were on was dangerous, but he had never imagined it would lead to this. He had pushed her down this path, encouraging her ambition and fostering her darker tendencies. Now, he could barely recognize the girl he once called a friend.

He rose from his chair and began to pace, his thoughts racing. The screams from the chamber grew louder in his mind, a constant reminder of what Lilith was enduring. How could she enjoy it? How could she find pleasure in such pain and suffering?

Draco stopped in front of a large mirror, staring at his reflection. His face was pale, his eyes haunted. He had always prided himself on his ability to control his emotions, to maintain a calm and collected exterior. But now, the facade was cracking.

"What have I done?" he whispered to himself, his voice trembling. "How did it come to this?"

He thought back to their time at Hogwarts, the moments they had shared, the plans they had made. Lilith had always been driven, but there had been a spark of something else within her—a kindness, a vulnerability. Now, that spark was gone, replaced by a darkness that seemed to consume her.

Draco's mind drifted to the screams again. Bellatrix's twisted form of love for Lilith was a cruel and brutal thing. She saw Lilith as a reflection of herself, a protégé to be shaped and molded through pain and suffering. And Lilith—how broken must she be to embrace it, to find joy in it?

Draco shook his head, trying to dispel the thoughts that plagued him. He couldn't afford to be weak, to show doubt or fear. The Dark Lord would not tolerate it, and his family relied on him to maintain their standing.

But as he looked into the mirror, he couldn't help but see the cracks in his resolve. The path they were on was leading them deeper into darkness, and he was starting to doubt if there was any way back.

With a heavy heart, Draco turned away from the mirror and made his way towards his bedroom. The screams continued to echo in his mind, a constant reminder of the choices he had made and the consequences that followed. He had pushed Lilith down this path, and now he had to live with the knowledge that he had helped create the nightmare she had become.

As he lay in bed, trying to find sleep, Draco's thoughts were consumed by the past and the future. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong, that the path they were on would only lead to more pain and suffering. But for now, all he could do was endure, just as Lilith was enduring in her own twisted way.

And in the darkness of Malfoy Manor, the screams continued, a haunting symphony of a friendship lost and a nightmare realized.