What is Love?

Lilith Rosier felt a twisted sense of satisfaction as she nestled into Bellatrix's side, her body curled up on the couch. The echoes of her own screams, now a background hum, had lulled her into a state of peace that she could only find in the presence of her tormentor. Bellatrix's fingers threaded gently through her hair, a soft and almost maternal gesture that contrasted sharply with the pain she regularly inflicted.

Lilith's mind, always teetering on the edge of sanity, drifted through a fog of dark thoughts and fragmented memories. The mission, the bloodshed, and the screams—all of it was a chaotic symphony that she relished. Yet, in this moment of stillness, there was a strange comfort in Bellatrix's touch, a rare respite from the unending storm within her.

Across the room, a group of Death Eaters watched the scene with mixed reactions. Lucius Malfoy stood among them, his expression a complex blend of disgust and envy. He had always been wary of Bellatrix's methods, but seeing Lilith so at peace, so content in her madness, made him question everything.

Lucius's mind raced with thoughts as he observed the young witch. Lilith, once a bright and ambitious student, had descended into a level of derangement that was both terrifying and pitiable. He wondered if she truly felt happiness in this twisted existence, or if she was simply lost beyond all recognition. The sight of her, curled up and serene against the person she should fear most, unsettled him deeply.

The other Death Eaters murmured among themselves, their gazes flickering between Bellatrix and Lilith. Some shared Lucius's disgust, others envied the twisted bond they witnessed. To them, power was everything, and Bellatrix had forged Lilith into a weapon of chaos and destruction.

Lilith stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open for a moment. She looked up at Bellatrix, her eyes filled with a bizarre mix of adoration and madness. "I love you, Bella," she whispered, her voice soft and dreamlike.

Bellatrix's smile was both tender and cruel. "I know you do, my little Lilith," she replied, her tone almost affectionate. "You're mine, and together, we will bring the world to its knees."

Lucius's stomach churned at the exchange. He turned away, unable to watch any longer. The girl who had once been his son's friend, who had shown such promise, was now a broken doll in Bellatrix's hands. The Dark Lord's influence had twisted her beyond repair, and Lucius couldn't shake the feeling that this path led only to more destruction.

As he left the room, Lucius couldn't help but ponder the choices that had brought them all to this point. He had always believed in the cause, in the purity of blood and the power of the Dark Arts. But seeing Lilith, so consumed by madness and pain, made him question if it was all worth it.

Back on the couch, Lilith drifted back into a restless sleep, her dreams filled with visions of fire and blood. Bellatrix continued to stroke her hair, her eyes gleaming with a possessive pride. To her, Lilith was a masterpiece, a creation molded in her own image.

The other Death Eaters eventually dispersed, leaving Bellatrix and Lilith alone in the dimly lit room. The peace Lilith felt in Bellatrix's presence was fleeting, but in that moment, it was all she knew. She had embraced the darkness fully, and there was no turning back.

As the night wore on, the line between torment and comfort blurred further, and Lilith's mind sank deeper into the abyss. Bellatrix's hold on her was absolute, and in the twisted reality they shared, Lilith found a semblance of peace, however dark and fleeting it might be.


Severus Snape stood in the shadows of the room, his expression carefully neutral as he observed the disturbing scene before him. Lilith Rosier, once a promising student at Hogwarts, now lay curled up against Bellatrix Lestrange, her face serene in a way that seemed grotesquely out of place given the circumstances. Bellatrix's fingers moved through Lilith's hair with a gentleness that was almost tender, a stark contrast to the cruelty that usually defined her interactions.

Snape's dark eyes scanned the room, noting the varied reactions of the other Death Eaters. Lucius Malfoy's expression was a complex mix of disgust and envy, while others seemed equally unsettled or intrigued by the twisted bond between Bellatrix and Lilith. For Snape, the sight filled him with a sense of profound unease.

He had always known the darkness within Bellatrix, her capacity for cruelty and madness. But seeing it reflected in Lilith, a girl who had once shown so much potential, was a bitter pill to swallow. Snape couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, wondering if there was more he could have done to steer her away from this path.

As the other Death Eaters began to disperse, Snape remained where he was, his mind racing with thoughts. He remembered the girl Lilith had once been at Hogwarts: ambitious, driven, but not yet lost to the darkness. He had tried to guide her, but the allure of power and the influence of Bellatrix had proven too strong.

Snape's gaze lingered on Lilith, her peaceful expression so at odds with the screams that had filled the manor earlier. He knew the methods Bellatrix used, the way she broke people down and remolded them in her own image. Seeing Lilith so utterly transformed was a stark reminder of the dangers that came with their allegiance to the Dark Lord.

He turned his attention to Bellatrix, whose smile was one of possessive pride. She looked at Lilith as one might a prized possession, a creation of her own making. Snape's lip curled in disdain, though he kept his expression otherwise impassive.

Finally, Snape decided it was time to leave. He turned and made his way out of the room, his footsteps echoing softly in the corridor. The manor was a labyrinth of dark corners and hidden rooms, a fitting reflection of the tangled web of lies and deceit that defined their lives.

As he walked, Snape's thoughts turned to Dumbledore. He knew he would have to report this, to share the disturbing developments with the headmaster. Dumbledore needed to know the extent of Lilith's transformation, the depths to which she had fallen.

Reaching his private quarters, Snape sat down heavily in a worn armchair. He poured himself a glass of firewhisky, the amber liquid catching the light from the flickering candles. He took a deep sip, feeling the burn as it went down, and let out a heavy sigh.

He had always walked a dangerous line, straddling the worlds of the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix. It was a role that required constant vigilance, a balancing act that took its toll. Seeing Lilith in her current state was a stark reminder of the high stakes and the ever-present risk of failure.

Snape closed his eyes for a moment, allowing himself a brief respite from the weight of his responsibilities. But the image of Lilith, so broken and deranged, lingered in his mind. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had failed her, that he had not done enough to save her from the darkness that now consumed her.

Opening his eyes, Snape set the glass aside and leaned back in his chair. He knew what needed to be done. He would report to Dumbledore, share what he had witnessed, and together they would devise a plan. Lilith was lost for now, but perhaps there was still a chance to bring her back from the brink.

The path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but Snape was determined to see it through. He had made his choices, and he would stand by them, no matter the cost. For now, he would prepare, gathering his strength and resolve for the battles that lay ahead.

And in the darkened corridors of Malfoy Manor, the screams of the broken echoed on, a haunting reminder of the price they all paid for power.


Albus Dumbledore sat in his office, the flickering light from the candles casting dancing shadows on the walls. Fawkes, his loyal phoenix, perched nearby, occasionally letting out a soft trill. The air was filled with the comforting scent of aged parchment and the faint hum of ancient magic that permeated the room.

Dumbledore's gaze was fixed on the letter before him, penned in Snape's distinctive, precise handwriting. The envelope had arrived moments ago, delivered by a dark owl that vanished into the night as quickly as it had appeared.

With a deep breath, Dumbledore unfolded the letter and began to read.


I write to you with grave news regarding Lilith Rosier. It has become evident that her descent into darkness is complete. She has aligned herself fully with Bellatrix Lestrange, and their bond is both disturbing and dangerous.

I witnessed firsthand the depths of her derangement. Bellatrix's influence has shaped Lilith into a mirror of her own madness. Lilith's actions during a recent mission, where she participated in the killing of Aurors with a disturbing sense of glee, have confirmed our worst fears. Her enjoyment of the chaos and bloodshed was palpable, a clear sign of how far she has fallen.

Her power has grown exponentially, but it is her control that is most alarming. After a brief hiatus from her studies in Human Transfiguration, she returned with a level of precision that surpasses many seasoned wizards. I suspect she has found a method to enhance her control in a dangerously short period.

Bellatrix continues to mold her, using a combination of pain and twisted affection to solidify her loyalty. The Cruciatus Curse has become a tool not just of punishment but of perverse bonding. I fear that the longer Lilith remains under Bellatrix's tutelage, the more irredeemable she becomes.

We must consider our next steps carefully. Lilith's potential as a weapon for the Dark Lord is immense, and her current trajectory is a significant threat.

Yours, Severus Snape

Dumbledore set the letter down, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. The lines on his face seemed to deepen as he absorbed the implications of Snape's report. The transformation of Lily Rose into Lilith Rosier was a tragedy, a loss that weighed heavily on his heart.

His thoughts turned to the girl she had once been, full of potential and promise. He remembered the ambition in her eyes, the hunger for knowledge that had driven her to excel. Now, that same ambition had led her down a path of darkness, twisted by Bellatrix's influence and Voldemort's overarching plan.

The door to his office creaked open, and Professor McGonagall entered, her expression as grave as his own. "Albus, is everything alright?"

Dumbledore handed her the letter. "Read this, Minerva. It's from Severus."

As McGonagall read the letter, her face grew pale, and her eyes widened in shock. "This is... horrifying," she whispered. "What can we do?"

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled before him. "We must tread carefully. Lilith is a formidable adversary, and any direct confrontation could push her further into Voldemort's grasp. We need to find a way to reach her, to show her that there is still a path back."

"But how, Albus? She seems so far gone," McGonagall said, her voice tinged with desperation.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with a mix of sadness and determination. "There is always hope, Minerva. We must find a way to remind her of the light she once carried within her. Perhaps through her friends, or even through Severus, we can plant the seeds of doubt in her mind about the path she is on."

McGonagall nodded slowly. "And in the meantime?"

"In the meantime," Dumbledore said, "we must prepare for the battles ahead. Voldemort's forces are growing, and we cannot afford to be unprepared. We will continue to watch over Harry, and ensure that he is ready for what is to come."

Dumbledore rose from his chair and walked to the window, gazing out at the grounds of Hogwarts. The castle stood as a beacon of hope and resilience, a symbol of the enduring fight against darkness.

"Send word to Severus," he said quietly. "Tell him to keep close watch on Lilith, and to continue his efforts to protect her as best he can. We may yet find a way to save her."

McGonagall left the office to carry out his instructions, leaving Dumbledore alone with his thoughts. The weight of the world seemed to rest on his shoulders, but he knew that he could not falter.

In the battle against Voldemort, every soul mattered, and Dumbledore was determined to fight for each one, no matter how lost they seemed. And so, with renewed resolve, he turned his attention back to the countless tasks at hand, ever vigilant, ever hopeful.


In the heart of the dark, cold chamber beneath Malfoy Manor, Lord Voldemort stood alone, contemplating his latest triumphs and the continuing progress of his plans. The room was dimly lit by flickering torches, casting eerie shadows on the stone walls. His pale, snake-like face was expressionless, his red eyes gleaming with an unholy light.

He had just returned from a successful mission, one that had solidified his control over several key locations and recruited powerful allies. Yet, as he reviewed his strategic map, one particular pawn in his game occupied his thoughts: Lilith Rosier.

The girl had proven herself time and time again, her abilities growing exponentially under Bellatrix's tutelage. Lilith's transformation from a promising Hogwarts student to a loyal, powerful Death Eater was a testament to Voldemort's influence and the effectiveness of his methods. He admired the raw potential she possessed, her aptitude for dark magic, and her increasingly unhinged loyalty.

A soft knock at the door interrupted his musings. "Enter," Voldemort hissed.

Bellatrix Lestrange glided into the room, her eyes alight with feverish devotion. She bowed low, her wild hair falling around her face. "My Lord," she said, her voice filled with reverence. "I have come to report on Lilith Rosier."

Voldemort nodded, gesturing for her to continue.

"She performed admirably on our recent mission," Bellatrix said, her voice tinged with pride. "Her control over dark magic is exceptional, and she relishes the chaos and pain we bring. She is, without a doubt, becoming a valuable asset to our cause."

Voldemort's expression remained unreadable, though inwardly he was pleased. "And her mental state?" he inquired, his voice a cold whisper.

Bellatrix's eyes gleamed. "She is...perfectly molded, My Lord. She embraces the darkness with joy and fervor. Her fear of me has turned into a twisted form of loyalty and dependency. She is broken, yet powerful."

Voldemort allowed a thin smile to curve his lips. "You have done well, Bellatrix. Continue to nurture her abilities. She will be instrumental in the battles to come."

Bellatrix bowed again, her eyes shining with adoration. "Yes, My Lord. I live to serve you."

As Bellatrix left the chamber, Voldemort turned his thoughts back to Lilith. Her transformation was a critical part of his strategy. He needed followers who were not only powerful but also utterly loyal, and Lilith fit this requirement perfectly.

Yet, there was a part of him that remained cautious. He knew all too well the dangers of unchecked ambition and the volatility of broken minds. Lilith's progression had been rapid, almost unnaturally so, and while this made her a formidable force, it also made her unpredictable.

He considered the reports from his spies within Hogwarts. Dumbledore and his Order were aware of Lilith's descent into darkness. They would likely attempt to save her, to pull her back from the brink. Voldemort's lip curled in disdain at the thought. They would fail. They always did.

However, he could not dismiss the possibility entirely. Lilith's former friends and teachers might still hold some sway over her, however slight. It was a risk he would need to manage carefully.

Voldemort stepped closer to the map, tracing a path with his long, pale fingers. The wizarding world was on the brink of war, and every piece on the board had to be perfectly placed. Lilith Rosier was a powerful piece, but she had to be controlled, harnessed effectively.

"She will serve me," Voldemort murmured to himself, his voice barely a whisper. "And if she falters... she will be replaced."

His red eyes gleamed with a cold, calculating light. The path to ultimate power was fraught with dangers, but Voldemort was prepared to face them all. He would crush the light, extinguish hope, and reign supreme.

With a final glance at the map, Voldemort turned and left the chamber. There was much to be done, and the Dark Lord would ensure that every piece of his grand design fell perfectly into place. And as for Lilith Rosier, she would either become a weapon of unparalleled power or a cautionary tale of the consequences of failure.


Bellatrix Lestrange prowled the dim corridors of Malfoy Manor, her thoughts consumed by the recent mission and the progress of her prized protégé, Lilith Rosier. The manor was silent, save for the faint echoes of her footsteps on the cold stone floor. She reveled in the darkness, her twisted mind finding solace in the shadows that mirrored her own soul.

Bellatrix's thoughts were fixated on Lilith. The girl had shown exceptional talent and an insatiable hunger for power, qualities that Bellatrix admired and encouraged. More than that, Lilith had become something of a surrogate daughter to her, a twisted reflection of the maternal instincts Bellatrix had never fully suppressed.

She entered a secluded room deep within the manor, a place she often used for her private rituals and training sessions with Lilith. It was here that she could mold the girl into the perfect instrument of Voldemort's will.

Lilith was waiting for her, curled up on a couch with an almost childlike vulnerability. Her head rested on Bellatrix's lap, and she looked up with a mixture of fear and adoration in her eyes. Bellatrix gently stroked Lilith's hair, a gesture that was both comforting and possessive.

"My dear Lilith," Bellatrix cooed, her voice a soft, dangerous purr. "You performed beautifully tonight. The way you embraced the chaos, the joy you took in the pain and destruction... it was exquisite."

Lilith's eyes gleamed with a manic light. "Thank you, Bella," she murmured. "I live to serve the Dark Lord and to make you proud."

Bellatrix's smile widened, a mix of pride and madness. "You are becoming everything I hoped you would be. But there is still more to learn, more darkness to embrace."

With a sudden, almost tender brutality, Bellatrix cast the Cruciatus Curse on Lilith. The younger witch's body convulsed with pain, but instead of screams, there was a twisted laughter that filled the room.

Bellatrix watched Lilith writhe under the curse, her own expression one of ecstasy. This was not just a punishment or a test; it was a bonding ritual. The pain was a language they both understood, a twisted form of love and devotion.

As she released the curse, Bellatrix's mind wandered to Lilith's performance during the mission. The girl had been a vision of dark beauty, her spells precise and deadly, her laughter a haunting symphony that echoed through the battlefield.

Lilith's descent into madness had been swift and thorough. Bellatrix had taken great care to break her, to strip away any lingering traces of innocence or hesitation. The Cruciatus Curse was a tool of transformation, each application driving Lilith further into the depths of insanity and loyalty.

Bellatrix leaned down, whispering in Lilith's ear. "You are mine, Lilith. My creation, my masterpiece. Together, we will bring the world to its knees."

Lilith looked up, her eyes glassy with pain and devotion. "Yes, Bella. I am yours."

As Lilith lay there, recovering from the latest bout of torture, Bellatrix's thoughts drifted to the other Death Eaters. Some watched with envy, others with disgust. Lucius, in particular, had a calculating look in his eyes, as if wondering whether Lilith's path was truly the right one.

Bellatrix didn't care what they thought. To her, Lilith was perfect—an embodiment of the dark power and twisted love that fueled her own existence. She saw in Lilith the potential to become even greater than herself, a weapon of unparalleled destruction for Voldemort.

She glanced around the room, her gaze landing on Severus Snape, who stood in the shadows, his expression inscrutable. Bellatrix knew that Snape had his doubts about Lilith, but she relished the challenge of proving him wrong. Lilith's loyalty to the Dark Lord was unwavering, and Bellatrix would ensure that nothing could shake that foundation.

As the night wore on, Bellatrix continued to stroke Lilith's hair, her thoughts filled with plans and visions of the chaos they would unleash together. The screams of pain and laughter from Lilith were the background music to her dreams of conquest and power.

In her heart, Bellatrix knew that Lilith was more than just a protégé. She was a kindred spirit, a reflection of the madness and devotion that defined Bellatrix's own existence. And she would do whatever it took to nurture that bond, to mold Lilith into the ultimate weapon for the Dark Lord's cause.

With a final, lingering look at Lilith, Bellatrix whispered, "Sleep now, my dear. We have much to do, and many more to destroy."

As Lilith drifted into a restless sleep, Bellatrix's eyes burned with a fierce, unholy light. The path they walked was one of darkness and death, but to her, it was the only path worth taking.