Chapter 7 :A Sudden Flash of Inspiration

"Brother Luo, I surrender to you without any support."

While performing a half-moon board repair, a young boy from the Martial Arts Academy kept blabbering: "Truly, the world is declining, and people's hearts are not as they used to be. You actually managed to hire such a beautiful and sensitive nurse..."

"If you say a few less words, no one will take you for a mute," Luo Xian said awkwardly, not bothering to pay attention to the little brat.

"Brother Luo, tell me the truth, does that sister like... Ah ah ah! Brother Luo, be gentle!" The young boy suddenly howled, "How come this anesthetic is as effective as nothing!"

"Low-quality counterfeit drugs occasionally fail. What? I only charge you 248 rubles, and you still have so many complaints? Bear with it!" Luo Xian scolded. He had always had a bad temper, and it was even worse when he was on the operating table.

However, despite his bad temper, he was still well-loved by the poor people in the surrounding area.

Luo Xian did not like to exploit the poor, after all, the poor had no money to begin with.

He had been running his clinic for three years and had devised a reasonable (yet somewhat roguish) pricing system.

Most of the medical services provided by the illegal clinic were priced according to the prestige of the clinic and the consumption level of the slums, whether you were a homeless person or a middle-class person who came for its reputation, the price was the same and affordable.

Only when dealing with powerful individuals requiring extremely difficult treatments would he mercilessly overcharge.

After all, the powerful were usually wealthy and willing to pay exorbitant prices for extremely difficult treatments, making it easy to exploit them without any moral burden.

But this time, with Bing Fei'er, it seemed that he had earned a little too "much"...

After Luo Xian finished the young boy's half-moon board reconstruction, he bandaged him up, gave him a pair of crutches, and sent him on his way.

People from other worlds recovered quickly. After the surgery, they could jump around in just a few minutes.

By this time, Bing Fei'er had already put on an apron and was busy at the stove...

"Wait a minute." Luo Xian looked surprised, "Are you telling me that you're going to cook for me personally?"

"Of course," Bing Fei'er smiled, "As a wife, I should cook for my husband."

"But aren't you a young lady? Don't young ladies usually avoid manual labor and let the cook handle the cooking and the maid handle the housework?"

"The young lady I'm talking about is different," Bing Fei'er said matter-of-factly, "After all, I've dreamed of marrying since I was a child. These duties that a wife should fulfill, how could I not be proficient in them?"

As it turned out, Bing Fei'er was too modest.

Her cooking skills were far beyond "proficient".

From the moment the ingredients hit the pan, Luo Xian stood beside the stove, drooling.

When the four dishes and one soup, full of color and aroma, were placed on the table, Luo Xian almost knelt down.

He solemnly took a bite.

His eyes lit up.

He wolfed it down.

He wanted to strip, but the settings and scale did not allow it.

He ate with the same unremarkable manners as any foodie in a gourmet show, showcasing the strength of the cook.

However, unlike the foodies, when Luo Xian was eating, there was a change in the twin tree in his mind.

This was Luo Xian's advantage as a transmigrator - his external aid.

The twin tree, one was a silver apricot tree, and the other was also a silver apricot tree.

One represented internal medicine, and the other represented surgery.

Each leaf represented a medical skill.

When Luo Xian used a medical skill, the corresponding leaf would glow.

Three years ago, when Luo Xian first transmigrated, both trees were still very weak.

But now, both trees had grown into towering trees, with lush branches and leaves.

This also meant that Luo Xian's medical techniques, whether in terms of depth or breadth, had reached a terrifying level that was unprecedented and unmatched.


If given the chance to return to being a licensed doctor, he believed he could shock the world.

So, what had promoted the growth of the twin tree in the past three years?

Was it performing circumcisions for young boys at the illegal clinic?

The answer was obvious.

As Luo Xian ate, a green light emanated from the roots of the twin tree, nourishing the branches and leaves through the roots and trunk, and by the time Bing Fei'er's loving

breakfast was swept away by Luo Xian like a whirlwind, the two trees seemed to have grown a little, becoming even more lush and full.

At the same time, a large amount of medical knowledge, techniques, energy regulation principles, and related body coordination and muscle memory appeared in Luo Xian's mind, deeply engraved in his memory.

That's right, Luo Xian's medical external aid was upgraded by eating...

It was so domineering. So easy and pleasant.

When Bing Fei'er was washing the dishes, a row of text appeared next to the twin tree:

"Nutrition gained: 10085 units"

Luo Xian was shocked. This was the first time he had gained five-digit units of nutrition from a single meal.

Improving living conditions by fixing potholes usually earned around 3000 units of nutrition.

Ordinary fast food usually provided just over 1000 units of nutrition.

When eating instant noodles, it could even drop to a pitiful three-digit number.

He couldn't help but look at Bing Fei'er with complex emotions. It seemed that even the external aid recognized her godly cooking skills...

"Doctor Luo, come and try the dessert I made this morning."

As Luo Xian was feeling sentimental, Bing Fei'er brought out a plate of exquisite and tempting pastries, thought for a moment, and instructed: "Wait a moment, let me get you some tea..."

Next, Bing Fei'er demonstrated her tea art and used the remaining time in the afternoon to conduct a highly efficient cleanup.

The entire house was transformed, the floor tiles were polished to a mirror-like shine, the peeling walls were replaced with high-quality yellow wallpaper, items were neatly arranged, and the bloodstained sheets were all thrown away, replaced with light pink sheets with small white flower patterns.

The strange musty smell in the house was replaced with a unique light fragrance, with a fresh and sweet top note, a slightly bitter middle note, and a salty aftertaste, reminiscent of the ocean and the sky...

The original creepy killer-style illegal clinic was instantly transformed into a warm and cozy couple's store.

Luo Xian lay on the couch like a corpse, eating the chestnuts Bing Fei'er had peeled for him, and fell into deep thought.

He recalled his three-part life plan.

"Become a famous doctor, make a fortune, and live a life of luxury and debauchery."

It seemed that if he married this female martial god, the four elements of "luxury, debauchery" would be fully satisfied...

One part of his three-part life plan was instantly completed.

However, just as Luo Xian was about to agree to Bing Fei'er's proposal, memories of his past life suddenly surfaced - the figures of those who had once sworn allegiance to him and then abandoned him, overlapping with the female martial god before him in a fleeting moment.

Could women really be trusted?

In fact, Luo Xian had given Bing Fei'er many reasons why he did not want to marry her, but they were all excuses.

The real reason he hesitated was that he did not trust women. He had suffered too many wounds and did not want to get involved in any relationships again.

However, the temptation before him was too great.

This was very troubling.

This was infuriating.

Luo Xian hesitated for a long time and suddenly had a flash of inspiration -

"How about... you become my maid to repay my kindness?"