chapter 8 : Grateful Maid

Before they knew it, the gratitude maid, Ling Fei'er, had already been living in the Black Clinic for a week.

The concept of a gratitude maid was something Luo Xian mentioned casually, just wanting her to cook and clean a bit.

Unexpectedly, Ling Fei'er took it very seriously.

She pricked her finger and wrote a contract with her blood on a special sheepskin scroll, infusing it with her Dou Qi.

Then, Luo Xian dripped his blood onto it, completing the "Maid Recognizes Master" ceremony.

Initially, Luo Xian didn't take the contract seriously. It was only after signing it that he realized what he had agreed to.

To demonstrate her sincerity, Ling Fei'er wrote the contract in an extremely submissive manner.

The entire document was filled with clauses such as "Master Luo Xian can do anything to me without any cost," "I cannot disobey any of Master Luo Xian's wishes," "If I cause harm to Master Luo Xian, I will suffer tenfold retribution," and "Everything I own belongs to Master Luo Xian." These were all (reverse) hegemonic clauses.

Seeing these shocking terms, Luo Xian was moved.

This was a beautiful maid who could bring disaster to a country, a martial artist on the brink of reaching the pinnacle of human potential.

She had status, beauty, combat power, and exceptional housekeeping skills. She was truly a national treasure-level maid.

Now, with a contract recognized by the gods, Luo Xian could do anything he wanted to her.

But Luo Xian refused.

In the past week, not only had he not taken advantage of her, but he had even restrained himself from kissing her enticing, red lips.

Despite his bad temper and vulgar ideals, Luo Xian was very responsible when it came to women.

This responsibility was, in essence, a fear of loss. He was afraid to possess, afraid to believe in love, and afraid to accept love.

He had cured her illness, and she became his maid in return. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement with no debts owed.

This was all there was to it, and it had nothing to do with love.

Thinking this way, Luo Xian enjoyed the maid's meticulous service without guilt, happily indulging.

Ling Fei'er, on the other hand, was a bit discouraged. Her confessions to Luo Xian seemed to have fallen on deaf ears...

However, Ling Fei'er understood that trust needed to be built slowly through actions, not words. For now, being a maid was not so bad. At least she could stay by his side.

As long as Ling Fei'er remained persistent, Luo Xian would eventually feel her affections.

Ling Fei'er believed that one day, she would go from being a "maid" to being a "wife."

The two were very happy, with Ling Fei'er cooking delicious meals for Luo Xian every day, causing him to gain 7 pounds in a week.

At this moment, Luo Xian was lying on the couch, counting the days until his medical license suspension ended on the calendar with one hand. His other hand was holding a freshly baked pizza, which he was stuffing into his mouth, leaving it covered in oil.

His feet were resting on the full and elastic thighs of the martial maiden, enjoying the nail-clipping service. Occasionally, his toes would brush against something soft.

The top-tier martial artist willingly served him, occasionally initiating small acts of kindness, greatly satisfying the man's desire for conquest.

"Excellent, this is the luxurious and debauched life."

Luo Xian looked contentedly at Ling Fei'er and thought to himself, "Next, I need to move on to the other two parts of my life."

He wanted to regain his medical license and make a grand return.

To become a famous doctor and make a fortune!


On the continent of Aierfeng, doctors were highly respected.

Frequent battles and diseases gave rise to a large number of medical practitioners. The small number of high-end doctors became objects of fierce competition among the major powers.

The status of doctors was even higher than that of combatants of the same level;

The most powerful doctors could even make the entire continent bow their heads.

For example, the continent's common currency, the "Rubi," featured the portrait of the legendary doctor K. Gao'ersi, not some super-strong warrior.

After all, as long as something was alive, it would experience aging, illness, and death.

No matter who you were, there would always be times when you needed a doctor.

However, to become a famous doctor, running a black clinic was not an option.

One still needed to obtain a medical license and become a registered doctor.

Every registered doctor had a "doctor's rank," which was given by the sacred, fair, and kind "Goddess of Life" based on a confidential calculation method. The rankings were refreshed weekly.

The seven major ranks, from low to high, were "Black Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Star, and King." Each of the first six ranks had five sub-ranks, while the King rank directly displayed the world ranking.

The rank represented a doctor's strength and symbolized their honor.

Black Iron-ranked doctors might not be welcomed even if they offered free treatment;

King-ranked doctors, on the other hand, had countless nobles waving piles of cash, begging for their treatment.

Above the King rank was an even more terrifying existence.

Every ten years, the Goddess of Life selected the strongest doctor from the King-ranked doctors of the past decade and granted them the title of "Medical King of the Continent."

This was the most honorable title on the continent of Aierfeng, and it was Luo Xian's goal.

However, there was still a month until the medical license suspension ended. During this month, he still needed to run the black clinic.

For the last month, Luo Xian felt that he should manage it carefully.

He just hoped that nothing unexpected would happen...