Medicine King Valley (Part - 2)

Liu Zheng first went to Misty Cloud Peak to find Xiao Fu Shen. He met two caretakers at the entrance and, with a single gaze of his Sharingan, put them under hypnosis, continuing to walk inside.

Using his superior vision, he found Xiao Fu Shen in a room, reading some papers. Liu Zheng knocked on the door and waited.

Xiao Fu Shen opened the door and smiled. "Oh, it is you, saviour. Do you have something you need my help with?"

"Yes, Grandmaster. I've always been experiencing sharp pain in my right eye at random times daily, lasting about half an hour. Could you please check it if there is any cure for it?" Liu Zheng explained, his tone urgent.

"Certainly. It's the least we can do to repay you. Please, come inside and I will examine your eye to try my best to find a cure for it.." Xiao Fu Shen gestured him inside, offering a chair.

"Thank you, Grandmaster." Liu Zheng sat down, letting Xiao Fu Shen examine his eye.

"Can you let me see your eye properly?" Xiao Fu Shen asked.

"Sure," Liu Zheng said, activating Kanzen Saimin, allowing the grandmaster to see.

"I see. It's nothing serious. Do you have any further instructions, Master?" Xiao Fu Shen joined his hands in the martial way, ready for the next orders.

"I want you to give me 90% the pills and herbs up to mysterious grade you have in reserve including a furnace of the highest grade." Liu Zheng ordered.

"As you wish, Master. Please follow me; there's a lot to gather." Xiao Fu Shen complied, leading Liu Zheng to a room filled with herbs and many top-quality mysterious-grade furnaces. Liu Zheng took most of the herbs as well as the one of the best furnace.

Before leaving, Liu Zheng turned back. "If I can master making mysterious grade pills with a pill vein in a year's time, I will teach it to you as compensation and I hope you stay alive to witness the vastness of the alchemy Dao beyond this word." He tossed a sack filled with Myriad Drug Milk onto a nearby table and continued "Don't question its origins and just consume it regularly as you see fit. It might help extend your life enough to see what you have always desired, a spirit grade pill."

"I will forever remember your grace, Master," Xiao Fu Shen bowed again deeply in gratitude.

"No need for such formalities. Also, remember to visit High Heaven Pavilion in a month with Sister Xia, using the excuse of repaying the favor." 

Liu Zheng then left, without any care as the ability of Kanzen Saimin(Complete Hypnosis) won't allow him to create any trouble for himself, nor that he can create any at his level of strength or influence.

Returning to the house assigned for him to stay, 

Liu Zheng found a bathtub and filled it half with water and then with Myriad Drug Liquid to purify his body. He asked Old Man Zangetsu to go through the scripture to find a suitable spirit array for body purification as he was very knowledgeable in spirit arrays and he did find one. 

It took about half an hour to set up the array and after that Liu Zheng immersed himself into it, feeling very relaxed from the effects of the medicinal bath.

Though even after hours of continuous sitting there and even meditating didn't expel any impurities from his body, leaving him puzzled.

"You didn't really think that apart from strengthening your body a little this bath was going to have any other effect, did you?" Old Man spoke from his knowledge sea.

"Ah, yes, I did think it will purify my body more than it already is but it seems to be having no effect." Liu Zheng replied.

"How could it have any sort of effect when you are already using the World Body Cultivation Art? That art doesn't only strengthens your body, make it more durable and increases its regenerative capacity but also purifies it. 

The purification is one of the very first and crucial thing about this art as you might remember that your body expelled a lot of blood during the first time around which continued when you cultivated it to the next stage after your recent break through. The blood your body expelled also contained all the impurities your body had."

"I see. But Old Man, Could you not tell me about this beforehand so that I wouldn't have to waste so many resources?"


"Fine. Fine. I understand that you have a knack for waiting and acting mysterious until then the time right then you will come forward in the most badass way possible and say "Liu Zheng, do you want to win or do you want to live?" to solve all my problems."

"HAHAHAHA, KING you perfectly described his attitude in one sentence. HAHAHA!" Zangetsu could be heard laughing hysterically from his knowledge sea and Old Man was even more embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it Old Man! Your way of doing things is very helpful at critical moments and also motivates me a lot so stay the way you are. It was just funny the way choose to wait for me to realize this thing. I really had forgotten this crucial detail about the art." Liu Zheng said to make Old Man feel better which did seem to work a little.

"Now, tell me will the Myriad Drug Milk work instead?"

"Cough, Cough-----It should. Add only a few cups; any more than that would be wasteful."

Liu Zheng thanked him, absorbed the remaining energy from the bath, then threw it away.

He prepared the whole set up again, this time with a few cups of Myriad Drug Milk. This time, the effects much more potent than before. He also started to circulate his Body Cultivation Art to maximize its benefits.

After 2 Days,

The medicinal bath, once clear with a golden tint, was now half-black, indicating its used-up medicinal effects and impurities expelled from his body.

'All 3 of myriad drugs are very powerful, especially until Tong Xuan Realm. Since I don't plan on sharing the milk or cream to many I should use them to for my body cultivation and purification instead so that I will always have a much purer physique even with my body cultivation art which will also improve my cultivation speed and aptitude. As for qi cultivation, there will be plenty of stuff for that and shouldn't be relied too much on medicine for that'

Liu Zheng thought to himself as he drained the water and then cleaned himself.

Now it was time to check out the benefits obtained from the last battle so he sat in a meditative position in his room and entered his knowledge sea.

"Did you do everything I asked, Zangetsu?"

"Yo King, Yeah it is here. I have purified it completely leaving behind comprehension of martial Dao and the heavenly way so refine it without any care" Zangetsu extended his hand, revealing a big light green sphere.

"Thanks, Zangetsu." Liu Zheng began refining the sphere of spiritual energy.

With every bit he refined and absorbed, he felt his comprehension of martial Dao and the heavenly way improve at a rate he had never felt. All the enlightenments gained by those cultivators were slowly refined, making them a part of his own.

It took him a day to fully absorb all of it, added with a few heaven grade and mysterious grade pills as well as the other resources he had, allowed him to break through twice.

However, he realized that after absorbing so much of immortal ascension realm souls, it was going to be hard to gain much from them if he continues to do so.

"I guess I'll soon need help from the grand elders of the eight great families as well politely request to borrow the Yang family treasure. They won't refuse my sincere request, right?" Liu Zheng mused as he went to sleep, preparing for his departure the next morning.

Next Morning

Liu Zheng woke refreshed, packed his belongings into the black book, and prepared to leave.

He met Xiao Fu Shen one last time before leaving and also informed Meng Wu Ya, who was particularly happy about his departure.

Now the question was how to meet Sister Xia again after everything he said a few days ago?

"Sigh---- No need for such thoughts when I mean no harm. Honestly if for some reason she doesn't accept me, I would be heartbroken but still won't have any ill feelings towards her at all. It's a sin to have any ill feelings towards such a kind and pure soul" He said to himself and went to meet Sister Xia.

"Knock, Knock---- " He lightly knocked on her door twice to see if she was there.

Xia Ning Chang opened the door, suprised to see him early in the morning but after seeing him she suddenly remembered their last conversation which made steam come out of her head and that made him embarrassed as well

"Sister Xia, I actually forgot to give you something very important the last time we met" Liu Zheng said, trying to change the subject when the conversation hasn't even started.

"W-What is it, Junior Brother?" She replied, her face red.

Liu Zheng placed two fingers on her forehead, transferring the information regarding the array 

"This array will be quite useful to you. You can check out its functions later, I have already transferred all the details about it. I am actually leaving now so I just came here to say goodbye. 

Grandmaster informed me that he will be visiting our sect in a month, so you can return with him and your master if you wish"

"I-I see. Thank you very much Junior Brother. I hope you have safe journey."

"See you later then, Senior Sister" Liu Zheng said as he turned around and was about to fly away when he felt her wrap her arms around him.

"S-Senior Sister. Are you okay?" He asked, very suprised as he never expected her to do something like this. He was about to turn around when

"Junior Brother! Please don't turn around!"

"Ah Huh? Okay I won't. Do you want to say something?"

"En but please don't around, I don't have the courage to say while facing you!"

"Haha, you being able to say it this way is already a great leap forward, so no need to feel nervous at all."

"I-I thought about what you said to me the other day and I want to ask you, Won't Sister Su Yan be sad with what you said to me?"


"Sad? She was the first one to bring up this topic telling me how you used to talk about me and how you are so innocent so i shouldn't delay such things too much"

"D-d-did she really--"

"No need to worry she just told me how you used to talk about me sometimes, and nothing else."

She let out a sigh of relief and continued "A-about what y-you said earlier, I-I-I-I----"

He held her hands again trying to calm her down and said "Don't be so nervous Senior Sister, you can say anything you want without any worry and if you are too anxious to say it, I can wait as long as you want me to. I will wait until you are ready even if it takes you years."

Liu Zheng could feel she was a little less nervous through her qi but still not normal yet.

"About what you said earlier, I t-t-thought about it and I-I-I-I-I li-like youtooJuniorBrother andwantobewithyoutoo!"

Xia Ning Chang felt as if she had used all her lifetime's worth of courage and was breathing deeply to make up for the exhaustion but the weird thing was that there was no response from his side at all. 

Liu Zheng stood like a statue, making her even more anxious. She tapped her back to get a response from him but to her shock he started to fall face forward.

"J-Junior Brother!" She exclaimed. Hearing Xia Ning Chang's voice Liu Zheng stopped midway then stood up again, in disbelief. 

Liu Zheng couldn't actually believe the words that came out of her mouth. He was fully prepared to take it slow and give it a few years to even a few decades knowing that cultivators have a long life so that they could bond together along the years but she agreed so quickly and he couldn't process it properly for a few seconds and his heart was beating so loudly that it was about to burst.

After coming out of the trance, he hugged her immediately which was certainly not good for heart but this time she hugged him back, understanding the situation.

Now, it was up to him to grow stronger and officially ask for her hand. He delayed his departure for a few more days, informing her master about their retreat and setting off for some sightseeing together. To avoid trouble, Liu Zheng asked Zangetsu to set up an illusion array to fool Meng Wu Ya, who reluctantly complied.

(Myriad Drug Cream(Saint King Grade) >> Myriad Drug Milk >> Myriad Drug Liquid.)


Liu Zhengs's Bankai - Tensa Zangetsu 

-usually a bankai increases a zanpakuto's qi and spiritual energy by 4-5x(here 5x) but does not effect the user so it is basically someone with a much stronger weapon capable of high level spiritual damage as well.

- Man and Zanpakuto Unification - Liu Zheng totally trusted and accepted his zanpakutos without any reservations thus fusing with them and making its powers fuse with him as well.

- So Liu Zheng's Bankai will give his body 5x defence and offensive power improvement through Blut Techniques which can now be used simultaneously.(basically 5x stronger body)

-5x energy reserve increase.

-5x increase in spiritual power.

(just writing it the last time)


Cultivation - Immortal Ascension 2nd Stage

Body Cultivation - Top Rank Mysterious Grade

Combat Power:

- Immortal Ascension Late Stages (Shikai)

- Transcendent Realm 2nd Order (Bankai-fused)

Sharingan - Mangekyou Sharingan