Extra Work

They travelled around the small continent-like world for a few days, exploring many places thanks to Liu Zheng's unbelievable speed in his Bankai form. During this time, they got to know each other much better. Liu Zheng share his future plans and Xia Ning Chang was very excited to learn about higher stages of alchemy that exists beyond mysterious grade.

Her parents had died due to a disease which was spread around in her village, and she managed to survived only due to her physique's natural resistance. Later, she was adopted by her master. Due to their poor background, no alchemist was willing to treat her parents or villagers so after learning about her own talents she was determined to become the best alchemist there is who will never be selfish enough to turn away from the people in need. 

As Liu Zheng learned more about her life , He not only found himself loving her more and more but his respect towards her grew a lot as well, recognizing that though her physique did provide her an advantage which removed the usage of a furnace and enhanced her cultivation speed a little bit, most people never come to realize the full potential of their physique. Reaching this level at such a young age requires a lot of hard work and diligence as well.

After a few days, he dropped her back at the Medicine King Valley safely, without letting her master suspecting a thing, and finally left the valley for good this time.

Before returning to the sect, Liu Zheng had two important places to visit. The first was the Crimson Cloud Sect.

It took more than half a day to reach the sect. He first sought out where the slaves rested at night and found five guards outside a shabby building with many people in dirty, torn clothes. 

He landed in front of the guards, swiftly put them under hypnosis with his Sharingan, and ordered them to find a specific couple after providing them with their name without making any further moves and wait for further orders from a man he will send which they complied with went inside to search for them.

 Next, he searched a true element cultivator using his divine sense, quickly found a few where he went for the youngest of them. 


He knocked on his door a few times and the door opened quickly,

"Who is disturbing this young master's cul-----" the cultivator was put into hypnosis before he could finish his sentence.

"Take all the slaves to the port, leaving behind the couple I have asked for from the guards, and leave for the nearest city. Destroy the rest of the ships and kill anyone who stands in your way." Liu Zheng ordered him.

"I will do as you command, master." The young cultivator hurried off to complete the task.

Liu Zheng summoned the hollow mask on his and using his divine sense, searched for every cultivator at Separation and Reunion Realm or above, finding fewer than 15.

He became Itachi for the next hour, mercilessly slaughtering all of them with while not putting any effort into blocking the noise for the last 2 in order to create a ruckus in the sect and then flew into the sky where he created more than 50 quincy bows and using his sharingan killed everyone who tried run outside, essentially trapping them inside the sect.




Everyone started to shout where some of them were taking out their anger while others begged for mercy.

'Killing all these weaklings would be wrong, Many of them must have been taken in by force. 

 The higher-ups, however, not matter their reason allowed these atrocities to continue, so their deaths are not worth pitying,' He thought to himself.

"Cripple your cultivation, and I will let you go. You have 15 breaths of time before I fire these arrows again and kill whoever refused to obey me."



Some complied, while the rest decided to take the risk of disobeying him which he didn't like one bit.

As soon as the time ended, He shot one leg of one of the people who decided to disobey him and after 2 second another one, then after 2 more seconds another one.

Thankfully, the rest crippled themselves on their own leaving less blood on his hands.

"All of you are free to wherever you want. You are now free." Liu Zheng said as he flew towards the old building again, removing his mask on the way.

The couple was standing outside the gate with the guards, looking very anxious, whereas the rest of the people had left with the ship.

Liu Zheng landed in front of them and ordered the guards, "Cripple yourself."

"Yes, master." They followed his orders and he let them go. He approached the couple.

"You don't need to be afraid of me. I asked them to keep you here because I actually know your daughter Xiao Wu and your father. I'm here to take you to them." Liu Zheng said trying to look as non-threatening as possible after ordering 5 people to cripple themselves.

"X-Xiao Wu?! Have you met her? How is she?" The mother spoke first as soon as she heard the name of her daughter while her husband tried to stop her fearing she might anger Liu Zheng.

"You both don't need to worry. She is fine, and I am here to take you to her. Are you both ready?" he asked.

"W-What do you mean ready? Is she here?" Liu Zheng thinking its best to let them know through actions, summoned Zangetsu in his human form. Zangetsu carried the husband while Liu Zheng carried the wife and took them off from the ground, flying towards where he last met Xiao Wu.

The couple, being mortals, were frightened at first, but Liu Zheng calmed them down using his spiritual energy. After an hour of flight, they reached the beach where he met her and from there he flew towards the nearest city but only found a village.

Using his Sharingan, Liu Zheng found their life signatures from above, and found both of them after a few minutes of searching and slowly landed in front of their hut. 

The mother knocked on the door, eager to meet her daughter after a long time. The door was soon opened by the little girl who was rubbing her eyes, probably because she just woke up.

Her mother couldn't control herself and quickly hugged her daughter, crying a lot as she finally saw her daughter after many years and the father joined in as well.

"Xiao Feng, Xi Yun, Is it really you?" The little girl's grandfather came out, recognizing his son and daughter in law.

The little girl finally recognized her parents and for the first time after being separated from parents for a long time, finally spoke "M-Mother, F-father, sob, sob---- X-Xiao W-Wu missed you a lot."

The whole family, reunited after a long time, shared a heartfelt moment. Liu Zheng was reminded of his little sister again which made him quite emotional but he didn't show it at all whereas Zangetsu ran away with the excuse of exploring the surrounding but as he was a part of Liu Zheng's very soul, he could feel that left because he couldn't hide his emotions from his face.

Zangetsu knew about his past very well and he was the representation of his raw instinctual side which included his emotions as well. In a way, he was the best brother he could have had as well.

"Thank you, savior, for helping us again. We can never thank you enough for helping Xiao Wu reunite with her parents again." the elderly man as the family bowed to thank Liu Zheng.

"I am not used to such things so please stand up again." Liu Zheng lifted them with his qi and continued 

"This is my token from High Heaven Sect and a letter of recommendation. If Xiao Wu ever decides to cultivate or if you want to move under the sect's protection, everything will go smoothly if you come with either of these things to the sect." He handed over the items including a few gold tales which should be enough for a few years.

They thanked him again, and Liu Zheng said his goodbyes to the family. He wanted to talk to Xiao Wu one last time, but she had fallen asleep in her mother's arms after crying out a lot. Fate had him meet the little girl twice, fulfilling all her wishes without them ever speaking a word to each other

He searched for zangetsu, quickly finding him and he was back to normal again. Zangetsu went inside his knowledge sea and they left for their second target which was a family he didn't even remember the name of.

First, he returned to the ship, killing the true element cultivator, leaving behind the ones in charge of the ship after putting them under hypnosis to complete the task and swim back to the sect, knowing they probably won't be able to.

Liu Zheng used to the system to search for all the treasurers between the sect and central capital through the [Map] whose limit was now increased to 500 kms after he reached the immortal ascension realm.

After a day of extensive search between the central capital and the sect, he finally found what he was looking for: the Yang Crystal Jade bed of the Lu Family.

Entering his Bankai state, Liu Zheng landed right in front of the patriarch's room. He was about to open the door when he heard a voice from inside.

"Come In." It was probably the patriarch, aware of Liu Zheng's presence. He opened the door and saw the patriarch sitting on the jade slab but Liu Zheng was glad that he made things easier for him.

"Who is your Excellency, and why have you come to the Lu Family in this way?" he asked.

Liu Zheng looked right into his eyes after activating sharingan and replied "I am very interested in the Jade slab you are sitting on. Would be kind enough to give it to this junior?"

"Your demeanor is very much to my liking, bold and straight forward. Here, take it." The patriarch got off the bed.

"Thank you, Lu Family Patriarch. I hope you forget everything about this incident after I leave the Lu Family premises," Liu Zheng said, taking the jade bed into his black book.

"Very Well. I will forget everything about it."

Now with all the pending work completed, Liu Zheng could finally return to the sect with a peace of mind.


Cultivation - Immortal Ascension 2nd Stage

Body Cultivation - Top Rank Mysterious Grade

Combat Power:

- Immortal Ascension Late Stages (Base-Fused Shikai)

- Transcendent Realm 2nd Order (Bankai-fused)

Sharingan - Mangekyou Sharingan