In the lush forests of Kalimantan, Sugi Andrianto, a young Indonesian soldier, embarks on his first official mission with his unit. Their task: investigate unusual wild animal activities near a secretive biological facility. Sugi's dream of following his ancestors' footsteps in maintaining peace and security in Indonesia is suddenly thrust into perilous territory.
During their journey, they encounter mutated creatures, evidence of the facility's sinister experiments gone awry. Amidst the chaos, they stumble upon Dr. Heinrich Müller, a scientist from the facility, grievously injured and haunted by the horrors unleashed. Dr. Müller reveals that a natural parasite they studied has evolved rapidly, infecting and transforming animals into monstrous, uncontrollable beings.
With Dr. Müller's guidance, they devise a plan to contain the creatures using extreme temperature traps. However, the parasites prove adaptive and intelligent, posing an unprecedented threat. As they race against time to implement their plan, Sugi and his team must confront their deepest fears and prove their mettle in a battle for survival against an enemy they never imagined.