Chapter IV: Terrifying X Safe

Chapter I: Menacing

After the military quarantined the entire Samarinda Forest, they were unaware that the police and employees of PT Kelapa Sawit Nusantara had already entered. To ensure safety, everyone was prohibited from entering the forest.

Some military personnel whispered among themselves, "Do you know what this is about? Why quarantine the entire forest?" one soldier asked.

"I don't know either. It seems to be about the strange animals that have been roaming around these past few months," another replied.

"Oh, that? It is strange. How could those animals appear? I heard rumors that there is a secret facility in the forest and vehicles are constantly going in and out," another soldier added.

"That's the palm oil company cutting down trees to turn the forest into a palm plantation," another soldier replied.

Suddenly, Sugi approached them, "Hey, what are you all doing here? Make sure no one gets in."

One of the soldiers replied, "Relax, bro. No one dares to come through here. Oh, by the way, did you join the team that went to investigate the forest yesterday? Can you tell us what happened?"

Sugi answered firmly, "That's classified. Captain Hasan will explain when it's appropriate."

"Alright then, off you go. Your story is just confusing us," another soldier joked, laughing.

They laughed and joked, trying to dispel the tension that surrounded them. But beneath the humor, there was a lingering sense of unease. They knew something much larger and more terrifying was happening inside the forest.

As night fell, the atmosphere grew increasingly eerie. Strange noises emanated from the forest, making the soldiers even more vigilant. They tried to stay calm, but the shadows of strange animals and rumors of a secret facility continued to haunt their thoughts.

Meanwhile, at the military base, Captain Hasan monitored the situation closely. He understood how critical the situation was and the importance of finding Dr. Müller quickly for more information. Captain Hasan also instructed his troops to remain vigilant and ready for any eventuality.

"We must be prepared for the worst," Captain Hasan told his team. "Stay at your posts and make sure no one gets in or out without permission."

The soldiers nodded seriously, aware of the great responsibility they bore. They knew that the safety of many people depended on their readiness and resilience in facing an unknown threat.

Chapter II: Darkness in Samarinda Forest

Deep in the Samarinda forest, a group of people from the Panan tribe was walking out of the forest. A small child from the group found a cute, white little mole and put it in his bag before catching up with the others.

One of the tribe members asked the elder woman leading them, "Grandmother, if we leave this forest, how will we live? The outside world is very different from ours."

The elder woman replied wisely, "One step at a time. What's important now is to leave this forest as quickly as possible."

During their journey, they encountered several wild animals staring at them with hungry eyes. There were giant bears and large wolves with sharp teeth and long claws. However, there was something strange about these animals. They seemed to want to walk like humans but were still on all fours.

The elder quickly instructed, "Don't look at them. Keep moving. They do not intend to harm us."

After walking for a while, they arrived at a place that looked like a massacre site. The scene was horrific, like hell on earth. Blood was everywhere, and human heads were hanging on stakes with mangled bodies around them.

Everyone was horrified. Some tribe members even vomited, while the adults hurriedly covered the children's eyes to prevent them from seeing the gruesome scene. They continued to move forward, filled with a mix of fear and horror.

In the midst of the massacre site, a giant gorilla-like monkey stood watching them. Some other giant monkeys seemed ready to move forward, but the giant gorilla raised its hand, signaling them to stop. The other giant monkeys halted their movement.

With a mixture of relief and fear, the Panan tribe continued their journey and finally managed to leave the forest. They knew that danger still lurked, but at least they had escaped the horrifying place.

Chapter III: Safe

The next day, on April 20, 2024, at the Samarinda forest quarantine site, the soldiers were on guard, preventing anyone from entering the forest. Suddenly, they heard movement from within the forest. The soldiers were startled and immediately aimed their weapons in the direction of the sound. Moments later, they saw a group of people emerging from the forest. They looked like indigenous people.

Sugi recognized them. "Oh, that's the Panan tribe. They live deep in the Samarinda forest. Don't worry," Sugi said. He approached them and asked Captain Hasan for permission to speak with them. "I know a little of their language. I'll ask about their condition and why they came out of the forest."

After getting permission, Sugi approached the Panan tribe group. They looked tired and scared. Sugi quickly spoke to an older member of the tribe. "What happened? Why did you leave the forest?"

The tribe member explained in a trembling voice about what they had experienced in the Samarinda forest. They told of wild animals becoming aggressive, giant creatures, and horrifying scenes they had encountered. Sugi felt deep horror from their story.

"I understand. We need to get away from here immediately," said Sugi. He then called his friend, Frenz. "Frenz, please help me arrange temporary housing for them. They can't live in the city, so find a small village where they can stay."

Frenz nodded, "Okay, I'll take care of it. Don't worry."

Sugi then led the Panan tribe to a safer place and quickly reported the situation to Captain Hasan. "Captain, the Panan tribe reported very horrifying events inside the forest. Wild animals, giant creatures, and terrible scenes. We need to act immediately."

Captain Hasan listened intently. "Alright, we'll increase vigilance and tighten the quarantine. We also need to wait for Dr. Müller to recover for more information."

Meanwhile, the Panan tribe began to adjust to their temporary housing arranged by Frenz. They tried to recover from the trauma and adapt to their new environment. Sugi continued to monitor their condition and coordinated with authorities to ensure their safety.

However, inside the forest, the threat continued to grow. Mysterious creatures roamed more frequently, and the situation became increasingly uncontrollable. The soldiers and authorities had to work harder to uncover the mystery behind the horrific changes in the Samarinda forest and protect everyone from the looming threat.

As time went on, the tension mounted. Everyone realized they were in great danger and had to unite to face a threat they had never encountered before. Sugi and his team were determined to investigate further, uncover the source of the problem, and find a way to stop the terror plaguing the Samarinda forest.