CHAPTER I: The Best Soldiers: Mission to Save Indonesia

In the military headquarters field, one hundred of Indonesia's best soldiers gathered. The General spoke firmly in the middle of the field, "You will carry out this high-risk operation. Do your best to complete this mission and bring security to the entire Indonesian society. It is your responsibility as soldiers. You are prepared to sacrifice your lives for your people. Are you ready?"

"Ready!" all the soldiers enthusiastically replied.

The General continued, "This operation is directly ordered by the President. You will enter the forest and bring some samples of these creatures into this small freezer. You have ten seeds to bring. Divided into two groups, each group will carry five. Do your best. If there is danger, this operation can be canceled. But continue with your main mission: eradicate all strange creatures infected with parasites."

"For the success of this operation and your safety, may you succeed and return safely," added the General.

"READY!" all the soldiers shouted together.

They prepared to carry out this important mission, full of determination to complete the task successfully and maintain the security of the country and its people.

CHAPTER II: Important Mission on the Journey

It's time to continue with their preparations. Sugi, along with his friends - Frenz, Herman, Eri, and Rob, are all ready with their gear. They joke around, trying to ease the tension a bit. Sugi speaks to Rob, "Rob, you're the one taking the fire extinguisher weapon, okay?"

"Got it,," Rob replies firmly.

In addition to Sugi's group, there are also 4 other groups within the northern unit, ready to take action. The plan is to head north into the forest to eradicate parasitic-infected animals. With a total of 20 small groups spread across the south, west, east, and north, they prepare to carry out their main mission.

Military vehicles have been prepared to transport them to the operation location, marking the beginning of the important mission ahead. With high spirits and thorough preparation, Sugi and his friends are ready to face all the challenges that lie ahead.

CHAPTER III: Helicopter and Army Operation On a calm

evening at a remote airfield, elite troops gather in preparation for a secret mission led directly by the General. They have been informed that this mission aims to retrieve vital data left behind by Dr. Muller, who researched strange creatures at an isolated facility.

"We must obtain this valuable data," the General firmly states to the tense yet prepared troops. "After you successfully retrieve the data, regroup at the meeting point to join the extermination team. The helicopter will transport you to the facility location, but remember, they cannot land. You must parachute jump to reach the facility."

The troops respond to the command seriously. They know that the success of this mission will not only require bravery and skill but also perfect coordination among team members. All equipment has been checked and arranged to ensure the success of each stage of the operation.

Right on time, the helicopter arrives. The loud rotor noise fills the quiet airfield, adding tension to the atmosphere. The General signals for the troops to board, one by one they enter the helicopter with anxious hearts. They are trained soldiers who have faced tense situations before, but this time, they know the stakes are higher.

As the helicopter speeds towards the location, their gaze is fixed on the vast and thick forest below them. Dr. Muller's facility is hidden within that forest, tightly guarded by a security system they have never faced before. The weather conditions are changing, with dark clouds looming in the distance, adding to the eerie atmosphere in the air.

As they approached the landing point, the final instructions were given by the General through the communicator. "Prepare to jump! We only have one chance to execute this successfully."

They each checked their parachutes once more, positioning themselves for the perfect jump as the helicopter door opened. The wind roared in their ears as they leaped into the dark forest, but they were suddenly startled by the appearance of a giant ape-like creature holding a massive rock. With incredible strength, the creature hurled the rock towards the helicopter, forcing the entire team to quickly jump out. The helicopter pilot immediately sent out a mayday signal, requesting urgent assistance in the face of an attack from unknown creatures.

One by one, the soldiers opened their parachutes and disappeared into the darkness of the forest. Standing tall in the forest was a gigantic ape with a fierce and intimidating gaze, quickly commanding other creatures to pursue and kill the soldiers who had jumped from the helicopter.

What was meant to be a smooth operation has now turned into a battle in the midst of the wilderness, with elite forces facing off against alien creatures possessing unimaginable strength. The success of this mission hinges on their abilities and agility to survive and escape the lurking threats.