Chapter 1:New student

Hey Jillian wake up!

Its time for you to wake up , you're getting be late at your school!!

The boy shouted at the door.

I know brother I know !

Hey Jillian why aren't you eating?

His brother asked her

I don't know I just don't have a appetite for eating

Hey you're not eating ..?

His brother said with a cold voice holding a pork

I'm eating ,I'm eating now

Ah what's wrong with you today ?

What ?

Jillian confused from what his brother asked.

I asked whats wrong with you today

I know I heard that your ask-

When Jillian was about to say , suddenly his brother interrupted

Its the first time youre late to waking up

Did you have a homework?and your eyes are swollen

No,but I kinda have a weird dream


I dream about a boy crying while holding his lover covered with blood

,and when I woke up ,I noticed that my eyes are swollen,as if I was crying all along ...

Ah thats kinda a weird dream

His brother said

Just finished your meal and get ready if you didn't come in ten minutes,I will leave you ,your going to walk to your school if you didn't come in ten minutes

I'm finished, brother

Hey you dare to leave ,your meal isn't finished yet!

I finished now brother ,if you didn't come in ten minutes your getting late from your work!

thats my line ...

His brother said..

Hey Jillian if you finished your school, just come back home quickly okay?

Yes brother I will come back home quickly..

Ah and dont expect me to come home earlier because I will be visiting my girlfriend tonight

Okay brother

Just get back home safely okay

She wave at his brother and his brother did the same And then leave ...

My brother was so overprotective to me

Because my mom and dad was dead by a car crash when I was 11 ,me and him was the one who live to a house that full of memories that my dad and mom made ,he was 17 that time and now he was 22 ,he have a girlfriend name Shelly ,and he have a job into a stable company his name is juvellian Montefiore.

I studies in Mariano Ponce national highschool, I was 16 ,and my grade level was 10

Hey Jillian!!

The girl shouted..

Oh hey Stephanie!

Her name was Stephanie Reyes ,she was my best friend

Can you do me a favor

What ?...

Stephanie was shivered into Jillian cold voice and said

Eek ,your voice was about to kill me you know

Sighed ,whats your favored Stephanie?

Jillian asked

Uhm you know I was a little to confused when it comes to math subject so could you help me ? try to solve ..

Stephanie said with a eyes full of hope

Okay ...

Yey,I know your the best Jillian!

Okay ,I know I'm the best ,so could you stop clinging into me ?

Nope I won't stop

Hey if you didn't stop ....

Stephanie was shivered from Jillian cold voice and decided to stop clinging into Jillian arms

Hey Jillian your hurting my feelings you know ?hmmp

Stephanie If you didn't come your be late to our first subject , remembered that our first subject was math

Then Jillian leave her best friend alone

Eek ,oh right ,the first subject was math ,hey Jillian wait for me

Okay class did you solve that equation?

There sub teacher asked them

Yes maam!

The students said

Yes ma'am!!

Stephanie was shouted and her classmates was staring at her

Oh really Stephanie,can you come into the front and write it into the board your answer?

Yes ma'am!

Stephanie proud to say and walk into the front and solve the equation and her teacher was shocked to see her solution

Ve-very impressive Stephanie

,your solution was so perfect

Thank you ma'am ,I solve it because...

Stephanie approached Jillian and said

She was guiding and tutoring me to solve that equation ma'am !

Oh really?

Yes ma'am!

Stephanie proud to say

Jillian,you should be a teacher someday

Your explanation from Stephanie is so perfect!

Ah tha-thank you ma'am

Class thats the answer, exchange your paper with your seatmate and check the correct answer....

Then the 4th period of subject is done and it's time to break time

Jillian ,wait for me !

Hey ,where are you going ?! I looked for you everywhere and I cannot see you !

I know I know im sorry ,did you know that there was a transferee in our class ?

I don't know

He was Michael montefalco ,he was coming tomorrow in our class,but I didn't know that our teacher will be able to come and handle a student

Why did you say that

Jillian asked

I mean where 34 now in her class?

Its true

Jillian said

Ah it's 2:10 now will be late in our 5th subject

Stephanie said

Then the 8th period of time is done and it's the student time to get home

Okay class , tomorrow your going to see your new classmate he's a transferee ,so I would like to all of you to guide him understand?

Yes ma'am

Then the student leave the school and home ..

When Jillian was about to go home he saw a car coming over her and the mirror open and he saw he's brother

Get in the car

His brother said

Jillian sit in the car and said to he's brother

You said that your be visiting your girlfriend right,and your be late

Yeah I visited her ,when I was about to asked her that if she was okay ,her mouth was filled with your names ,as if your the boyfriend there, so I leave ...

Maybe Im the one that got away

Jillian smirked at his brother and his brother angered and said

You want me to kill you right now

Nope ....

Sighed,Ah I just remembered,there's a chocolate there ,she said that I gave it to you

When Jillian was about to bite a chocolate she noticed a card and the letter said from Shelly and to juvellian

Hey brother,it's from you

I don't have a appetite in the chocolate... right now Jillian

Oh really ?,I guess I just have to throw it away

Yeah throw it ..

Really ,even if it's from shelly ?and the card said that it's from you ,I guess that the chocolate isn't from me but from you

What ?give it to me !

You said that I throw it away ?

If you throw it away I will kill you

I'm just joking, here's your lovely letter from your lovely dovy Shelly

his brother read the letter and he's eyes was full of happiness

Hey brother,can you read the letter at home?

Jillian,my lovely sister let's go to beach someday

Brother ,I guess this is love can do to you

Then the Tuesday come :

Its 5:30 am and Jillian woke up and she come into downstairs and saw he's brother cooking

Brother your early


Jillian sit in the chair and noticed that he's brother eyes was so full of happiness

Hey brother is this love can do to you ,that your smiling like an idiot ?

Then his brother turned his back and said to Jillian with a cold voice

Jillian,my mood is so happy right now so don't,angered me alright?...

You said that RIGHT NOW then your mood will be bad then cockroach....

Hey did you asked for me to kill you right now?

Nope , brother,I said that your handsome


Thats a lie .. hahahaha

Then Jillian come as fast as she can to her room and lock it

Sighed,its for the best that she can smile like that its 5 years now that my mom and dad died in the car crash ,but she was so a bit annoying sometimes

Its 5:32 now when she will be coming back to downstairs and eat her meal !

Her brother come to his room ,and knocked but before he knock the door ,he heard his sister crying and hes heart shattered into pieces

Mom ,dad....I miss you ,I miss you so much

Jillian cry so hard while holding his mother and father photo

He's brother silently just hearing his sister crying while his heart just couldn't take it anymore and come into downstairs and then he started crying silently and said

Mom,dad...I miss you to ,you know sister is crying ,and my heart just shattered into pieces mom,dad....I just want to see my sister real smile ahhh ,no matter how hard I try to see his smile her eyes show only a sadness

I wish I could see his true smile mom dad ahhhh

Then he burst into tears .

Jillian stop crying at her room and saw her alarm then she started come to downstairs and saw a plenty of food

Brother,i thought you stop cooking a plenty of food ,what's the occasion?

Nothing just finished all of that.

How can I finished that plenty of food?

Just finished it .

Your eyes are red

His brother said

Its the same to yours brother

Jillian replied

Then they silently eating there meal

Then juvellian drive his sister to his school and said the same always

Jillian just get back home when your studies are over okay ?

Got it brother ..

Sighed , brothers eyes are swollen did he cry as well?


Stephanie shouted Jillian name

Hey why are your eyes are swollen?

Stephanie asked

Nothing .

Jillian replied

Oh that's right she cry when she missed her mom and dad ,maybe I shouldn't asked why her eyes are swollen...

Why are you mumbling about Stephanie?

Nothing,oh right it's the day that the transfer student will come !

Hey we should come to room right now ,it's already 10:23

Stephanie grab Jillian arms and they run to head there room as fast as they can

Woah I thought were late now !

Stephanie said

Then they sit down in there chair ,when suddenly her adviser come and said

Class good morning ,I would like to introduce to all of you your new classmate,come here

Hi my name is Michael montefalco,I would like to learn a lot in this school ....


Ehh? That's all ?,he's so introverted

Stephanie said

Oh o-okay ,class you should nice to him I hope you would help him to guide him in this room ,i have a meeting now ,ah you're sit is in the back

Thank you ma'am ....

As usual the 4th period was over and the break time come

Suddenly Jillian was shocked to see his new classmate approached her because during the 1st-4th period he didn't say anything


Michael said

Ah he-hello ,oh right I didn't introduce myself to you earlier,I'm Jillian Montefiore nice to meet you and this is my best friend Stephanie Reyes


Ah would you please help me find the canteen ?

Michael asked.

Ah yeah sure !

Jillian replied

Oh I'm gonna go to the room now

Stephanie said


Jillian asked

I'm gonna do my home work for the science sub ,I forgot to answer it hehehehe I'm gonna go now ...

Stephanie leave and the two was alone .

Oh right you said that your finding the canteen , follow me I will show you ..

Then they head to the canteen .

So this is the canteen

Jillian said

Uhm Jillian thank you for guiding me

Michael smile and Jillian leave ...

Eekk why did he smile like that so creepy ,but

Will he be okay , because he's transferee

She asked herself and decided to get along with the new transferee

I new it he can't go through the canteen by himself

Jillian said

Hey what are you food buying?

Jillian asked

But Michael didn't said anything,as if he was not familiar with the food

So weird .

Jillian said

Come with me ,I will buy you a food

Jillian grab Michael arms and buy a food and then they decided to come back to their room because it's already the 5th subject

Okay this one and this one

The teacher said

Maam it's to much

The students said

If your not doing it your fail to me , because it will be your grade.

Ma'am were doing it !

The students replied

Ahh there so much assignment!

Stephanie said

They are not so much from me

You said that because your smart Jillian

I'm not

Yes you are !

Hey Jillian see you tomorrow!

Michael shouted

Jillian wave and Michael leave

Huh is he the new transferee student he's weird.

Stephanie said

Why did you say that Stephanie

Because during the break time and 5th and 8th sub your the one that he wanted to approach.

He's introvert

Jillian replied


Stephanie said

Chapter 1:End