Chapter 2:Sadness

Jillian, Jillian!

His brother shouted at her desperately

Brother ....

Thank God your wake up ....

His brother hugged her tightly and cry

Brother why are you suddenly crying?

How can I cannot cry when your pulse isn't normal ,and I called your names several times but you didn't wake up ...

I was scared...

Brother can you stop crying now , you're getting ugly you know?


Hey can you stop crying now !

But he's brother still not stop crying.

Hey your eyes are getting swollen you know ...

Jillian said .

Did you not getting enough sleep?

His brother asked her

I'm getting enough sleep brother.

Did you have a assignment so much ?

If I have a assignment,I will do it once I get home brother...

What time is it brother?

Its already 9:57 .

What its 9:57 !!

Yes .By the way what's wrong with you ?

Why do you ask that?

Suddenly when I have to wake you up your eyes are swollen as if your crying all along and your face seem to desperately finding a what ...

Its my dream...

What dream ?

Yes ,i don't know ,but my dream is always the same I dream about a boy crying ,while holding his lover covered with blood

Its weird ...

His brother said .

I'm finished brother..

When Jillian was about to leave the table his brother interrupted her leaving

Jillian,just say to me ,if you have a problem. I'm your brother you know ,I noticed for the past few years your seem to show only a sadness.....

Don't worry about me brother...if I have a problem I will say it to you ,so don't worry

Then Jillian leave ...

Liar you said that ,I don't have to worry about you ,but how can I cannot have to worry about you ...

As usual his brother drop her to her school and said the same as always

Hello my beautiful best friend Jillian !

Stephanie said

Hello Stephanie

So rude..hmmp

How can I rude to you Stephanie ?

I call you beautiful but you didn't called me back

Sighed ,hello my beautiful best friend Stephanie

Thank you for calling me that

Stephanie said

Jillian did you know what day is it ?


What nope!!!

Okay ,whats the occasion ?

come on Its your birthday,you forgot !

Oh it's my birthday...

Here's my gift from you

Stephanie gave her a teddy bear ans said a happy birthday

Thank you Stephanie

Don't be sad ,it's my first gift from you I will gave my 2nd gift from your home !

Okay thank you

Then Jillian leave.

She forgot her birthday.....

Stephanie said

Jillian wait for me !!

Good morning class

The teacher said

Good morning ma'am

Did you do your homework ?

yes ma'am

Okay exchange your notebook to your seatmate and check the correct answer

Stephanie,Marco ,Jillian,David ,rose

Come into the front and write the correct answer...

Stephanie your the only one that hasn't even write a number in the board ,did you do your homework?

No ma'am

Ma'am I will write the correct answer

Okay Marco

That's the answer ma'am

Very good Marco

Okay Stephanie sit down ,class make sure to do your homework okay

Yes ma'am

As usual the 4th period of sub is over and break time is come

Ahh I hate that Marco !

Why did you hate her Stephanie?he solve the answer correctly right and he help you

I know that he help me but ,he smirked at me ,ahhh I hate that guy so much !


Hmm oh it's you Michael,what can I do for you ?

Oh nothing I just wanted to say a happy birthday

How did you know that it was my birthday today ?

Then Jillian turned his back and glanzing at Stephanie

I said to the whole class that's it your birthday...

Sighed,okay thank you for saying that to me Michael

When Michael was about to leave Stephanie shouted at her and said

Michael come over to Jillian house ,it does have a plenty of food !

Okay ,I come

Hey why did you say that Stephanie!

Why not ,the whole class is coming over you know ?


Let's go now , Jillian if you didn't come your getting late at our 5th subject

Wait ,that's my line ....

All of the period sub is done today and it's time to get home


His brother said

Brother, you're early

Oh yes I was early,i didn't come to work earlier.I submitted that I was gonna absent today....

Why did you absent ?...

Its your birthday Jillian...

Oh hello brother juvellian!

Said Stephanie

Hello Stephanie

I come to your house and I invited the whole class and this new transferee

Ah Jillian '"

His brother glanzing at her and Jillian said that Stephanie was decided to come over the whole class

Oh okay ,see you at my house

Happy birthday to you , happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you .....blow the candle now Jillian

Jillian blow the candle and wish !

Woahh happy birthday Jillian

Happy birthday Jillian....

His brother said and then gave a present to her and Stephanie gave the second present as well....

The others gave their present to her and said a happy birthday....

Jillian happy birthday

Michael said and he gave a hairpin to her

Uhm thank you Michael

Jillian smile with a beautiful smile that others was shocked and his brother as well because it's the first time that he's younger sister was smile beautifully....

And he smile as well...

You have a beautiful smile Jillian,it's suit to you

Michael said

Tha-thank you

When the party is over juvellian ask the name of the boy and thank him for smiling her sister

Hey boy what's your name ?

I'm Michael montefalco

Thank you for make my sister smile she didn't smile for the past few years so I'm thankful for-

No need to thank me

Oh hahahaha

Your name is juvellian right

Yeah? How did you know my name ?

I heard it from Stephanie,you have a strong relationship from your sister,your still look from her ....

Uh yeah it's because my mom and dad died ....

Even I'm this life your still a good brother to her , marillo

What did you say ?

I said I'm gonna go home now

Oh okay ....

Brother what are you doing here?

Ah your new classmate said he was about to go home ,he's weird but I was thankful that she was able to make you smiled

What are you mumbling about brother?

Nothing ....

Jillian I'm gonna go home too ,my mother said I'm gonna go home right now if I can't go home now my mother will kill me ....

Okay take care

Jillian wave at her best friend but before her best friend leave she said something that Jillian makes smile

Jillian you should try to smile always,your smile was beautiful,by the way happy birthday!

The others said that they are about to go home too and the two siblings was all alone and they decided to clean the house

No ,it's your birthday today so you should go to your room and sleep


No but ,Did you have a assignment?


Then do it ,I'm okay to clean the house


Jillian head to her room and decided to do her assignment ,she sit at the chair but before he could do her assignment,she stare at the hairpin that Michael gave ...

I'm meet him yesterday but why are my heart comfortable with him ,that I can smile like that as if I was so close to him ,and the hairpin that he gave makes me smile ,but this hairpin looks familiar,when did I see it ?

She asked herself but couldn't find the answer so she do her assignment.....

Meanwhile he's brother was done to clean the house and decided to look for his sister,and she saw that her sister was he locked the door and decided to come downstairs and come to his parents room and saw he's parents photo he stare at their and said

Mom ,dad its the first time that my sister smile ,her eyes show only a sadness even when he's smile in the past few years but ,today her eyes don't show a sadness it shows a happiness,and the reason was from the gift that the transfer student gave to her I don't know who he is but my heart was comfortable to him as If I was knew him all along ,I'm glad that my sister was able to smile like that,for the past few years, I hope she smile like that beautifully....

Then the Thursday come but it didn't have a class ,because all the teacher have a big meeting ....

Oh your early today to wake up Jillian ..

I check my phone and check my school fb and it said that it didn't have class today because all the teacher have a meeting

Oh Shelly said that were going to Beach today if you have a time so I guess we're going now today ,she didn't come to your birthday so she said that we were going to Beach to celebrate your birthday today even if it's late ...

Juvellian said with a eyes full of hope

Okay brother were going .....

We're gonna go now !

Wait Did you pack our clothes in the evening !?

Yeah ,here's your bag ,your clothes are in there too

Let's go now

He's brother said with a eyes full of excitement...

What the -

Jillian said

Meanwhile in the beach:

Hi babe

Juvellian said

Hello Jillian!

Shelly said


I'm sorry ,for not coming to your birthday

Its okay ....

Oh right drop your bag on the table ,and switch your clothes and there is so much plenty of food if your hungry

Hey babe I'm here to you know

Oh I'm sorry babe

Jillian we're gonna swimming now

He's brother said

Yeah ...

Shelly and juvellian swimming happily and Jillian was staring at the girl,when she noticed that the girl was drowning,and no one is noticing so she approached the girl as past as she can and decided to save the girl ,she save the girl properly but her feet was stock by a something that she cannot able to swim and the girl that she save was asking for help to help her but Jillian was already in the deep of the water

Did I have to die in this water ....I'm running out of oxygen,I guess this is for the best ....

When her eyes seem to close he saw a familiar face , swimming to approach her and grab her hand

Love why did you risk your life to save the girl ,you didn't ask for help for anyone and yet your choosing to die now .

And Jillian eyes closed...

Miralla,you shouldn't risk your life to save me

Its him ,the man ,in my dreams crying while holding his lover in his arms ,but why I cannot see his face and the girl

Miralla ,miralla!ahhhhh

Jillian notice that her eyes was crying.

Wait why ,why I'm suddenly crying .....

When she's crying ,she saw the man staring at her but the eyes of the man was the only one she's seeing ...

Miralla miralla!!

Then the man was shouting at her and she's confused when the girl with the blood vanished into the air and the man was running to approach her

Miralla miralla!!!!!!!

Jillian Jillian!!

His brother and Shelly said while hugging her tightly and crying !

What's happening?

She asked

I'm sorry im sorry ,I shouldn't leave you Jillian

Ah wait that's right ,did the girl was okay ?

How come you asked the girl you save ,she's okay you know !

Brother when I was about to closed my eyes and said that it's for the best to died right there was a ma---

What did you say !????

His brother asked

I said that there was---

No not that ,you say that it's for the best to die you in the water !


Then his brother stop crying ,and leave the room silently....

Shelly ...why is my brother leave ?

Oh I-its because she needs a fresh air

Meanwhile juvellian was crying silently in the beach ....


Shelly said

What are you doing here? Is Jillian okay now?

Yeah she's sleeping now

Come on you should see your sister and stop crying will you ?

it's already 2 hours when your leave the room


Then they headed to Jillians room juvellian sit on the chair and held her sisters hand

She's so fragile and her eyes are so swollen and she said that it's for the best that she die like that from the water ,she mind that ....,and decided to close her eyes ,did she mind that she's alone ,but I was here too ,my dear sister I was here too you know ,so don't mind that it's for the best that you die on that water , because if I will lose you too ,I will end my life .....

Don't say that juvellian!

Shelly shouted

How come you say that ,don't say that your end your life ! I'm here to you know

Time here too...

I'm i-im sorry to say that when your here Shelly ,I'm sorry

Shelly was crying And he hugged her girlfriend tightly to calm her.....

Chapter 2:End