Chapter 3: Brother's love

Okay class I announce the top 1 for this quarter

The teacher said

Woah ,who is that !

Said the student

The top 1 is juvellian Montefiore!

Woah , congrats juvellian

The classroom is filled with a shouting voice and clapping their hands

Thank you ma'am

Juvellian said

The top 10 in this quarter ,come into the front for a picture taking

This is the important day to juvellian she was so happy and excited to share to his family that he was the top 1 in their class but the excitement in his eyes suddenly vanished when he saw a plenty of people and a police

why is there so much people in the highway?

He asked himself and decided to take a look

When he take a look he's world completely shattered and burst into tears .....

The-that's my family !

He run as fast as he can but the police stop him from coming into the car

Mom ! Dad ! ,why are you stopping me !my family is inside in the car!

A-ambulance call the ambulance my mom and dad was dying why aren't you doing anything!call the ambulance you useless police !

Juvellian was shouting desperately to call his mom and dad ,then he started to stop calling their when he saw he's mother calling him

Juvellian take care of yourself and your younger sister.....

And then his mother and father completely died in the car ,and the ambulance came and his strength completely vanished.....and he cry and cry for help

Help my family !help them !!!!!

Meanwhile his sister was in her house and her auntie

Auntie when is mother ,father and brother coming ?

They're coming home now Jillian

Her auntie cellphone was ringing

Oh wait a minute your brother is calling

Hello ? juvellian

She answered

Auntie ....

Hey what's wrong with your voice ?

Then her auntie's face completely shocked and her hands were shaking

Auntie what's wrong ?

Jillian asked

Her auntie hugged her tightly and cry


What's wrong ?

why are you suddenly crying auntie ?

Jillian I drop you at your best friend house so be a good girl okay ?

Why ?auntie mom ,dad and brother are coming home to celebrate mom's birthday

Uhm auntie is gonna buy a cake ,so you're gonna be a good girl okay ?

Okay ..... auntie

Jillian smiled and her auntie's heart filled with sadness and the. her auntie drop her at her best friend house ,her auntie wave at her and she did the same .


Her auntie shouting at juvellian and she hugged him tightly but juvellian eyes was completely lose and his mouth was saying the same thing .

No my mom and dad was not dead .

They're not dead , they're not dead...


Auntie,They're not dead ahhh

Then he burst into tears saying that his mom and dad was not dead that the doctor are lying to him..

Then the Saturday came and her auntie hugged her tightly and said that she's coming home now but before they can leave ... Stephanie mother was said something...

Didn't you say anything to juvellian?

No ,she's only hurting.

Then the two leave ..

Mom ,what do you mean by didn't you say anything,and what about this clothes why are we wearing a black clothes

Stephanie you said that youre best friend was smiled always right?

Yep ,her smiled was beautiful mom!

I guess this time her face was only shows a sadness now Stephanie

Then Stephanie look at her mother face and saw a sadness ...

When her auntie and Jillian home she saw a plenty of people coming over at their house and their clothes was always black

Auntie why are the people here,suddenly wearing a black clothes and me ,did a person died?

But her auntie didn't say anything,and he saw he's brother approached her but his brothers eyes are swollen

Brother you're eyes are swollen ,did you cry ?

Jillian let's go to our house.

Did mom and dad are in there to?

Yes they are .

When they headed to there house she saw her mother and father photo and she approached her

Why did mom and dad ,have a picture in that place? Hmm what--Brother why are my mom and dad--

She was so shocked to see his parents completely white and then she's glanzing at his brother and saw he's brother crying and her auntie approach her and hugged her

I'm so-sorry for not saying anything to you Jillian but your mom and dad died in the car crash Jillian

why are you saying that?

Then Jillian eyes was filled with a tears thats when she found out that people was wearing a black shirt was because his parents died and then she saw Stephanie mother and cry as well

Ahh the-that's not true my mom and dad are not dead! If they're dead why aren't you say anything to me!

Jillian runned to her room and lock the door and cry while holding his parent photo.

That's not true mom your not dead they're lying to me ! they're lying !ahhh

When Jillian was crying he's brother silently hearing her sisters crying in the door and he cry as well

I'm sorry Jillian for not saying anything to you ,I'm sorry my younger sister...

The Monday came and Jillian was about to come to school her brother drop her to her room and leave ...


Stephanie said

But Jillian ignore her

Uhmm Jillian,my mom said that were gonna go to Baguio next week so i decided you to come to me

Jillian sit in her chair with a blank face

Two weeks has past but Jillian face was totally blank she completely headed to there house when the school is over but this time her eyes was filled with happiness so her brother asked her

Jillian why are you happy ?

Nothing brother,I'm gonna go to room now ,thanks for the meal!

Then Jillian head to her room

Hey you're not even finished yet !

Maybe she's gonna do her homework now ,but why did she's happy today? she seem to be in a good mood but I'm glad that she's happy .

Oh that's right I'm gonna do a orange juice it's her favorite,hmm where the hell did the scissors lose I remember that I placed it in the cabinet.....

Meanwhile he's brother come into her room and brought a orange juice but the door was totally locked ,he knock several times but Jillian didn't answer and he thought that he's sister was asleep,but he mind that its weird because if he's sister was asleep the lights will be off ,so he knock and Knock and called Jillian names ,but Jillian didn't answer it so he decided to break the door when he open it he was shocked to see he's sister in the ground holding a scissors with a blood on her pulse ,she approached her sister immediately and called the ambulance

Jillian, Jillian!

Hey wake up!

Then he's tears suddenly flowing through he's eyes and shouted he's sister names several times...


Its good that you see her earlier ..

Said the doctor

Was my sister okay now?

Juvellian asked

Yeah she's okay now ,but I noticed that she's not having enough sleep,so she needs to rest in one week

Thank you doc

The doctor leave the room and the two siblings was alone juvellian sit in the chair praying that her sister was completely fine


Oh youre awake now

Where are we?

But his brother didn't answer his question.

Jillian why are the scissors is in your hand !?answer me

She saw his brother face so serious that she was about to cry

Don't cry Jillian and answer my question right now!

O-one of my classmate said that if I slice my pulse mom and dad will come back ahh

Jillian cry and juvellian shocked but he hugged her sister tightly and question he's sister that who the hell said that to her

Who the hell said that to you!?

Raimond ahhh

Don't do anything ridiculous Jillian if you do I'm gonna get angry with you !your action was wrong !,mom and dad will not coming back ! You know

Juvellian burst into cry .

Do-dont angry to me brother I'm sorry -im sorry brother ,I was wrong brother

You knew that your gonna do was wrong but you decided to try it !

I'm sorry brother,I'm sorry ....ahhh

Juvellian hugged her sister tightly and he cry and cry

If I lose you too I'm gonna end my life

Juvellian said.

Hey raimond your the one that said that to Jillian !

Stephanie said

She's an idiot for believing me

Raimond said and Stephanie push her and attack raimond

Your a bully ,I'm gonna smash your face !

Jillian was lose her parents and yet your making fun of her feelings you should go to hell!

Then raimond mom came and push Stephanie and Stephanie mother came as well

Hey why are you suddenly push my daughter!

Stephanie mother shouted.

Your daughter suddenly attack my son !so how come I cannot push her when my son was hurt !

Stephanie why did you attack him?

Her mother asked

She said that Jillian was an idiot for believing him ,that if Jillian cut her pulse her parents will come back she making fun of Jillian feelings mom...she's a bad guy .ahh

And Stephanie cry

Hey what's wrong with you're daughter ,she seem to be lying-

My daughter isn't a liar ,she seemed to saying the truth that your son was the reason that my best friend daughter was in the hospital right now ....

Raimond mother was shocked and Stephanie mother was gonna leave with a smirked on her face

Stephanie come on

But before Stephanie leave she said a something with a cold voice that was raimond shivered with fear

Hey you ugly cockroach,if you dare to hurt Jillian ,I will kill you .

Stephanie come will be visiting Jillian

Coming mom!

Meanwhile in the hospital

Its already one week and Jillian was about to leave the hospital

Brother I'm gonna pack my things now

Jillian said

No , you sit here .

Juvellian replied

The door open and Jillian saw Stephanie

Hello Jillian

Stephanie said

Your gonna leave the hospital right?

Ah yeah

Yey ,so we're gonna go to the amusement park today !

She needs a rest Stephanie

Her mother said

But she gets enough rest ....

Jillian glanzing at his brother and his brother agreed

I'm fully recovered now Stephanie

Jillian said

Yey were go to amusement park now

Stephanie said with a happy face

They headed to amusement park and they happily bite something sweet,and ride to a roller coaster..

Chapter 3:End