Lloyd family

It was in the depths of the night.

The moonlight barely penetrated the dense canopy.

It spilled dappledly onto the winding path.

In the woods, a tall and upright figure was like a guardian god of the night, leaping out of the shadows without hesitation.

Facing the ghostly blue glowing, cold and bone piercing river ahead, there was no half hesitation.

It was a single leap.

The icy cold river was like it was going to swallow all warmth.

But in his heart, there was only one thought - to

Save her.

Not long after, he resurfaced, clutching a soaked and dying figure in his arms.

It was Lisbeth Dawson.

Her eyelids were slightly closed and her long eyelashes fluttered, as if at any moment the fire of life might be extinguished by the cold winds of the night.

He carefully held her close, using his own body heat to dispel the chill, and whispered gently but firmly:

"Lisbeth, I'm late, I'm sorry."

His eyes were filled with self-loathing and heartache.

This journey tracked the faint signal from her mobile phone, crossing countless difficulties and obstacles.

Finally, at this moment, she was found.


Lloyd family mansion.

Lights are on.

But it seemed particularly lonely in this late night.

In front of the gate, Mother Lloyd looked anxious, her arms spread wide, trying her best to block her son David Lloyd.

"David, you can't let Lisbeth go in there like that! You can't do that!"

There was a touch of helplessness and determination in her tone, fearing that the move would cause even more harm to the already fragile Lisbeth.

David Lloyd's eyes burned with anger in the face of his mother's obstruction:

"Why can't you let me carry her in! She's your only daughter, do you have to wait until she collapses completely before you're satisfied?"

His voice trembled slightly.

It was filled with resentment and anger at the family's indifferent attitude.

Just as the atmosphere was tense, Danny Lloyd, the elder brother who always carried a somewhat lethargic air, rubbed his eyes and walked out of the mansion.

He was obviously awakened by the noise of the quarrel outside the door, and his face was impatient: "What are you doing! In the middle of the night, are you still letting people sleep? So noisy!"

As a heavy sister-controller, once he learnt that his sister was being hurt, he would definitely do whatever he could.

Noticing Danny Lloyd's arrival, Lloyd's mother was immediately alerted, knowing how much he loved Lisbeth Dawson, and quickly stood in front of her son in an attempt to block Danny Lloyd's view:

"Danny, it's fine, it's just a little misunderstanding, go back and continue your rest."


David Lloyd could not let go of this opportunity to reveal the truth:

"Brother, you haven't seen what Spencer's did to Lisbeth.Lisbeth is in this state now, it's all because she was tortured by them!"

"What! Lisbeth is back?"

Danny Lloyd sniffed and was instantly awake and sleepy.

He quickly stepped round his mother and faced David Lloyd straight on, and when he saw Lisbeth Dawson's face, which was so pale as to be almost transparent, and the heart, which was only faintly rising and falling, his heart ached like a thousand arrows through the heart.

If it weren't for the subtle signs of life, he would almost think Lisbeth had left this world.

"What are you waiting for! Quickly hand Lisbeth over to me, we must take her to a doctor immediately!"

Danny Lloyd's voice breathed urgency like never before.

David Lloyd held Lisbeth Dawson close, a flicker of mixed emotions in his eyes, "No brother, I'll just take her in myself."

"Let go and give me Lisbeth! Don't think I can't see your little mind!"

Danny Lloyd's patience seemed to be at its limit, and there was a hint of sternness in his tone.

"Remember, she's your own sister!"

David Lloyd's body stiffened slightly, and a touch of bitterness flashed across his face.

Yes, that forbidden emotion in his heart was like an invisible blade that was always cutting into his heart.

In the end, he slowly loosened his embrace and handed Lisbeth Dawson over to his brother.

Turning away.


At this point.

Lisbeth Dawson went into a dream.


Lisbeth Dawson came to a place where her steps slowed involuntarily.

A wave of complex, unspeakable emotions welled up in her heart as she realised she was standing in front of the familiar, yet slightly unfamiliar, front door.

Here, was the place full of stories and feelings in her youthful memories - her high school.

It was as if the years had gently reversed at this moment, taking her back to a time that was both youthful and courageous.

At that time, in order to pursue freedom and dreams, she did not hesitate to change her face and escape from the family that bound her soul.

With her resilience and talent, she stood out like a bright Percy from the fierce competition and won the chance to enter the school known as the cradle of aristocracy.

Despite a deliberately concealed appearance.

But the freshness of her beauty is still hard to hide.

Like a small flower that inadvertently pokes its head out in the spring, it attracts the gazes of the surroundings to unconsciously linger.


Those young hearts are like the first bloom of flowers, full of curiosity and desire for love.

Lisbeth Dawson was never short of boys who expressed their affection for her.

Love letters and shy confessions come like spring rain.

But there was more or less a hint of infatuation with her looks in their eyes than a real touch of the heart.

All of this, as smart as she, natural insight as fire.

Until one day, the tranquility of the campus was shattered by a sudden disaster.

Inside the library, an ominous fire bursts into flames, instantly consuming the aroma of pages and the peaceful air.

The flames were so intense and hot that she thought she was about to be consumed by the darkness of despair.

Percy Spencer, like a god descending from the heavens, appeared in her soon-to-be extinguished world.

Between the roaring flames and the shattered glass.

Undaunted, he picked her up in his solid arms as if he were a warrior through the fire.


When the world was calm again, she gathered enough courage to reveal her heart to him.

Prepared for rejection.

Unexpectedly, Percy Spencer responded to her feelings with tender eyes.

As it turns out, the two hearts have already been inadvertently close to each other.

She wanted to express her love in the purest way, but was stopped by his doting smile.

He said that he was willing to wait until that wedding night that belonged only to them.

As time goes by.

She gradually discovered the secrets behind him.

Those entanglements brought about by identity and status once put the relationship between the two into an unprecedented test.

Arguments and misunderstandings were inevitable.

But every time, it was Percy Spencer with his tolerant heart, like the sea accepts all rivers, gently dissolved all the storms.

Until that stormy night, she learnt that he was in danger.

She rushed to him recklessly, but unfortunately met with malicious attacks.

Fortunately, a pair of unseen hands pulled her back from the brink of death.

Though, the mysterious rescuer is still unknown to this day.

But this miracle of life makes her cherish everything with Percy Spencer even more.


When she finally returned to the home that had suffocated her with exhaustion.

But she found that Percy Spencer, who used to give her warmth and protection in countless days and nights, had dissipated into the sea of people like a dream.

Only a string of memories are left behind, gently rippling in the heart.