Dreams and Reality

Crystalline teardrops slipped quietly from the corners of her eyes, like morning dew gently shaking off the tips of leaves.

Danny Lloyd's fingers gently brushed her cheeks.

His eyes were filled with heartache.

"I'm sorry, Lisbeth, you have had a terrible fate, and I can't do anything to change it, so I can only wait for your return. At that time, I will surely pour out all I have to make up for today's regret."

Looking at the girl on top of the bed, who was drenched in sweat and tears, Danny Lloyd's heart felt as if it was being pierced by millions of needles.

She was curled up and seemed to be wrestling with the invisible dream demon, agonizing and restless.

He, on the other hand, could do nothing but stand by, and for the first time a feeling of unprecedented powerlessness welled up in his heart.

"Forgive me, Lisbeth, for an unobjectionable order from above forbids me to come to the rescue. Though I do not fear life or death, that Supreme Being has always acted with discretion and must have had far-reaching considerations."

After speaking, an inexplicable wind blew through the Nine Winds Xuanzhuang, causing someone to sneeze abruptly, "Damn it! Who is cursing my father behind my back?"

Danny Lloyd took a deep breath.

He then guided the internal force in his body that was as warm and moist as spring water and slowly injected it into Lisbeth Dawson's body, hoping to temporarily ease her suffering.

In this brother and sister in the silent exchange of deep love, they are completely unaware of, in the dark there has been a pair of cynical eyes, such as a snake scorpion as tightly locked them ...

At the same time.

Outside the door.

When David Lloyd saw his elder brother appear holding the weak Lisbeth Dawson, a wave of panic arose in his heart:

"Brother, what are you doing? Lisbeth has only just come back from the deathbed, what she needs now is to recuperate! Are you really going to push her back into that place of right and wrong?"


Danny Lloyd's magnificent frame stalled slightly, his voice low and apologetic:

"I can't make her stay, David, it's not what I want, forgive brother."

David Lloyd's anger was instantly ignited in the face of his older brother's decision, "Brother, do you also believe in that nonsense that Lisbeth is a calamity that brings misfortune? ! In the matter of Fay, how can that cold-blooded act of Ice Blue be blamed on the innocent Lisbeth?"

And the eyes that lurked in the shadows grew more and more agitated as they heard the dispute.

It was as if the eyes contained a poison strong enough to corrupt everything, cold and vicious.

On the second day, the morning sun was breaking out.

Time slipped quietly toward the seven o'clock morning mark.

"Are you sure this message is correct? Why did we wait two hours for Percy, but the body did not appear?"

Hannah Jones's brow was a hint of displeasure.

She leaned lazily in the embrace of the shade, flanked by servants holding fans that swayed gently.

Coffee was also placed on one side.

The scene was more like that of some noblewoman enjoying a leisurely summer's day than anxiously awaiting anything.

If the onlookers were unaware of this.

Perhaps they would mistake it for some rich man's wife enjoying a leisurely sunbathe here.

"Hannah, it's true, the scene last night when young master pushed her down with his own hands, I witnessed it with my own eyes, there is no way I could have misread it! I guarantee you that it's true!"

The attendant at the side was filled with fawning smiles, his eyes fixed on Hannah Jones, secretly calculating in his heart, as long as he could win this master's heart, his future wealth and glory would surely be within his grasp.

Just at this moment, an athletic male bodyguard hurriedly came and reported:

"Ma'am, there seems to be a person found in the forest!"

Hannah Jones stood up violently at the sound of the voice, her excitement overflowing: "Quickly, let's go and check it out immediately!"

Deep inside.

She was looking forward to witnessing Lisbeth Dawson's miserable end moments later.

Stepping into the forest.

Between two ancient trees, a hammock gently swayed.

Lisbeth Dawson was lying quietly on it, her skin was dyed with a soft golden color by the dappled sunlight, just like a gentle fairy coming out of a painting, harmoniously blending with the surrounding natural landscape, constituting a heartwarming scenery, beautifully unlike mortal earth.

"Madam, she still has signs of life."

The male bodyguard's report was as calm and objective as ever, without any semblance of emotional fluctuation.

Hannah Jones sniffed, her long, slender nails unconsciously digging into her palms, a flash of viciousness in her eyes-

Lisbeth Dawson, what kind of means do you have that you can still survive in such a desperate situation?

At that moment, her trusted aide approached and whispered, "Ma'am, what do you intend to do about this man?"

"What else can I do? Naturally, I will bring her back to the mansion and take good care of her. Since she cannot escape the cycle of life and death, let her experience the 'sweetness' of being alive."

The corner of Hannah Jones's mouth hooked up into a grim and playful smile.

Hidden behind that smile was unfathomable malice and calculation.

Inside that ancient and elegant old mansion.

The morning light is slightly exposed, gently brushing over every inch of the carved wooden windows, and the air is filled with the faint fragrance of pine and the unique freshness of the morning.

This is Hannah Jones's carefully crafted sanctuary, away from the world, quiet and deep.

Lisbeth Dawson's eyelids, like carrying a heavy nightmare, lifted slowly and by a thread, like gradually surfacing from the deep ocean floor, rediscovering the light of the world.

The first time she woke up, her eyes held a few moments of disorientation and confusion, like she was still hovering on the edge of dream and reality.

"Wake up!"

The words were accompanied by Hannah Jones' smiling face, as gentle as the spring sun.

Her voice was soft and full of concern, as if she were treating a piece of fragile porcelain, afraid of disturbing the peace of the person in front of her.

Lisbeth Dawson's consciousness gradually returned.

But the image in front of her was as if shrouded in morning mist, and everything seemed so unreal.

"You are?"

She murmured, confusion in her voice.

It was as if she had just woken up from a long dream, unfamiliar with everything around her.

The corner of Hannah Jones' mouth curled into a playful smile, as if she had read Lisbeth Dawson's mind, "Heh, Lisbeth Dawson, after experiencing life and death, can't you even recognize me?"

Lisbeth Dawson's memory fragments began to piece together, especially recalling the scene that had haunted her - the image of Hannah Jones walking side by side with Percy Spencer, causing her to blurt out, "You, you and Percy What's the relationship?"

The tone was one of tension and suspicion.

Upon hearing the question, Hannah Jones' grin widened.

As if she had gotten some kind of satisfaction, her eyes sparkled with happiness as she slowly said, "It's no big deal, he's just my dear husband."

The words were like thunder in the clear sky, shaking Lisbeth Dawson to her core.

The sudden truth caught her off guard, and her mind was filled with confusion and disquiet.

"Lisbeth, didn't Percy he ever mention anything about us to you? But you should understand that everything in this world comes first. Even if you are fortunate enough to stay by his side, you will only be a nobody!"

Hannah Jones' gaze was locked on Lisbeth Dawson's face.

It seemed unusually pleased with the latter's expression of shock and pain.