Old story 4

The scene around him changed in an instant.

Until a world wrapped in silver was spread out beneath his feet.

The snow poured down like wild waves, and each snowflake danced its own trajectory in the air, dressing up this heaven and earth in a way that was both bleak and magnificent.

"Hey, Spencer Family brat, stop right there, don't try to run!"

Several men with flashy clothes and frivolous behavior surrounded the teenager standing alone in front of them, their voices seemed particularly harsh in this empty snowy field, like ice picks piercing the heart.

Although the teenager's figure was thin, but there was no fear in his eyes, and his disdainful voice was unyielding in the cold wind, "Since you know my identity well, are you still so reckless? Don't you know that the Spencer family's name is not something that you can provoke at will?"

"Hehe, kid, still talking tough even now? Do you know who is standing in front of you? You dare to touch the women of our brothers, you're really tired of living!"

Those men were full of banter, their attitude arrogant to the extreme, obviously not putting this Spencer Family's young master in their eyes, as if everything could be rubbed in front of him at will.

"Ridiculous! I, Percy Spencer, have done my job properly, when have I ever toyed with the women you mentioned! Who the hell are you guys, tell me your names, although my Spencer family is in decline, I am not afraid of being planted by nameless people!"

Percy Spencer roared, his voice shaking the snowy plains, his eyes burning with flames of anger and resentment.

"Us? We're a Graham family! A small family like you is worthy of calling out to us?"

The leading man's face was contemptuous, his words carried an unquestionable arrogance, "The Spencer family has long since ceased to be glorious, a mere descendant of a last-rate powerful family, how dare you be arrogant in front of us?"

Percy Spencer heard the words in his heart a flinch, Graham family ...

That is the top mansion with the Spencer family in the past, nowadays he is just a child, how can he compete with those adults and strong people from famous families?

Even if he escaped their pursuit, he was afraid that it would be much more difficult.

At this moment, he clearly realized that what he was carrying was not only his personal safety, but also the pressure of the decline of the entire family.

Recalling the Spencer family's glorious but unpleasant history, the ancestors were expelled from the top luxury family for violating the rules of the family, and the family's glory days were gone, and they could only live in the secondary luxury family, barely making ends meet.

This is the fundamental reason why Percy Spencer does not want to, and dare not easily offend these members of the top families - because behind him, there are no longer any more.

Because behind him, it is no longer the Spencer family that can stand proudly against the crowd, but a shaky, precarious small family, he can't let this family because of his impulsiveness to suffer any further repercussions and injuries.

So, reason overcame anger, Percy Spencer turned around without hesitation, and ran as hard as he could in an unknown direction, leaving behind him the group of sneering shadows, and an unfinished blizzard ...

He was about to be surrounded by those unruly "delinquent youths", and the crisis was imminent, when suddenly, like a hand extending from the thickest corner of the night, he was deftly and forcefully pulled into the alley hidden in the shadows.


Percy Spencer squeezed a low, alert inquiry out of his throat, his body tensing, ready to respond to the unknown threat at any moment.

"Pfft, why is that the same line every time I see you?"

Responding to him was a young girl's voice, cool with a hint of playfulness, so similar to that rainy night encounter in his memory that it was as if time had not left any traces between the two.

"You saved me again, do you want any compensation this time?"

Percy Spencer was both grateful and curious, his eyes straining to find the mysterious figure in the dimness.

The young girl laughed softly, her voice filled with flirtation, "How about you give yourself in return, beautiful human child."

Between the words, the air seemed to take on a bit of playfulness and teasing.

Percy Spencer couldn't help but be stunned, and then replied seriously, "If I don't have someone I love in the future, I will marry you."

When he said this, a trace of strange tenderness inexplicably arose in his heart.

The young girl obviously did not expect him to give such a serious reply, a few moments of surprise and subtle emotions in his voice: "Oh, so it's just treating me as a spare tire ah."

Percy Spencer sniffed, and his cheeks couldn't help but color a blush.Fortunately, the light around him was dim, and the young girl didn't notice his embarrassment, "No, not really, you've got it all wrong ..."He hastily defended.Right at this moment, the flowing youth outside once again rudely interrupted their conversation, with a few moments of urgency in his tone, "Hey, kid, have you seen a kid? Around fifteen years old, well, I have to admit, the face value is quite high."Immediately after, a gentle male voice with an unnoticeable majesty inserted at the right time, interrupting the youth's follow-up question, "I'm very sorry, haven't seen the child you described."The young girl sniffed and said softly to the youth, "My brother is coming to pick me up, I have to go, bye!"With those words, her figure had begun to slowly move towards the entrance of the alley."Wait!"Percy Spencer suddenly shouted out, as if some thoughts flashed through his mind.The young girl looked back in surprise.Only to see Percy Spencer step forward, gently pulling her arm, with an irresistible strength in his movements, gently taking her whole into his arms.In that moment when they could almost hear each other's heartbeats, he lowered his head and planted a soft and meaningful kiss on the young girl's bare forehead, "Bye."In the darkness, the young girl's cheeks were like clouds colored red by the morning sun, unable to calm down for a long time.Finally, she took a deep breath, turned around, stepped into the night color, step by step, and slowly left, while emotions tumbled up in her heart for a long time.Outside, the night color was like splashing ink, the lights on the street were dim and dull, adding a bit of treachery to this sleepless night.People walked out from the lights, suddenly, a woman's figure slowly emerged from the dark abyss, her steps were light and mysterious, as if she had stepped into this place from another dimension.The eyes of the crowd met, immediately recognizing the unique ornament on her arm -It was such a hand that had silently dragged Percy Spencer into the hidden alleyway not long ago, leaving behind nothing but the astonished stares of the crowd.And yet.When they followed close behind to explore, that alley was empty, with only the wind passing through it, bringing with it endless silence and doubt."Hey! Stand still! Don't move, talking about you! Stop right there, don't try to run!"A few rough voices suddenly cut through the quiet of the night as they spotted the woman, the greed and desire in their eyes exposed.Among the group, a short-haired youth with a head of shining golden light was particularly conspicuous.The corners of his mouth hooked up into an evil smile, and his tone was tinged with contempt:"Well, the little girl is very pretty, do you want to accompany your brothers for a night of fun, and then we will naturally let you go."