Old story 5

Just as the atmosphere was tense to the extreme, the man on the side who had previously appeared to be gentle and elegant instantly changed his face, and an aura that could not be underestimated surged out.

He fiercely stepped forward and pushed away those with ill intent with an almost ferocious strength: ''What do you want! What are you doing to my sister?"

Only, it angered them.

The blonde man, being unprepared, was directly overturned to the ground.

Between the flying dust, his face was written with dismay and anger.

"Asshole, even our brothers dare to touch us, you're tired of living, aren't you? Then we'll fulfill you!"

A few punks quickly gathered around, their eyes glittering with a fierce light, surrounding the "gentle" man.

In the nick of time, the man took the opportunity to say a few words to her quickly and firmly with his lips while he was not yet fully controlled: "Hurry up!"

The eyes were filled with the determination and reluctance of farewell.

The young girl, witnessing this scene, pressed her fingers gently to her trembling lips, and her eyes were flooded with layers of tears; but she did not hesitate, and, sobbing as she did so, turned and ran away.

Percy Spencer, on the other hand, despite his proximity, could only watch in silence, his heart struggling like a tidal wave.

He is not hard-hearted, but he knows that in this chaotic world, the word survival is more important than Mount Tai, he can not easily sacrifice himself for a stranger.

The young girl's stubborn tears were like pins and needles piercing his heart, making him feel an unprecedented self-blame and powerlessness.

In the end, he could only watch as the man who had bravely protected his sister was ravaged by violence without uttering a single sound of protest.

At that moment, his heart felt like it was being torn apart, and a profound self-loathing came over him -

He felt that he had failed his conscience as a human being, that he had not had the courage to stand up for justice, and that he had lost even the most basic manly bearing.

Under remorse, he violently swung his fist at the wall beside him.

His fist was deeply embedded in the masonry, and blood dripped slowly down the cracks of his fingers, blending with the dark colors of the night, just like the pain in his heart.

This dream had always been in his heart.


Birthday Banquet.

I heard that someone from the Nine Winds Xuan Court was coming.

Hannah Jones' bright eyes flashed with a color of incredible surprise.

It was like the most dazzling Percy in the night sky.

She secretly exclaimed in her heart, that the legendary Nine Winds Xuan Pavilion, an existence that even the capitals of the world's powerful families had to look up to, would have someone personally attend this insignificant birthday party of hers?

One must know that this mysterious organization had long been hidden from the world centuries ago.

Their movements were like ghosts, and even many families with long histories and great power could hardly reach the edge of them.

Not to mention inviting them in.

Just as Hannah Jones was filled with anticipation, she was about to step out with light steps and greet them with the utmost elegance to exchange pleasantries.

An unexpected voice shattered her plans.

It was a usually silent, rarely spoken palmist.

At this moment, he suddenly spoke up, his voice low and magnetic, and asked a question that surprised everyone in the room:

"Is Lisbeth Dawson here?"

Hannah Jones' movements froze, and the hand that would have extended forward in welcome hung awkwardly in mid-air, as if time had stood still for the moment.

There was a subtle tension in the air, and the crowd looked at each other in disbelief.

David Lloyd, known for his impatience, was almost reflexively about to say something in Lisbeth Dawson's defense.

He was on the verge of revealing some unknown secret to the public, but braked hard at the critical moment.

His expression was slightly embarrassed, but then switched to a posture of feigned relief.

With a wry smile hanging at the corner of his mouth, he said:

"Eh, that Lisbeth, she had some things to do today and wasn't able to be there. However, as her good friend, I can take over for her, if there's any message that needs to be relayed to her, just let me know and I promise that the mission will be accomplished."

The Sect Master didn't seem to care, casually responding, "Oh, I'm free to do as I please, it's fine if you bring it for me."

Between his words, he exuded a transcendent lightness that made people unable to grasp his true intentions.

The words just fell, the master suddenly took out a sealed letter from his sleeve and handed it over to David Lloyd, with a serious tone that can't be ignored: "This you help me to transfer to Lisbeth, remember, at the critical moment, this letter can protect her life, make sure she personally put it away."

David Lloyd sniffed and his attitude instantly became exceptionally respectful.He performed a standard to the extreme 90-degree bow, and every action appeared to be solemn and pious: "Your Lordship's commands, David will definitely keep them in mind, and will not dare to be the slightest bit negligent, please rest assured Leader."

Just as Hannah Jones adjusted her emotions, she was ready to take the opportunity to accost this mysterious visitor.

to probe more about the secrets of the Nine Winds Xuan Pavilion, the scene in front of her eyes suddenly changed like a dream bubble.

The master's figure shifted slightly, just like the morning mist encountering the early sun, instantly turned into a wisp of light smoke, leisurely drifting away into the distance.