Battle of the Beauties

Qiu Graham raised an eyebrow, a playful smile curving the corners of his mouth as if he were admiring his opponent's struggle.

"Oh? Is this something you can't give up? Could it be that our co-operation is not worth the safety of a single person in the district? Then there seems to be no need to continue our business in the future, right?"

This was what he was best at, using the Spencer family's weaknesses to cleverly pinpoint Percy Spencer's key points.

Qiu Graham knew that although Percy Spencer was strong, once the two big families really broke out in conflict, the weakness within the Spencer family would leave him isolated.

When Percy Spencer heard this, his anger was like a dark tide, he clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white, and his palms oozed thin beads of blood due to excessive force, but finally he could only release them with indignation, and with a cold snort escaping from the depths of his throat, he turned around and left, with a firm but hard-to-conceal inner waves in his gait.

At the moment he was about to disappear in the line of sight, a gentle flow, his eyes, such as shooting stars across the night sky, quietly swept over the Lisbeth Dawson not far away, the worry and reluctance, hidden in the depths of the eyes, no one can understand.

Lisbeth Dawson struggled in Qiu Graham's arms, her voice with a few points of stubbornness and unwillingness, "You let go! What the hell are you trying to do! Let go of me right now!"

Qiu Graham, however, did not think so, but instead smiled even more contemptuously, "Little girl, what's the hurry? If you don't listen to me again, I can't guarantee your safety. What's so good about Percy Spencer that you're so stubborn about his so-called 'chastity'? Might as well be with me, at least I can give you everything you want."

Lisbeth Dawson's eyes flashed with determination and disdain, "He, the love of my life, how can you compare to him? All of you so-called gentlemen, which one of you is not a flirt and a hypocrite, only Percy, he is as clear as water, very different from you!"

Facing Lisbeth Dawson's rebuke, Qiu Graham's smile gradually tightened, and a trace of complex emotion flashed in his eyes, as if he felt a little helpless at her persistence.

"You don't know Percy Spencer at all, and one day you'll regret it. Following him, you won't get anything but endless dangers and sacrifices."

After saying that, Qiu Graham put away his previous teasing manner, and with a turn of his body, he did not enter the bustling crowd, and soon disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only a sound of fluttering clothes, echoing in the air, making the storm clouds of this banquet even more confusing.

At seven o'clock, as the last rays of the setting sun quietly disappeared into the sky, a grand dinner slowly drew the curtain.

The most anticipated focus of this feast was the honourable guest who was about to arrive.

"Nine Winds Xuan Pavilion's honoured guest has arrived!"

The waiter's voice was like a murmur that travelled through time and space, clear and solemn, instantly penetrating the bustling banquet hall.

These few words, like a magic incantation, brought the surrounding clamour to a screeching halt.

The guests straightened up, their gazes full of awe and curiosity, and turned in unison towards the main entrance, ready to greet the arrival of this mysterious guest.

With the ringing of a soft but clearly audible bell, a woman of impressive stature slowly stepped into the venue, surrounded by a sense of majesty and seduction.

Her face wore a pair of exquisite silver mask, the cold metallic luster cleverly covered her face, but could not stop a touch of red lips leaked the amazing beauty, as if a silent declaration, the face hidden behind the mask, must be a country of the city, unparalleled.

Under the mask, a pair of eyes like Percy in the abyss, flashing both demonic and deep light, as if it can penetrate the deepest secrets of the human heart.

Her ink-coloured hair was as deep as the night, the upper part of which was gently tied up by a silver-white walking stick, and the complicated and exquisite hair ornaments shone with a faint luster under the light, just like the shimmering light of morning dew.

The lower part was like a waterfall falling naturally, gently resting on her slender waist, outlining a delicate curve.

She was wearing a silver grey silk ancient style cheongsam, the delicate texture of the skirt was like a sparkling lake under the moonlight, the gold silk cleverly embroidered with the flowers of the other shore and the dragon motifs of the prancing clouds, which appeared to be gorgeous and noble, but also with a hint of transcendence of the world's faraway, the skirt gently trailing on the ground, every step was like stepping on the clouds.

Treading on a pair of crystal clear crystal high heels, the gemstones inlaid on the vamps flowed under the light with a fascinating lustre, just like the brightest stars in the night sky, so that people couldn't help but look sideways and yearn for them.

On the left and right sides of this woman, they were accompanied by a pair of people -

The man was handsome and extraordinary, as if he was an immortal descending from the Nine Heavens, while the woman was flamboyant and beautiful.

The handsome man smiled faintly, his voice gentle and pleasing to the ear, "Everyone take your seats, the banquet can begin."

His words were like the warm spring sun, causing the atmosphere that was originally slightly tense due to the wait to instantly become relaxed and pleasant.

Eventually, His Eminence slowly walked towards the supreme seat that had been specially created for her, and a light gauze tent gently fell down, concealing her silhouette in a hidden manner, adding a bit of hazy and seductive beauty to this mysterious Nine Winds Xuan Pavilion Commander.

The guests then resumed their seats, and the dinner party officially began, an atmosphere of both excitement and awe filled the air, as if everyone had a premonition that this was going to be an extraordinary night.

In the glittering hall, Qiu Graham was dressed in a well-tailored black suit, his silhouette like the most dazzling Percy in the night sky, with every inch of his step revealing a majesty and nobility that could not be ignored.

As the highly respected commander of all the great clans, he was about to make a crucial speech.

At this critical juncture, he suddenly thought of a brilliant idea, waved his hand to indicate the men beside him, and whispered a few instructions.

The men understood and quickly made their way through the crowd to Lisbeth Dawson, who was laughing and joking with his friend.

Lisbeth Dawson, a woman with a refreshingly unassuming temperament, dressed in a long elegant dress, like a touch of breeze on a spring day, brightened people's eyes.

When the men suddenly appeared and politely but firmly asked her to follow, she was aghast and could not help protesting:

"What are you doing! I'm Percy's date, can't anything wait until after the party?"

Qiu Graham smiled slightly, a touch of irresistible dominance in that smile, and stepped forward himself, gently grasping Lisbeth Dawson's hand in a gesture that was both gentle and firm.

"No, baby, from this moment on, you're my date now."

His voice was low and magnetic, making it impossible to resist.

As the two slowly ascended the ornately decorated stage, all eyes couldn't help but converge.

Qiu Graham calmly took the microphone respectfully handed to him by the host, and his eyes swept over each guest as if they could penetrate the heart.

The entire hall seemed to fall silent as he slowly opened his mouth, "Good evening, dear guests!"

His voice was clear and infectious, as if each word contained power, making everyone present involuntarily listen sideways.

As soon as the words fell, a burst of enthusiastic applause instantly erupted from the stage, echoing throughout the space like thunder. However.

In this jubilant atmosphere, the figures of Percy Spencer and his wife seemed out of place.

Percy Spencer's face was sombre, with a complex glint in his eyes, but remained silent.

His partner, Hannah Jones, looked at the unattainable Lisbeth Dawson on stage, her eyes flashing with jealousy and resentment.

This complexity of emotion was not confined to them, for somewhere in a corner where the light was hard to reach, a pair of deep red eyes, like cold stars on a winter's night, locked onto the two men on the stage.

It was Lisbeth Lloyd.

She hissed in her mind, "Lisbeth Lloyd! You caused me to lose my freedom to walk and made me live under the shadows for eternity. And now you want to take away the love of my life and my brother Qiu Graham, who is like a sister to me! This insult, this injustice, I vow to take back! I will not rest until this vengeance has been avenged!"