Demon crystal

She waved her hands angrily, her fingertips trembling slightly as she gathered the mysterious energy that surrounded her, intending to perform an unprecedented divine art to right her honor.

Above the Supreme Seat, the light veil curtains swayed, the interior was hazy, and the face of His Holiness was hidden in the interplay of light and shadow.

Suddenly, His Holiness's brows gently frowned, as if he had captured some discordant fluctuation, and immediately afterward, a cold and gentle voice came out from within the deep veil curtains, like a spring breeze brushing across the surface of a lake, but with an undeniable majesty: "Qinglong, go and take care of this."

The man standing on the right side had a slender figure, exuding a cold and chilly aura, and after hearing the voice, he only answered briefly, and his silhouette was like a phantom in the night, instantly melting behind the veil of the tent without leaving a trace.

In the dark place where Catherine Lloyd was lurking, the night breeze was brisk, and the moonlight through the gaps of the leaves, dappledly sprinkled on her body, adding a bit of mystery to the tense atmosphere.

"Are you the one, secretly casting demonic spells here?"

A low and magnetic voice resounded behind Catherine Lloyd, the green dragon had transformed into human form and approached her silently.

Catherine Lloyd was fully focused on the spell, not expecting to be suddenly interrupted, the energy of the divine spell rebounded violently within her body, and an unstoppable force rushed through her throat, causing her to violently spurt out a mouthful of old blood, and her face turned pale.


Before the words of curses could escape her mouth, Catherine Lloyd's gaze met with the person behind her, and what met her eyes was a tiger-striped white coat with long hair like ink, exuding a majesty and handsomeness that could not be ignored.

She quickly wiped the blood at the corner of her mouth, and the corner of her mouth reluctantly hooked up a gentle and harmless smile, as if the mess she had just been in had never happened before, and inquired in the softest of tones, "Lord Qinglong, what is it that you are looking for me for, please?"

Qinglong silently sighed in his heart, contempt flashed in his eyes: what a fool, can't you see that I'm here to teach you a lesson?

However, he still maintained an indifferent expression on the surface, coughed lightly, adjusted his emotions, and said in his cold and supercilious tone, "Ahem, Second Miss Lloyd, my master has an invitation."

"Huh? Haha, so it's Leader who summoned me! What an honor, I'll be right over." Catherine Lloyd smiled like a flower, her hand gently covering the side of her mouth in an attempt to hide the excitement.


In Qinglong's eyes, this series of actions only caused one word to flash through his mind-

Artifice, permeated with a bit of deliberate and unnatural.

Within the gauze tent, the light silk gently swayed, just like every breeze carried delicate sentiments.

In this dreamlike space, a woman was quietly seated, her figure graceful, displaying a transcendent temperament on the soft couch.

Her silver mask was quietly and silently removed, the cold and mysterious face protector was now resting on a small table to the side, reflecting an ethereal shimmering light that seemed to be telling an endless story.

Just when the eyes of the outside world were full of envy and curiosity, Catherine Lloyd stepped into the veil with a light step, with a hint of apprehension and expectation.

Her arrival was like a fresh breeze on a quiet lake, leading to a lot of talk around her.

When she witnessed the true face of His Excellency, the face that was praised by the world as the world's first beautiful woman, even Catherine Lloyd, as knowledgeable as Catherine Lloyd, could not help but be slightly stunned, secretly marveling in her heart.

Originally thought that those words of praise is just the world's exaggerated flattery, but never thought that the beauty of Your Highness, is really extraordinary, not words can be described.


Your Holiness did not seem to be moved by the praise of the outside world, that the world's face gradually surfaced a touch of displeasure.

Brows gently wrinkled, like a distant mountain with smoke, her heart seems to have an unspeakable helplessness, obviously dissatisfied with certain things.

A moment later, His Holiness gently waved his hand, revealing an unquestionable majesty in his elegant movements.

This instant change, made Catherine Lloyd on the wheelchair violently startled, as if an invisible force suddenly descended, making her fall to her knees uncontrollably, that sudden change made her can't help but lose her voice and exclaim: "Ah!"

On the side, the woman on the left's tone carried a bit of reproach and indifference, her gaze as cold as ice, looking straight at Catherine Lloyd: "Do you know what today's banquet means to His Eminence? How dare you act recklessly on such an important occasion?"

Facing the accusation, Catherine Lloyd's eyes were full of grievances, her voice trembled a little, "Your Honor, I really didn't do anything offensive!"

At this moment, the Qinglong on the side, with his characteristic might, said coldly, "With your poor acting skills, do you think you can get away with it in this place where all the heroes are gathered?"

Just when everyone thought that Catherine Lloyd was going to be severely punished for this, His Holiness's voice unexpectedly rang out with a kind of inexplicable gentleness and tolerance: "That's all, today's occasion is inappropriate, so I'll spare you this time for the time being. But if there is a next time, dare to disturb the order of this banquet again ..."

His Eminence's gaze gently swept over Catherine Lloyd, who was secretly celebrating because she seemed to have escaped, her face overflowing with a few moments of joy after getting her way.

And yet.

At that instant, His Holiness' eyes suddenly flickered, "Ah..."

Accompanied by Catherine Lloyd's shriek, her entire body was incredibly gently lifted up by an invisible force, and then as if she was lightly sent out of the veil tent like a falling leaf on an autumn day.

Qinglong originally wanted to open his mouth to dissuade him, hoping that His Excellency could give this little guy who doesn't know the sky and the earth some lessons, but he didn't expect that His Excellency had already taken a step forward.

Looking at his master's thunderous, clear-cut demeanor, a familiar and awe-inspiring emotion welled up in the Green Dragon's heart.

This is exactly what it remembers, the decisive and vengeful Your Excellency, no matter how the years change, the pride and determination that belongs to her has never changed.

The hustle and bustle outside instantly fell silent, as if time had frozen at this moment.

The crowd of onlookers stood still for a moment, and then, with an unusual surge of air, a wheelchair rushed out of the crowd like an arrow out of a string, heading straight for Catherine Lloyd.

With an unstoppable force, the wheelchair suddenly crashed into her frail body with a muffled "bang".

Accompanied by the wheelchair, there is also a wisp of unruly wind, which is like a naughty child, gently lifting the delicate hem of Catherine Lloyd's skirt, inadvertently revealing the shy pink color of the skirt, attracting the surrounding eyes involuntarily stagnant.

But then hastily avoided in the next second.

The crowd inwardly held back their laughter, but on their faces they tried to maintain the proper solemnity.

This existence that all the people present were in awe of, slowly stood up from the high seat, his gaze as stern as a sword, casting it straight to the cowering Qinglong on the side, and said in a deep voice: "Go and deal with it cleanly!"

The words were short, but they were permeated with unquestionable majesty.

Only to see His Holiness slowly pacing out of the light veil surrounded tent, elegantly placing a silver glittering mask over her face, every action permeated with mystery and nobility.

She faced the crowd, tone with a few points of ridicule and warning: "really impressive, but just a few years of light, your desire and ambition has been swollen to this point, Lloyd second miss, do not think highly of yourself, this world, more powerful than you are the existence of the abundance of people.

Today's matter, right as a small lesson on the road of your growth, likewise, this is also a warning to all of you here - some boundaries, can not be easily crossed!

There are some boundaries that cannot be crossed easily!"

Qiu Graham, the leading figure of the Graham family, showed his smooth side at this time, the corner of his mouth hooked up a smile that was just right, took a few steps forward, and said in a respectful tone and with a bit of ease:

"Oh, Your Honor, don't be angry, it's just a small matter, don't worry about it. Today, my Graham family has prepared a special event, and I would like to ask you to announce its commencement, and I believe that this special event will surely make you forget the unhappiness of the past moment."

His Excellency heard this, only coldly grunted, turned to leave, that lonely figure gradually disappeared in the crowd's line of sight, the tense atmosphere in the air also loosened up, the embarrassment can be subtle way to dissolve.

Not far away from the moon stage, a huge stone shaped like a tombstone stood, bathed in moonlight, appearing both solemn and mysterious.

At first glance, it seemed to be nothing special, but under close scrutiny, it was only then that a demon crystal emitting a demonic light was inlaid on it.

This Demon Crystal was like a living thing, constantly flickering as if it contained endless secrets and power.

It was not an extraordinary item, but a naturally formed spirit stone, the years had carved the marks of vicissitudes on its surface, but at the same time, it had also given it the ability to gain insight into all things in the world.

Legend has it that it can peer into a person's past life, present life and even the afterlife, only that the awakening of this ability is extremely rare, and many people can't experience its magic even after a lifetime of exhaustion.

Now, due to the fact that some people have sensed that this spiritual stone is about to usher in its awakening cycle, an unprecedented event has been held here, attracting forces from all walks of life to come here, just to get a glimpse of its true appearance, or to aspire to get the chance to change their destiny.