
Moon's fingertips gently touched the translucent crystal ball, like the morning dew gently kissed the petals of a flower, at first there were no signs, the surrounding air seemed to freeze, so quiet that you can only hear breathing and heartbeat.


Just after this moment of tranquility, "Wow!" After this moment of tranquility, there was a soft sound, just like the first ray of dawn, the crystal ball suddenly blossomed with a touch of demonic and brilliant light, coloring the entire space with a layer of mysterious colors.

This sudden spectacle not only left Moon himself slightly stunned, but also caused ripples in the hearts of all the spectators present.

Their eyes were filled with envy, as if their gazes could penetrate through everything, looking straight into the unattainable light of talent.

Some people exclaimed in a small voice, that voice mixed with admiration and helplessness, "Alas, what a fate, such an innate power, we mortals, even if we spend our entire lives, I'm afraid we can't reach it."

"Some people, since birth, are clad in a halo and stand above the clouds ..."

Another person's whisper was like a breeze, carrying a hint of coolness but also full of unwillingness.

His Holiness, that majestic and mysterious existence sitting high on the stage, his hearing was exceptionally sharp, and this discussion could not escape his ears.

He only gently side head, gaze like electricity, a light sweep, those who whisper will be like the leaves in the cold wind, instantly silent, afraid to say half a word more, will lead to unpredictable storms.

Just when the atmosphere in the arena became heavy due to the pressure of the emperor, the crystal ball began to appear strange changes.

A vaguely visible black gas twisted and entwined in the dazzling light, seeming to be the undercurrent of the dark night, attempting to break through the bonds of light.

His Holiness's brows could not help but tighten, that black color, symbolizing ghosts and ominous, whether it was a blessing or a curse, it was difficult to predict, and even more difficult to manage.

The audience below the stage was stunned by this scene, they couldn't see the exact situation on the stage, they only felt a sense of tension in the air.

The crowd began to stir, uneasiness spreading out in a circle like ripples on the surface of the water.

A subtle glint flashed across His Holiness' eyes, the insight of a wise man and the wisdom precipitated by years.

He had possessed the ability to see into the heavens since he was young, and for the Elizabeth family lineage, he regarded it as an extension of the family, and thus knew many secrets that were unknown to him.

Looking at the black gas that was about to break free from the crystal ball, his heart was enlightened -

All of this is destiny, the cycle of the world, karma is not happy ...

Such an expansion not only added a sense of atmosphere to the scene and a delicate portrayal of the characters' psychological activities, but also allowed the tension of the plot to be further enhanced.

As expected, the crystal ball surface of the light cover in the crowd of nervous eyes steeply appeared cracks, like a fragile eggshell can not withstand the internal surge of powerful force.

Only heard "click" a light sound, the light cover completely rupture, a touch of deep and inexplicable black gas violently broke free from the bondage, with an ancient and mysterious atmosphere, like the dimmest but the most compelling meteor in the night sky, rushed straight into the sky and then suddenly turned towards the crowd of panicked people under the stage to pounce.

A chaotic clamor immediately erupted among the crowd, with people screaming or exclaiming, scattering in all directions, with fear and unknown confusion written on everyone's face.

In front of this sudden change, no one was able to maintain their composure, because they knew that in this cultivation world, the unknown often accompanied danger, and this uninvited mass of black qi was the biggest unknown at their eyes.


The smudge of black qi seemed to have a will of its own as it traveled through the crowd, yet it avoided all obstacles with exceptional precision, neither touching any of them nor causing any more panic.

Its goal was clear, traveling straight in a specific direction, as if it was being pulled by some kind of unseen force.

In the end, the black gas drilled into Percy Spencer's body without warning, as the crowd watched in amazement.

Percy Spencer's body was slightly shaken, his face was filled with an unbelievable expression, his eyes were wide open due to shock, obviously, this sudden change exceeded all his expectations.

He raised his head, his gaze filled with confusion and a plea for understanding, and looked toward His Eminence on the high platform, a hint of trembling in his voice: "Your Excellency, what ... exactly is the meaning of this?"

Seeing this, His Holiness only smiled blandly, and that smile contained the openness and transcendence of knowing the world:

"There is no need to be concerned, everything is the destiny of heaven.

This black gas will definitely become a great help to you in the future, when the time is ripe, it will reveal its mysteries."After speaking, His Holiness's figure gradually faded and eventually disappeared into the air, leaving behind a period of silence and deep contemplation.

The crowd below the stage looked at each other in disbelief, half believing in His Holiness' words.

If this black gas was really a symbol of good luck, then Percy Spencer had undoubtedly gotten a great chance.

For a while, various complicated emotions mixed in the eyes of the crowd, there was envy, jealousy, and even deep resentment.

Among them, the first one to break the silence was Hannah Jones, who stepped forward with a smirk at the corner of her mouth, her words carrying an obvious provocative meaning:

"Congratulations hubby, such a strange encounter, it's a blessing of three lifetimes."

Words, her eyes intentionally or unintentionally swept over the side of Lisbeth Dawson, that "husband" called extraordinarily loud, as if to Lisbeth Dawson silent declaration of war.

Lisbeth Dawson heard, her face instantly became pale, she clenched her fists, her heart stirred with strong resentment and anger, but inadvertently increased the force on her hands, causing a sharp pain on the arm of Qiu Graham, who was holding her.

Qiu Graham's brows were locked in pain, and the look in Lisbeth Dawson's eyes was mixed with a bit of disbelief and reproach.

While the crowd was immersed in the solemn atmosphere of the ancient ceremony, suddenly, a clear and loud "wow" sound exploded into the air, as if the purest strings in the world had been violently plucked.

At that moment, everyone's mind was involuntarily attracted by this sudden change.

Only to see that crystal ball, which was usually as warm as the moon and serene, suddenly erupt with a dazzling and intense white light, like a god and goddess that had been sleeping for ten thousand years awakening and releasing power that was enough to shock the mind.

The brilliance of the light eclipsed everything around it, and even the air seemed to be refreshed by the pure energy.

What was even more shocking was that along with the white light, there was also a thin but tough white air current, which broke through the confines of the crystal ball like a wild horse, and without hesitation ran towards Lisbeth Dawson, the most inconspicuous person in the crowd, and ultimately merged into her body without a sound.

The scene brought the already tense atmosphere from the ceremony to an instant boiling point.

Qiu Graham was dumbfounded, his eyes filled with disbelief and confusion as he muttered under his breath, "This, how is this possible? Out of all of us, how could you be the chosen one? On your body, there isn't the slightest hint of a cultivator's aura!"

People's astonishment was overflowing, and the sound of whispers rose in all directions, spreading out like a tidal wave.

"Right, who is he? How come we've never seen him before? Could it be an unseen descendant of our family's side branch? Looking at his eyebrows, he really does have a few shadows of that second young lady from the Lloyd family ..."

One person whispered, while the others nodded thoughtfully.

"Perhaps, there are not so many inevitabilities in the world. His Holiness also said long ago that everything has its own heavenly arrangement, we'd better not speculate, each of us disperse."

The crowd gradually dispersed, but the surprise and doubt did not completely dissipate, leaving only a string of whispers echoing in the air.

In the midst of this tumult, Hannah Jones noticed that Percy Spencer's gaze remained fixed on Lisbeth Dawson, and the jealousy in her heart grew as wildly as weeds, but she had to force down the ripples in her heart because of the occasion.

"Hmph, it's just jealousy, a clown who only covets what others have ..."

She cursed secretly in her heart, her face becoming more and more gloomy.

Just at this moment, a male voice with a mocking undertone rang out from behind, "Hehe, it looks like someone is jealous and overturned, right? The heart to snatch is so hot, this time, how can you snatch it?"

The words were sharp and straight to the heart.

Hannah Jones turned around at the sound of her voice, and her eyes instantly filled with anger: "You! Is it your turn to tell you what to do here?"

Her voice trembled slightly due to her anger.

In the face of Hannah Jones' questioning, the other party not only did not restrain, but became more arrogant: "Yo, you think I want to talk nonsense with people like you? Look at your shrewish look, it's really ugly. I feel like I'm dirtying my mouth even if I say a word to you.

You don't take a piss and look in the mirror, what kind of person do you think you are?

Can you control my right to speak?"

The words were full of contempt and disdain.

Percy Spencer's brow couldn't help but tighten, an invisible pressure radiating from him, interrupting this meaningless argument: "Enough! David Lloyd, you should stop, we are all adults, don't you feel tired of this endless quarrel?"

Although his words were soft, they had a kind of majesty that could not be ignored.

In the face of Percy Spencer's persuasion, Hannah Jones pursed her lips, her heart's unwillingness and aggression mixed together, but she knew that it was inappropriate to add more waves at this moment, and could only forcefully squeeze out a cry, "Okay ..."

The tone of voice carried an obvious unwillingness and compromise.

The night grew thicker, a sudden storm gradually subsided, leaving everyone's heart, but not the same emotions and thinking.