
The corner of David Lloyd's mouth hooked up a cold arc, that disdainful snort with a hint of chill.

There was a sharpness hidden in his eyes, obviously on the surface he couldn't directly aid his sister due to all the scruples, but in that unknown dark place, how could he let go of giving that pair of scummy men and women a deep lesson?


He laughed coldly in his heart, this excuse was really a grand excuse!

If it was in the past, without the constraints of the family's reputation, he, David Lloyd, would have made Percy Spencer and that woman ashamed of themselves in the middle of the bustling hall, torn their false masks to shreds, and let the public see the true face of this pair of dog and woman.

"Percy Spencer, you remember, one day, you will regret for today's choice!"

After saying this, David Lloyd turned around angrily, his steps were firm and powerful, every step seemed to step on the anger of his heart, and he went straight back to the domain belonging to Lloyd's family, leaving behind a room of discussion and shock.

Percy Spencer, on the other hand, gently pressed his hand to the corner of his forehead and rubbed his tense temples, his brows coalescing with incomprehension and exhaustion.

He asked himself why he had ever provoked this young master of the Lloyd family, who was known for his fierce temperament.

Lately, he had been overwhelmed by a succession of distractions.

Especially with Lisbeth Dawson still in the hands of Qiu Graham, the tangle weighs on his mind like a boulder he can't ignore.

His home is out of reach, and he's tired of the so-called socialising that goes on at parties.

Percy Spencer is in an impossible dilemma at the moment, trapped and isolated.

In the midst of all this anxiety, Hannah Jones's voice rang out like a discordant note of impatience and resignation:

"Percy! Look, a third party in the district can enjoy such a great opportunity, what's more, this opportunity actually came at the same time with you, how will the outside world look at me? People will think you're a couple. Where's my face, my dignity?

Percy, you must save my face, you must not let them be so arrogant!"

Between the words, there was a determination and jealousy that could not be ignored.

Percy Spencer felt physically and mentally exhausted, as if every nerve was immersed in deep fatigue.

Nonetheless, in the face of the almost unreasonable demands of the person in front of him, he had no intention of pestering them, but only wanted to find a place of peace and quiet, so that his mind could take a moment's respite.


As if fate had intended to play a trick on him, he was unable to escape this sudden entanglement, and was caught by an irresistible force - the naked pair of marks.

The naked, scarred hands that clasped him, half-dragging, half-dragging him in a direction he hadn't wanted to go - the direction of the world.

Qiu Graham and the place where they currently resided.

There, Hannah Jones stood like a hen defending her territory, her arms folded and her posture inviolate.

Her face was twisted and her eyes glittered like a cheetah about to attack.

She unflinchingly opened fire on Li presently:

"What kind of character are you, was that magical white smoke just now just an illusion? If you can create that kind of spectacle again, perhaps I can still be merciful and let you go. If you can't, I advise you to make preparations early and find something of equal value to repay the displeasure in my heart!"

With these words, even the usually calm and unruffled Qiu Graham could not help but show a bitter smile on his face, and his words carried a hint of helpless flirtation as he said to Percy Spencer:

"What kind of god is the one who welcomes you to the door? Thanks to the gentle lady I just chose as my companion, otherwise I am afraid I would be the one who suffers from the disaster."

Hannah Jones turned sharply and realised that it was not just their corner of the room, but the entire hall, where countless eyes were focused on them like a spotlight, mingling into an invisible but heavy net.

Percy Spencer's patience finally reached its limit, and his face was as gloomy as a dark cloudy sky.

Under such an atmosphere, he couldn't help but reach out and pull Lisbeth Dawson over, his voice dripping with determination, "It's getting late, we should head back.Brother Graham, I'm sorry for my rudeness."

With that said, the two of them swiftly made their way through the crowd at a brisk pace, seemingly fleeing from those either curious or scrutinising gazes with every step, searching for a peaceful harbour of their own.

Witnessing Percy Spencer's almost dripping gloom, Hannah Jones realised in her heart of hearts that she had indeed overplayed her hand and made a big mistake.

But the pride and stubbornness in her heart is like a solid city wall, not allowing herself to easily bow down and admit defeat.

Especially when she saw Percy Spencer holding Lisbeth Dawson's hand before she left, that gesture was tantamount to a blatant provocation in her eyes, which made her already damaged self-esteem even worse.

Instead of the original trace of guilt disappearing, a wave of dissatisfaction and contempt for Percy Spencer and Lisbeth Dawson rose in her heart, and the expression on her face became cold and detached.