Hidden Secrets

This unassuming movement quietly fell into Qiu Graham's world-knowing eyes and aroused his deepest curiosity and inquisitiveness.

Usually, such extraordinary luck is like the brightest Percy in the night sky.

Lonely and dazzling.

There were never times when they reflected each other.

But now, it seems to appear in pairs, like twin stars appearing in the sky, signalling that between those two seemingly unrelated souls, there may be some kind of predestined bond.

Qiu Graham's mind wonders whether the ordinary girl is hiding a secret behind her, like a mountain covered by clouds, waiting to be explored.

Qiu Graham's eyes glittered with amusement, and an amused smile inadvertently appeared on his lips.

In his opinion, Percy Spencer was undoubtedly treating an ordinary wildflower as a rare and famous flower, while turning a blind eye to the real phoenix that soars in the sky.

Qiu Graham secretly decided to find a suitable time to play his own game in this game of fate.

Although he is never short of beautiful people around, but those or gentle or gorgeous figure, in his eyes is just a passing cloud.

Only that kind of mysterious and interesting soul could truly touch his deepest desire.

Thinking back to that day in front of the purpose, the other party's attitude towards Lisbeth Dawson was vaguely friendly and unusual, Qiu Graham couldn't help but think that--

Perhaps this was the beginning of a complex and subtle web of relationships that he could use as an opportunity to weave.


On the other side of the fence, Percy Spencer is not as relaxed as Qiu Graham.

As the saying goes, three women make a drama, and at the moment, just the entanglement between the two women is already causing him a headache.

He had no choice but to ask his driver to take Lisbeth Dawson to the Diamond Villa, while he accompanied an uncertain Hannah Jones back to the main house, fearing that the furore would intensify and never end.

Hannah Jones, the woman with the deepest heart, has obviously brewed up a new plan during this brief period of turmoil, and intends to turn on Lisbeth Dawson once again.

She gently pressed the button on her mobile phone, expecting to find the help she needed to carry out her plan through the voice on the other end of the line.


When a response finally came from the other end of the line, the familiar yet unfamiliar voice told her otherwise.

The ally who once promised to fight alongside her against Lisbeth Dawson is no longer someone she can rely on. ...

Hannah Jones' voice carried an unquestionable determination, and her first words were like a sharp ice pick in the winter, piercing straight to the heart, "As long as I can successfully get rid of Lisbeth Dawson, I'm willing to fight side by side with you, now, please tell me your strategy."

The man on the other end of the line was clearly caught off guard by this sudden offer, and after a brief silence, his voice seemed both cautious and slightly confused:

"Listening to your tone, it seems that the real owner of the mobile phone has already crossed paths with you.

Did he contact you earlier and propose a plan to join forces against Lisbeth Dawson?"

Every word of the man's spoke with thoughtfulness, as if he was trying to pull the threads out of this simple dialogue to find the truth behind it.

In the face of the other man's enquiry, Hannah Jones was frank to the point of near naivety, her uncut directness aptly simple and impulsive: "That's right. Well, what on earth are you to him? Hurry up and get him to come and speak to me in person!"

There was a hint of impatience in her tone.

Clearly, the desire for co-operation far exceeded her prudent consideration of the situation at hand.


The only thing that responded to her was an icy busy signal-

Without another word, Danny Lloyd simply hung up the phone.

He gazed at the contact information on the screen, the corner of his mouth hooked into a disdainful cold smile, "It looks like the lesson from the last time didn't make you learn from your mistakes, and you even dare to privately pull in outsiders to deal with your own family?"

Inside the ward, Catherine Lloyd was lying there, her breath weak and her face as pale as paper.

A wave of helplessness and sadness couldn't help but well up in her heart, and a dim light flashed in her eyes, "What, are you going to inflict punishment on me again for my stupid behaviour?"Her voice was as thin as a thread, as if it might dissipate at any time in the air that was filled with the smell of disinfectant water.

Eventually, Danny Lloyd gathered all his emotions and turned to leave the ward without looking back.

"After all, blood is thicker than water, so this time, I will spare you. But remember, this is my last visit to you. In the days to come, may you learn to exercise self-control and not let a similar tragedy repeat itself!"