Sudden change

The man walking in front of him, his sharp gaze swept over Lisbeth Dawson, and then turned to the examiner with a few questions in his tone, "Jaden, what do you intend to do by bringing such a little girl here? You should be clear that our Assassination Team has traditionally not accepted outsiders to wade in at will."

In the face of this sudden challenge, Lisbeth Dawson's cheeks puffed up like a defiant little beast, and the corner of her mouth hooked up with a hint of playfulness, "Aigoo, Fatty, what do you mean by this?"

Before the words left her mouth, she had already playfully kicked out in an attempt to break the slightly tense atmosphere.


The man sniffed, his face instantly reddening with rage, "I call this muscle! What does a little girl like you know!"

While saying that, he reached out a hand and put it on Lisbeth Dawson's shoulder, attempting to press with force and push her away.


Just in this flash of lightning, a dull pain suddenly appeared in Lisbeth Dawson's brain, as if some kind of latent power was calling out.

Almost out of instinct, her arm snapped out and wrapped around the other man's arm like a snake, followed by a deft elbow fold, and with a crunch, the man's arm snapped off, causing him to suck in a breath of cold air and let out a groan of pain.

But before he could adjust his stance and attack again, Lisbeth Dawson was as quick as a cat to catch a mouse and easily knocked him to the ground again, leaving no doubt as to his victory.

In the hustle and bustle of the arena, a curvaceous woman's eyes snapped up and locked onto the muscular man who had accidentally fallen to the ground.

Her pupils contracted dramatically in an instant, and an unstoppable anger rose from the bottom of her heart, "How dare you be so arrogant, this young lady swears to be at loggerheads with you!"

After saying that, she did not hesitate, like a gust of wind sweeping, her athletic figure instantly rushed up to the centre of the ring.

At the same time, Lisbeth Dawson stood still in the crowd, her eyes were sharp and calm, capturing the woman's ferocious attack.

She gently raised her hand and flicked her long fingers in the air, and in a flash, a dazzling white light was like a fairy flying out of the sky, intercepting the woman's momentum with precision and accuracy, and dissolving her fierce attack into nothing, causing her body to stutter, and then fall back to the ground uncontrollably.

This scene, let the presence of Jaden stared wide-eyed, full of shock, "You ... you are a supernormal ability person? How is this possible!"

In the face of Jaden's questioning, Lisbeth Dawson's heart rippled, a trace of bewilderment and incomprehension flashing through her eyes.

She looked down and examined her hands as if she was recognising them for the first time.

All this time, she had considered herself nothing more than a speck of mortal dust, and had never fantasised about possessing powers beyond the ordinary.

In her perception, even cultivators with profound cultivation would have difficulty reaching the realm of supernormal capabilities, not to mention an ordinary person like herself who did not have the slightest cultivation foundation ...

Seeing her silence, Jaden sketched a playful smile at the corner of his mouth, mistaking her silence for acquiescence to the question.

He walked towards the ring with a brisk pace and affectionately shook Lisbeth Dawson's hand, his brows filled with delight, ''Haha, so it's a hidden supernormal ability person, why do you have to be so low-key? Come, come, from now on, you will protect our young master personally, all the glory and wealth need not be mentioned!"

Lisbeth Dawson was still immersed in the sudden change, as if in a dream.

She nodded numbly and followed Jaden's footsteps, mechanically returning to her own room, her heart filled with mixed feelings of both anticipation and confusion about the future.

And in the compound of the Lloyd family of the God Clan, which was far away from the hustle and bustle, the ancient complex of buildings was hidden between the dense forests and trees, appearing solemn and mysterious.

Danny Lloyd, dressed in a silver-white Tang suit with fluttering sleeves, was leisurely sipping tea, occasionally gently sipping a cup of tea, his expression bland and self-conscious.

In stark contrast, an athletic figure in bright red across the street looks agitated.

That was his younger brother David Lloyd, seeing his brother so calm, he couldn't help but complain, "Big brother, how can you be so calm? Our sister is being bullied outside right now!"

Danny Lloyd slightly raised his head, indifferent black eyes swept through a deep, but did not give his brother too much attention, just slowly put down the tea in his hands, while speaking leisurely, "David, what's the use of being in a hurry? Everything has its own destiny, the end will soon see the difference."

Between the words, through a kind of see through the world of calmness and certainty, as if everything in his anticipation.

Just after saying this, there were light footsteps coming from outside the door, and immediately after, a henchman respectfully stepped into the room, and respectfully said, "Eldest Young Master, Second Young Master, the things that you commanded to be investigated, have already yielded results."

His hands trembled slightly, clearly harbouring a few apprehensions about the contents of the report he was about to present.

The man carefully handed the report in his hand forward, and David Lloyd couldn't wait to snatch it straight out of his hand, his eyes flashing with eagerness and anger.

After just a moment of browsing, the report seemed to ignite the flame of anger in his heart, only to see him violently slamming the information towards Danny Lloyd beside him, with such force that the paper drew an arc in the air.

"Big brother! Look at this! That bastard Percy Spencer, he even has a family already, can you bear to let Lisbeth be the one who destroys other people's families?"

A touch of helplessness and resignation surfaced on Danny Lloyd's face, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

He did not want to lend a helping hand, but there were some things that could not be changed by his power alone.

Looking at his brother's indignant face, he felt an inexplicable heaviness.

Silence spread between the two men, David Lloyd mistook this silence for opposition to himself, and became more and more agitated, almost snarling and shouting: "Danny Lloyd! If it wasn't for Lisbeth's help back then, we two brothers might still be wandering around today!"

Danny Lloyd sniffed and held his forehead helplessly, his brows were full of exhaustion and bitterness, "Alas, David, listen to me ..."

But before his explanation could reach his mouth, it was rudely interrupted by David Lloyd, "Enough, brother, stop pretending. If you won't go out of your way, then I'll go myself, can't I?"

With those words, he turned around violently, with an attitude of going out of his way, ready to leave this place that was depressing him.


Danny Lloyd just faintly put down the lapis lazuli cup in his hand, the tea gently swirling, his voice calm but with unquestionable determination:

"No, you can't go."